Sometime between now and the end of the year…..

Slabbed will garner its one millionth page view for 2013 shattering last year’s site traffic record. Thank you for being in that number. Following are links to Slabbed’s top 5 site traffic days in 2013: October 11, 2013 (A date with no posts.) February 25, 2013 – Live coverage of Aaron Broussard’s sentencing November 7, 2013 … Continue reading “Sometime between now and the end of the year…..”

The Heart of the Matter: Exhibits F & G

Last February I wrote to Nova Scotia Supreme Court Justice Pierre Muise regarding the submission of false and misleading aka perjured affidavits by Charles Leary in the Louisiana Media LLC case in Nova Scotia, a lawsuit to which Slabbed was not a party but which Leary, on behalf of Aaron Broussard used as a vehicle … Continue reading “The Heart of the Matter: Exhibits F & G”

Exhibits D & E: “Prohibited Collateral Use”

Nova Scotia Civil Procedure Rules: Collateral use 14.03 (1) Nothing in Part 5 diminishes the application of the implied undertaking not to use information disclosed or discovered in a proceeding for a purpose outside the proceeding, without the permission of a judge. Exhibit D ~ Affidavit of Charles Leary dated June 13, 2011 And: Exhibit … Continue reading “Exhibits D & E: “Prohibited Collateral Use””

Holiday Season Special: Easy as Exhibits A, B & C

The following has very profound implications: Exhibit A ~ The official word on a few of former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard’s many other criminal acts: Broussard’s receipt of a major ownership interest in a company holding Canadian resort property for little or no capital contribution, which was instead supplied by various Parish vendors Beginning in … Continue reading “Holiday Season Special: Easy as Exhibits A, B & C”

The headline could have easily read…..

5 Sun Herald attorneys from Jones Walker working with Aaron Broussard and pals to shut Slabbed down. Naw folks, the Sun Herald only cares about the First Amendment and public records when it is their own ox being gored. Five attorneys working for Mississippi to keep records from public ~ Anita Lee Speaking of the … Continue reading “The headline could have easily read…..”

Jackson Legal: If it weren’t for a conflict of interest, Jones Walker would have no interest at all

Brian Eason wrote a story for the Sunday Clarion Ledger (h/t RFP in comments) that is simply excellent about the conflicts of interest involved with Jones Walker representing everyone against the middle and it involves a truckload of public money with the Jackson Redevelopment Authority and the Farish Street Entertainment District in blighted downtown Jackson.  Eason takes … Continue reading “Jackson Legal: If it weren’t for a conflict of interest, Jones Walker would have no interest at all”

Sunday Links: The dangerous people of the internet strike again!

I start this morning with a three pack from the Sea Coast Echo: Fillingame wants loan to cover Bay’s bills ~ Cassandra Favre “I’m still not certain that we are okay on collecting people’s waste water and garbage fees and using them for something else,” Ward Five Councilman Joey Boudin said. “We go out and … Continue reading “Sunday Links: The dangerous people of the internet strike again!”

Doomsday for the former Goatherder in Chief?

Judge declines to toss out Katrina flooding lawsuit against Aaron Broussard and Jefferson Parish ~ Paul Purpura Peytavin noted there were too many questions concerning Broussard’s credibility to make the pretrial judgments. The judge twice noted in his three rulings that Broussard has given only one deposition. Something tells me Darleen Jacobs’ people will not … Continue reading “Doomsday for the former Goatherder in Chief?”

Louisiana Miscellany: Money talks…….

Forbes: Newhouses’ fortune increases ~ Andrew Beaujon For those that missed it I highly recommend as a companion to the above last night’s episode of Errol and the Noisemakers as Errol and his crack panel of seasoned journalistic professionalsTM were on fire last night. Last year’s restructure of the Times Picayune along with the advent … Continue reading “Louisiana Miscellany: Money talks…….”