7 thoughts on “They’re a well tempered bunch…..”

  1. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Hello Slabbed Nation. Today marks 17th,anniversary of the imfamous Bogalusa Gaylord Chemical criminal Release. Take note when this corporate cloud of poison landed on our home we lived in a rural area. How in the hell this all came to include half of every criminal court politician from Louisiana and all those in Mississippi passed me by some time back. You know usually the lead plaintiff of a legal cause recieves something. But in Mississippi it has been a matter of constant reminder. I’m left singing ZZ Top. Let’s see how did those lyrics go? To the theives of Hinds County Court House, Court House I gotsta get paid.

  2. If only the two klowns from San Antonio masquerading as “locals”, the “pay me money or else” duo of Steve and Salvador Monistere with their nonsense trademark/hijacking of the phrase “Who Dat” would read your comments, Doug, if only.

  3. WHO DAT says dis ‘Jefferson Parish political corruption ain’t more corrupt dem corrupt politicians in Bell, Calif.

    All dem Bell, Calif pols were done arrested, chained getta’ in a daisy chain and did towed way in handcuffs to da big house.

    Here in Loosiana we cajuns feed da’ little crook nutrias secretbait, did let dem keep da’ loot, use dem as bait to trap da’ BIGGER ones and den cook dem big asses in a picque sauce.
    Done gotta nuff nutria grub doe -so gotta daisy chain dem to big hung bubba to get dere One -A- Day prostate massage.


  4. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sock, Sal Monistere is or runs a motion picture and video distribution company from Teaxs. He and Steve have made claim to the “who dat” pharse. TEP referred to reading the comment. So Steve and Salvador are saying money was and is being made by words they own. Although I’m not certain about “who dat” or how much money was gained by its use, I know and have proven in Hinds County Mississippi, jacking the name Marie brings a pretty penny. I do recall in a post the copy-write ouestion of using as in idenity thief the name of others for unlawful profits. I give thought to this all the time. Still, I bet lifelock would have ripped off the million they claim to pay its victims.

    1. I’m very familiar with who they are and the lawsuit. I just did not understand how the context of the post or your comment gave context to bringing up the lawsuit or making an unprovoked personal attack. I don’t know patent law, but the law, as it applies in this case, has been very well explained to me by someone who does. I really don’t understand the rest of what you’re talking about.

      Unlike that slob Spud McConnell, I don’t think slabbed will be taking an opinion poll on who thinks they know how to apply patent law. Sometimes the application of law is not exactly consistent with “common sense,” especially indignant, yat common sense.

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