11 thoughts on “WGNO’s Kaare Johnson joins the fray, opines on River Birch Landfill and Team Ward/Heebe”

  1. Now there is a bandwagon to hop aboard, else Kaare would not be mentioning any of this.

    If you look at the permits on River Birch’s website you will find that all but one were issued during Blank Zero’s time in office, near the end of her term. This makes me wonder if Jim Bernhard, Shaw Group (the real post-Katrina money machine), was involved. The other was not long after Jindal took office thus would have likely already been in motion

    1. Good observation about Kaare. As I noted in an earlier comment, this guy has never had an original thought enter his head. As Mama said to Owen’s friend, Larry: “Who the hell are you all of a sudden?” It’s easy to give the short-version of something and be indignant about it . . . especially when others have been laying the groundwork for years. Go Kaare!

  2. Yeah what’s really laughable is Robinette’s denials of violating the publics trust while the station and employees make a living hawking paying sponsors like Orleans shoring.

  3. i haven’t listened to johnson in some time due to sirius but i recall kaare raised a red flag re: the closure of the jefferson parish landfill. this was before laginappe was disclosed i believe.

  4. Wonder if Kaare saw what was going on with Garland/Heebe and he was canned because he wouldn’t shill for River Birch/Heebe. Kaare’s departure was very sudden and there has been speculation about the relationship Garland & Kaare have together.

  5. http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2012/10/garland_robinettes_repayment_t.html

    More information comes to light on Intercomm’s Garland Robinette and the possible federal indictment that he will now face since the Washington DOJ have taken over. He ain’t at Letten’s house no mo Garland is in the hands of those Yankee DOJ who are building their staff daily. Rumor is that there are now an extra 40 federal investigators who have been assigned to all aspects of this case over the last 7 months from across the US.

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