The last issue of the old Times Picayune: Aaron Broussard excoriated on the editorial page.

Times Picayune pundit Jarvis DeBerry normally writes on issues we do not cover on Slabbed but I read just about everything he writes in his columns.  That said Jarvis has been burdened with a secret since just before Hurricane Katrina concerning the former Goatherder-in-Chief and he let it all out yesterday and then some.  He conveys a simple truth that Broussard was far more than an accomplished con man as he was also a thug despite the phony emotional displays on national Tee Vee after Hurricane Katrina.

Jarvis’ column paired nicely the Editorial Board’s River Birch’s money spoke loudly in Louisiana: Editorial. Somewhere in my memory banks I seem to remember that money extends to the coast as well.  I’ll have more on that when the time is right.

Finally on Saturday the gang chimed in with this piece on Barry Bordelon’s return to the Jefferson Parish Housing Authority as councilman at large Chris Roberts engages in his favorite pastime: Grandstanding. It’s a councilmatic thing evidently.  😉

Something tells me this will be a big week here on Slabbed.


4 thoughts on “The last issue of the old Times Picayune: Aaron Broussard excoriated on the editorial page.”

  1. WTF Wooly bully my f’n ass , I got my hip boots on , DeBarry makes my long standing argument the TP had inclinations to know all was not alright within the administration yet failed to support a single whistleblower or whistleblower rights . Anne Marie Venderwigh is still ignored by the TP when she should be held in high regard for her actions yet no one suggests a single award or some type of merit or even a follow up story ? Same old story with the TP all ways around for the crumbs but never for the meal. When was the last original story of public corruption no one else broke first come from the TP and from whom ?

    1. Terrific job? Kaare’s never had an original thought pass between his ears and even that commentary is very “surfacey.” But I’ll give him an “A” for effort. Too bad Bill Elder is gone.

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