Phony Baroni: Way past time we rolled out this member of the Goatherder Nation for the consideration of the Slabbed Nation

Even better folks I did not have to do any of the work since I am goofing off this week here on the beautiful Mississippi Gulf Coast as the Flaming Liberal over at Your Right Hand Thief has been all over former Kenner politico and Broussardian Goatherder Nick Baroni since before Slabbed entered the Jefferson Parish Corruption cesspool. Mark Moseley aka Oyster was kind enough to sum everything up in a post last month on Broussard, Baroni and that illegal Executive Pay Plan Broussard started when he was Mayor of Kenner. (H/T ‘Gate and others that made sure this did not fall off my radar screen)


3 thoughts on “Phony Baroni: Way past time we rolled out this member of the Goatherder Nation for the consideration of the Slabbed Nation”

  1. Speaking of the City of Kenner has anyone looked closely at “Operation Blighted Officials” investigation. The City of Kenner was ground zero for the insurance commission racket gobbling up a high ranking senior official (Richard Chambers) with the Louisiana Department of Insurance. Chambers was a Deputy Commissioner with the Department of Insurance. Chambers was in charge of the Minority Affairs Division. The Minority Affairs Division assists small, minority, and disadvantaged insurance agencies and producers.

    Excerpt from story:

    “Chambers noted that he could use his official influence with Mayors Grace and Brown to cause their municipalities to direct insurance business” to the person he believed was a Kenner insurance agent, the charge alleges.”

    What the story doesn’t mention is that the Kenner Insurance agency (Name of Agency not identified) had an undercover FBI agent operating as a insurance agent out of it. What is “unique” about this story is that one of the senior FBI agents who was intimately involved in this case was indicted in Jan of 2011 for bankruptcy fraud in Tenn. After a one year sabbatical in bringing indictments the DOJ has ramped up their efforts again by indicting a former Port Allen City Council member (Johnny Johnson Sr.) prior to this latest indictment of former DOI Deputy Commissioner Richard Chambers. Prior to that 4 BR area Mayors and one Chief of Police were convicted. Johnson by the way was convicted of receiving a Bayou Classic Suite tickets to the Bayou Classic which was valued at $2,500. Also unique to the story is that Chambers was using his old standby insurance agency but for some reason deemed them “undependable.”

    It is important to note that Richard Chambers is cooperating with the the FBI, DOJ, HUD, & Dept of Homeland Security. Former St. Gaberiel Mayor George Grace who pled guilty recently had his sentencing pushed back to August 27, 2012. If you live in Port Allen though don’t worry though that the former Mayor & Police Chief are going to jail because two weeks ago they appointed a convicted felon as the CAO for Port Allen.

    Does anyone else find it coincidental that Operation Blighted Officials started off with indictments involving municipal sanitation contracts?

    “Blighted” appears to mean that either Road home money or CBDG money was used hence HUD’s involvement but HS’s involvement typically means security money was misappropriated or was used.

    The Kenner connection could be nothing at all or it could be something much bigger that has been off of everyone’s radar screens.

  2. Pres,
    Yes seems the FBI have used the name in several cases but don’t see HUD involvement in any of the cases other than the source of most the money being misappropriated. HUD Inspector General has it’s own investigators and even with congressional report after report stating CDBG and FEMA funds have alarmingly high rates of fraud waist and abuse than any other governmental agency there are also alarmingly low rates of prosecution. In short it’s the largest pork barrel trough the nation has ever seen you would think the old saying and ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure would be good advice for the HUD OIG to follow but the agency just seems not to work that way just look at how much it costs the taxpayers from Fannie May and Freddie Mac deboggle.

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