All Hail Argus XXX

Councilman Elton LaGasse has it bad folks:

“This is almost a culmination of a career of being in the public eye,” Lagasse said. “How many people can sit up on a float and see thousands of people waving at you, ‘Throw me something!’”

Perhaps you guys can fill in some of those career defining moments in comments. Meantime Slabbed has obtained exclusive footage from the dress rehearsal of the King Argus XXX toast at the JP reviewing stand.

10 thoughts on “All Hail Argus XXX”

  1. .. oh please..not more of this guy..but , I guess it fits, now he can clearly ask people out in the crowd to kiss his ring..

    spare me..seems these career politicans can’t get enough of themselves..

  2. My German friend has studied and translated the video of the toast and this is it:

    ” I have some von memories of my dickttatorshit – but vone in particular comes to mind when I commanded Whitmer to write dat’ 6 Million dollar check to da’ Turd Axis contractor. I told him ” you stupid Dim-Wit sign it or I vill send yo’ playground ass to da’ LargASS gas chambers vhere you will have to smell my Parliamentarian brain farts fo’ another 4 years !!!! ”

    Heil Da’ Gasser- All Heil da’ Gasser- fo’ dat Big Arian Elephant on Airline.

  3. Does anyone have a photograph of LaGAS kissing the BIG FAT LIPS of “Queen Zulu” on the occasion of the Lundi Gras Meeting of Argus and Zulu? If so, we should start “BIDDING” on the print this photo to benefit Doug in his never-ending-battle against the “goat-herders”. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  4. Argus XXX’s theme was ” Storyteller” which is perhaps da’ reason LaGass was chosen as it depicts some of da’ King’s councilmatic explanations. And wit him also wearing dem supra sexy, light violet panyhose in da’ cold rain made him sexceptable to possibly contractin’ jungle fever.

    Hope dem EMTs, Extreme Mental Technicians, gotts da’ boy to Children Hospital’s neuro-wing to save his majestic, one-of -a kind Parliamentarian life.

  5. Hey Laba’ done almost forgot , it’s Ash Wednesday so will someone at Children’s please remind da’ LargArgus King to done gets outta his LargBed to goes gets his LargAshes –

    on he’s Naturalli’ LargAss heed.

  6. To: The SLABBED Nation: Reference: “The EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES”. Is it “just me” or does anyone else believe that the ZULU “organization” does NOT deserve the “prime spot” on Mardi Gras morning? It’s “parade” was a joke. It was “supposed” to honor the Communist terrorist Nelson Mandela from the Socialist Republic of South Africa (no American flags flew in the parade, but there were many South African flags, and the colors of the Black Supremacy Movement (black, red and green) flaunted. And although there were “Titles” displayed on the tractors (made in Russia?) towing the “floats”, the floats had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the titles. There were CLOWNS, ANIMALS, MORE CLOWNS, MORE ANIMALS, but NOTHING MATCHED. It was all “helter-skelter”, and had NOTHING to do with Mandela, or for that matter “The ZULU KING”, Queen, Big Shot, Witch Doctor, or whatever else the ZULU “organization” calls its “CULTURE”. And the costumes, including particularly the black-face and animal skins (many endangered species)! If white people parodied the Negro race like ZULU does, and then put on a fourth or fifth rate parade, like the ZULU “organization” does, they would be called RACIST. Reference: THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES. Ashton O’Dwyer.

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