Oh yeah boys and girls, it’s on alright

Let’s just say that the hearing week ago Wednesday did not go well for Danny Abel and his boys Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret aka Randall Cajun.

July 19 Goathertder Motion expand proceedings and letter to Justice Muise

And this Coyle guy the gang at Team Goatherder keeps yammering on about…..well, lets just say a former Federal prosecutor once told me in reference to doing criminal or civil law that he’d take Colombian Narco Terrorists any day over a determined civil litigant, not even close in his world so I guess I’ll share a little secret that when I am fully provoked I throw sharp elbows. This Coyle guy’s time is up:

Handshoe v Michael Coyle Application Affidavit and Motion for default judgment

And once I get my judgment I am taking it up to Canada to enroll it. It has also come to my attention there is another dupe from Nova Scotia named Lynch that inserted himself into the Aaron Broussard US internet commenter retaliation scandal on behalf of the felonious Broussard, so it is now a matter of time before he gets his official invite to the party.  The term Justice Muise used to describe what the guy wrote was “defamatory by implication”.  I agree with this learned jurist on that issue. Bottom line is when I said I’d had enough it was the God’s honest truth.

Here is my response to the latest from Danny Abel’s boys at Trout Point Lodge.

Justice Muise Letter July 19, 2013

I think this latest outburst results from the Rule 26 discovery and Request for Admissions I sent out earlier this week. I’m getting free legal training most people pay a fortune to get and there is nothing wrong with learning, in fact I’m a big fan of lifelong learning.  🙂

11 thoughts on “Oh yeah boys and girls, it’s on alright”

  1. My Lord,
    Bitch, bitch, bitch , bitch, bitch ,bitch and nothing but bitching …… When will all this infantile bitching stop? Surely there is a lordly rule against excessive, prolonged bitching before yo’ Honorable Lord. Amen and I do mean A MENS are needed in your crying room Court.

  2. Looks like the procedure up there on the Bay of Fundy is something on the order of organized chaos.

      1. Got to love the “right of action” which was “negotiated”[sic] and also the invocation of copyrights acquired, which presumably are after the fact of whatever disparagement, right (and I’m one of esoteric legalism but scratching my head over how one libels a copyright before the fact).

        Are these klowns representing they purchased a “right of action” or got by assignment or WTF? I would hope even Canuck law recognizes an exception of vagueness or you in discovery would like to know what these creeps mean in the acquisition of the right of action – what “right,” and being personal to someone, who is that someone, etc., etc. Who knows, maybe those from whom obtained are properly before the court.

        One would have to chuckle if the Canuck magistrate need issue process to that bald headed psych residing in that “institution” in North Carolina. Wouldn’ that be a laughriot, Doug!

  3. If Leary is “appearing” before the Court for his corporate entity, I think that is the unauthorized practice of law – at least it is here in the States. Just saying……

    1. Had Enuff:: You raise a interesting question which I thought about when on page 3 of the Applicants’ brief is written:”The pro se Applicants, Charles Leary Vaughn Perret, and Trout Point Lodge, Limited….”

      …then on page 9 after brief’s closing prayer Charles Leary signs his name and below types, “Charles Leary on behalf of himself and the Applicants”

      Maybe a pro se person in Canada can submit a motion and brief on his own behalf and it be considered submitted by the other joint Applicants, however on first appearances according to accepted legal procedure guidelines in U.S. it appears Charles Leary is legal counsel of record for Vaughn Perret and their jointly owned corporation, Trout Point Lodge.

      How does a U.S. pro se person research the legal procedure of Canada much less legal jurisprudence?

      Personally, I’d call Dudley Do-Right of the RCMP whose legal slogans I’ve heard are, ” Dial #One and It’s Done”, “Put da’ Dudley Do-Right on Dem'” and ” Dudley da’ Do-you-Right Guy you Should Call,He Knows it All”

      1. That is true, Doug. A corporate entity cannot appear “pro se.” That is a nonsense.

    2. I’ve thought about this latest piece of legal jackassery for a couple of days and thus want to make sure Danny Abel and his two SLAPP Happy nut job errand boys understand this intimately. If they want a piece of me for defamation in Canada I’m ready to get it on if they have the sack to draft the complaint and properly serve it.

      Also worth pointing out is that people like Carl Finley, Henry Laird, Aaron Broussard, Danny Abel and others have written or uttered things about me that would be considered defamation under Canadian law. The more the merrier at this point because none of these thugs intimidate me in either a US Court or a Canadian one.

      Supposedly they want a legal fight yet on the eve of legal battle they flee like cowards, first back on May 14, 2013 and again with the Motion above. Of course the term Abel used to describe me, Slabbed and its commenters as a bunch of “anonymous cowards”, which is really a self descriptive term for themselves based on their Randall Cajun character.

      I relish the opportunity to prove my case.

    1. Why not, “Not now,” given all the effluvia spewed by Newhouse over the years, it is nice to see a load dropped on them for a change.

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