Who knew we all shudda put in for combat pay……..

When I read this last bombshell from NOLA Media Group Editor/Reporter Gordon Russell my first thought was to take a peek back at Slabbed circa February 2011. I think I understand why Heebe was searching for an internet commenter and this snippet from Gordon’s must read explains it:

The hotel has a computer set up for public use by guests; it was easily accessible to anyone walking in off the street. Heebe’s legal team had identified a comment that intrigued them — one that referenced James “Dutchie” Connick, a lobbyist for River Birch, the landfill Heebe co-owns.

As I recall the heat was on Heebe then as he had the full court press going with Judge Ginger to undo parts of the FBI raid on River Birch HQ.

Finally all eyes on Jason Berry over at AZ as he shared that surveillance photo used in Gordon’s story with me many weeks ago. He is promising to add some info and I personally can’t wait.

“The truth is beginning to emerge.”

Repost: Land swap to give landfill longer life – Council expected to approve proposal

Land swap to give landfill longer life – Council expected to approve proposal
Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA) – Tuesday, December 10, 2002
Author: Manuel Torres West Bank bureau

A private West Bank developer and Jefferson Parish officials have negotiated the exchange of equally sized plots of land near Waggaman, in a deal they said would expand the capacity of the parish landfill and the private River Birch Landfill, and would help the parish keep residents’ garbage disposal rates low.

River Birch co-owner Jim Ward and Parish President Tim Coulon are calling the land swap “a win-win situation” as it goes for Parish Council approval Wednesday. Most council members said Monday they would vote in favor of the proposal because it’s expected to extend the capacity of the parish-owned landfill by 10 years or more.

“It’s a good deal,” Coulon said.

Representatives of Waggaman neighborhoods were not available for comment Monday. Continue reading “Repost: Land swap to give landfill longer life – Council expected to approve proposal”

So here I am, sitting at a major crossroads in Slabbed’s coverage of the scandal in Jefferson Parish…..

Vaughn Perret, Daniel G. “Danny” Abel and Charles Leary posing for the business media in Nova Scotia at Trout Point Lodge

And guys I’m agonizing because I’ve had a comprehensive post in drafts since August detailing the retaliation against anyone who has covered or spoken out on the massive political corruption scandal in Jefferson Parish by Aaron Broussard and his band of Goatherders.  The original plan, based upon the advice of my lawyer Bobby Truitt was to roll it out after I won my SPEECH Act case against Broussard’s business agents/co-conspirators in Canada, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret.  For reasons I can’t go into at this time (and frankly I may never be able to go into) I’m still holding said post, which documents the events in detail.  It will roll folks, that I promise.

But there is more because of Mark Moseley’s recent Lens column on internet commenter Jack, whom most everyone that is paying attention has deduced is Sal Perricone myself included.  It is no secret I want to visit with Sal and to the extent he honors his ethical obligations as an attorney, he has the same rights as everyone else to express his opinions as he sees fit.  But alas there is an investigation ongoing into the commenting scandal at the US Attorney’s office thus this Manuel Torres story for NOLA yesterday puts the stakes for everyone involved in that fight in perspective as the defamation suit Heebe v Perricone has been stayed by mutual request of the litigants.

Speaking of that investigation I can confirm the Department of Justice is crawling every square inch of Slabbed looking for evidence of grand jury leaks with particular emphasis on my composite source, the Legendary Wino of Lafayette Square.  I think this diligence is a good thing because DoJ DC is taking the investigation very seriously and they should.  I’d like to add that I do not expect to be subpoenaed by Team Horn. I absolutely love the fact officialdom thinks enough of Slabbed’s comprehensive post archives on the corruption scandal in Metro New Orleans to read it in detail.

But Jack is still on my mind because Jack, post employment of course, had other handles that he used on Slabbed and what the guy had to say, I thought was highly enlightening.  So I have a conundrum, do I out Jack’s other alias to make a very important, albeit self serving point or do I leave it be and file it under the sanctity of commenting on Slabbed.  I mean Perricone was way on the inside of the investigation back in the day Continue reading “So here I am, sitting at a major crossroads in Slabbed’s coverage of the scandal in Jefferson Parish…..”

Hark did someone mention Buddy Caldwell and the Oil Spill????

Yesterday Melenda Deslatte and Michael Kunzleman at the AP did in fact.

Gulf Oil Spill Case: Buddy Caldwell, Louisiana Attorney General, Has Already Spent Nearly $24 Million ~ AP via The Huffington Post

I’ll let all you newbies out there in on a little secret. Slabbed was one of a select group of local blogs everyone in the National Media read during the oil spill, often times ripping off our material without any attribution. My own perspective is it is hard to respect anyone in the media that does not have the common decency to attribute where they got their story leads which is why I have such little respect for the national media.

So what in the heck does this all have to do with Buddy Caldwell and the Huff Po?  Mainly because on the “Around the Web” widget at the bottom of the story that I linked above, Slabbed’s previous coverage of Louisiana Attorney General Buddy Caldwell is linked at the #2 slot right below Bloomberg.  I personally think we should be #1.  😉

Well tickle my ass with a feather……. :mrgreen: