Speaking out in the face of libel terror: Slabbed makes the social media in Nova Scotia

From a facebook page that I will not name due to the risk of a Nova Scotia SLAPP suit against the author.

Last August I stood on a public internet street identified only by a place I had been and I asked a stranger named Sop if he could point me to the intersection of “government corruption” and “we don’t prosecute”.

It is a place I’ve been often but the names and numbers keep changing.Five days later Douglas Handshoe got named as the guilty party in a libel defamation action filed by Trout Point Lodge.

He stood accused of many wrongs including homophobic hate and most disturbingly his chance encounter with me was used as evidence he was rounding up a cell of terror in NS to strike out against them. They said they were locking their doors, so scared they were breaking out in fever blisters.

That is the upside of this matter, that they felt threatened. I wouldn’t mess with Douglas Handshoe. He is the guy responsible for all the federal indictments and criminal prosecutions going on in New Orleans right now.

Thanks to him, a company called Concrete Busters is able to list Trout Point Lodge and its lawsuit against him as collateral damage, what happens when good folks try to interfere with and put an end to corruption.

You see, a libel action filed in NS is an instant guilty verdict. And Doug very clearly said he was not responding to libel tourists, he was not coming to NS to answer this lawsuit, if they seriously objected to him and who he spoke with online and what got published to his blog online, they needed to show up in Mississippi and file their claim there. Made sense, these owners are Americans and some even have law offices in the heart of where these alleged libelous activities went on. Nova Scotia is an inappropriate jurisdiction to handle things happening on American soil and by Americans.

The bad news is after Trout Point won a default judgement, they were then awarded $425,000, the largest defamation ‘victory’ if you believe the spin, in NS history.

This story is Doug’s to tell and I hope he writes a book and makes some money sharing it with the public. My role is so minor it is silly mentioning and I only do because some reading here are eating turkey today instead of humble pie.

I won’t get into that either but to Doug, if are you reading, this is our Canadian Thanksgiving today and I am thankful for you and for those directions. I found my way just fine.

3 thoughts on “Speaking out in the face of libel terror: Slabbed makes the social media in Nova Scotia”

  1. Obviously the girls are quickly wearing out their welcome. This raises a good question, what Canadian or American officials plan to get involved when a group of individuals use perjury, wire fraud and mail fraud to manipulate the courts using a SLAPP suit to hide a money laundering public corruption scam. Canadian and Nova Scotia courts seem to be following a course reminiscent of cold war Russia with SLAPP suits intended for shutting up critics regardless how truthful the statements are and in this case used to hide public corruption . I am not an attorney however IMHO this seems to be very close to violations of several laws like the Patriot Act and/or the Foreign Public Corruptions Act and is way more serious in crossing boarders than just a simple public bribery act of an official.

  2. I am working every US law enforcement angle plus some. I’d like to add the author gives me too much credit on exposing the JP corruption. We’ve done our share but there are also others like Jacqueline Patterson Edwards.

    1. Something’s not Kosher about how/why/who was responsible for the amended ‘RICO’ petition. I am continuing to investigate the cicumstances that prompted Ms. Edwards to be involved in matters she could not have been privy to unless directed by ‘someone’ close to the Hubbard investigation that netted Whitmer et al.

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