Kevin Costner slithering back to the coast……

That’s right folks Bull Durham is headed back to the coast with his band to play the at the Sun and Sand Mississippi Film & Music Festival. Now Bull isn’t the only one full of it as event organizers are promising to draw 200,000 attendees to South Mississippi for the festivities but it is a nice thought.

Kate Magandy has the story for the Sun Herald for those interested in Bull’s latest project after fleecing BP with those bogus centrifuges he promised would solve the oil spill that didn’t. Along those lines Slabbed was able to obtain a partial playlist of Costner and his band’s gig as follows:

  • Magnum May
  • Knock three times on the centrifuge if you want me
  • We’ve only just begun (to fleece)
  • Come on Holstein
  • (Piyush) Blinded Me With No Science
  • Careful With That Axe, Baldie

See ya there. 🙂
