Something tells me this whole Kenner Convention and Visitors Bureau mess is fixing to get ugly

And what about the little people?  You know, local business people that through no fault of their own provided goods and services to KCVB and were stiffed?? This folks is the way of a typical Broussardian Goatherder IMHO.

We’re going to have more on this down the line. ~ sop

30 thoughts on “Something tells me this whole Kenner Convention and Visitors Bureau mess is fixing to get ugly”

  1. Sounds like DA Connick, as per his public duties, should be taking the characters in this Kenner Convention Center lawsuit before a Grand Jury. And seeking to indict them for malfeasance in office as per La.Supreme Court landmark case, State of Louisiana vs Michael Petitto.

    Then again Lee Zurich has just disclosed possible Ethical violations in campaign spending by Jefferson parish DA, Paul Connick.

    So, “Who ya gonna Call” to take these politico slim bags out?

    Dats who!!!!

    1. ‘DON’ Connick will absolutely do nothing …

      No matter what flip side a Yenni name falls, a Connick will fall with them…and who’s going to do anything about it anyway !!!

  2. That’s only the soft shoe the invite to the big dance is comming. SOP is teasing us, his birds have chirped so let’s get the popcorn cooked .

  3. You people are fools if you think that ‘DON CORLEONE’ Connick will ever be investigated and/or prosecuted for a RICO indictment which he is surely guilty of …

    All I can say Lee is … fuck you .. you’re way too late on my bandwagon.

  4. Sop, how about posting the landmark La. Supreme Court case : State of Louisiana vs. Michael Petitto, so DA Connick can read and learn how to indict politicos who intentionally violate the La. Public Service Code of Ethics.

    Anyone notice where Forrest “Bucky” Lanning is being served with the malfeasance/fraud lawsuit.

    Try the forest in Franklington,La.. And he’s supposedly busting his ass running the Pontchatrain Center , not going to any KCVB board meetings, blah, blah, blah.

    Hell Kenner needs to hire the tourista goatherds as they are not much further away, don’t need to go to any board meetings and they surely know how to make the cheese{i.e. governmental grant monies).

    1. Lockemup,

      With the last line of your comment now you’re talking ! ( surely know how to make the cheese{i.e. governmental grant monies})

      24th Judicial Court and Parish DA has no jurisdiction on Fed HUD CBDG grant money, it’s the soft shoe act I am referring too.

      Now one would think however as a grantee there would be some responsibility to report this to the HUD OIG and/or to the Governor of the state who himself personally signed off on the certification responsibilities as the state representative under HUD guidelines is to take immediate action. Check this if you would like on the HUD Grantee compliance web site.

      Seems to me if the filings from the 24th Judicial courts made it into the hands of the HUD OIG office one would think they would be taking action and raises a big question on how far should Letten’s office go to preserve Fed’s money bleed to corruption in Louisiana , so enjoy the popcorn .

  5. Tom: When you speak about 24th JDC filings are you talking about complaints concerning HUD guidelines where JP has not been complient?

    What are the complaints generally about and why would they be filed in 24thJDC as opposed to Federal jurisdiction.

    Do you think JP Administration and Council are counting on the 24th JDC to homecook these suits.

  6. Tom: I understood what you stated about jurisdiction and proper venue concerning federal CDBG grants.

    But do you know for a fact that the Kenner Convention and Visitor Bureau (KCVB) did in fact receive some annual federal CDBG grant funds passed to them through the treasury of the State.

    1. Lockemup,
      When you finish reading and catching up the HUD agreement states that any claim or controversy arising is the exclusive venue in the 19th Judicial District Court under LA. RS. 39:1524-1526 (LA. DOJ) it is the duty of the governor to report to HUD and to insure the proper state venue.

  7. Tom:Doughnuts are for cops. Let’s be factual about specific CDBG grants directly from the auditor’s report.

    On page 5 where the auditor is charged with the duty of reporting federal, state and municipal grants it itemizes a $ 50,000 annual grant from City of Kenner and a $10,000 grant from State of Louisiana.

    I haven’t found the words CDBG or federal grant in the report. Are you saying you have inside knowledge that the annual $10,000 grant from State originates from CDBG funding from Washington.

  8. Tom

    No one doubts Kenner has gotten CDBG grants and programs…But I think what Lock is asking is where is the grants or subgrants to KCVB

    Unless I missed it (all the links you posted) I saw nothing that tied the two together as for as CDBG

    1. Lockemup,
      The actual sub- grant can be obtained by public records request and has to have the same verbiage in it as the primary by Fed rule as you can read . Go back and look at the indictment of Broussard for the pay roll scam on the DOJ web site it states Fed money was involved that is the CDBG grant money as well the DOJ it self is a grant source to the district courts , like I said the 19th District court is where this is supposed to be .

    2. Hey RB And so the story goes – There’s some truth in them there lies,

      Meanwhile, convention bureau employees say city officials used bureau money as a slush fund to circumvent bid law and give playground construction work to contributors.
      “It’s the Wild West with these people,” said Tim Rada, CEO of the Convention Bureau. “They’re trying to put us out of business and shut us up.”

  9. Tom: I don’t have any great love for Broussard (or for those similarly situated, who have no been indicted, like Wilkinson has), because Broussard facilitated the illegal trespass by squatters and politically-connected “land-grabbers” on my Family’s Mississippi River batture property. Bou if I’m reading your Comments to this POST correctly, the Federal Government sat back and allowed the illicit use of CDBG monies, and DOJ monies, AND DID NOTHING WHILE CRIMES WERE BEING COMMITTED UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT’s NOSE. If I am understanding you correctly, then some might call this ENTRAPMENT. OH! How I HATE the Federal Government and its so-called “law enforcement” arms, who are BIGGER CRIMINALS than the criminals. PISS ON ALL OF THEM! Ashton O’Dwyer.

    1. Give Ashton a cigar ,
      Primary propose for CDBG HUD funds is to fight blight and provide housing and community services via non-profit organizations to benefit low and moderate income families. Each state that receives funding disperses those funds directly to it’s political subdivisions. Parish Code enforcement adjudications are direct recipients of funds to fight blight. Who did Karen Parker work for ? The new attorney for Broussard has an interesting connection of its own.

      1. No RB ,
        I think it to be a 2 trick pony 18 USC 1001 might want to ask Ashton about that ?

  10. Tom: If you have the ability to do a PRR on contracts, like the one you just posted above, showing the CDBG grant monies City of Kenner -$50,00 and State-$10,000) I like Thomas witnessing the Lord’s hands will become a believer and advocate that the 19th JDC, or better still, the U.S.Attorney need to become involved and file criminal charges.

    1. Lockemup ,
      That sample was from a web search is not a PRR request, the grant compliance agreement is the same for all the municipality grant money recipients and in-turn their recipients which all originates from CDBG money including Kenner. I gave you a 14 mil grant to Jefferson Parish which also benefited Kenner . If you go back and read the audit report then compare to the link on HUD audit requirements I gave you below it explains the laws that have been broken by both parties. If thats not enough for you then do a request for the grants I don’t need too.

    2. Economic and Workforce Development

      The Louisiana Recovery Authority is using $332.5 million of Community Development Block Grant funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for programs that support local businesses, workforce enhancement, tourism promotion and research commercialization in an effort to restore communities affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

      The state has used the allocated funding to develop a number of innovative programs to retain and stabilize the business community and workforce, and to catalyze recovery in key economic sectors.

      Louisiana Tourism Marketing

      Implemented in cooperation with the state Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism
      Provided $28.9 million to 15 recipients, including the New Orleans Metropolitan Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Louisiana Office of Tourism and parish tourism organizations
      Promoted tourism in the storm-impacted parishes by increasing the number of visitors, which boosts Louisiana’s tax revenues and fosters national consciousness of our unique culture
      Employs all communications media – print, broadcast and electronic – in addition to the use of special events and promotions
      Funded the “Forever New Orleans” campaign

    3. There is a common thread that joins the scandals from Broussard cronies to the misappropriation of parish funds from what is below to KCVB to the Arts and Entertainment fiasco and beyond.

      Longtime Jefferson Parish auditor Rebowe & Co. will lose two contracts with Jefferson Parish after officials learned of its alleged association with the parish’s former health insurance adviser, Fontenot and Associates.

      Times-Picayune archiveInterim Parish President Steve Theriot.

      Interim Parish President Steve Theriot said Rebowe will no longer audit the parish books, an agreement that, off and on, spanned at least 15 years. Likewise, the Parish Council on Wednesday plans to nix an $18,500 contract that would have had Rebowe audit the operations of a large pump station Jefferson shares with New Orleans at the 17th Street Canal.

      Officials said they were reacting to e-mail messages disclosed last week that allegedly connect Rebowe to Fontenot. Fontenot has been connected by the legislative auditor’s report to Lagniappe Industries, an insurance agency co-owned by a former top aide to Aaron Broussard who is now under federal investigation.

      “There’s certainly enough smoke there that we need to make sure the public’s interest is protected,” Parish President-elect John Young said Monday.

      Legislative Auditor Daryl Purpera included the e-mail messages in a wide-ranging report that alleges payroll fraud and unlawful conflicts of interest within Broussard’s administration.

      Fontenot principal Scott Fontenot wrote the email messages on Dec. 11 to Tim Coulon, an insurance agent and former parish president. They discussed the delivery of a commission check for November. Fontenot’s signature on the e-mails included either “Fontenot & Rebowe LLC” or “Rebowe & Company, CPAs.”

      Coulon is also part of the federal investigation into Lagniappe, which he formed with the now-deceased Maurice “Hippo” Katz and Tim Whitmer, while Whitmer was the No. 2 executive in Broussard’s administration. The brokerage, also known as the THT Group, did insurance work for other public agencies and parish contractors.

      Whitmer and Broussard resigned in January. Parish Attorney Tom Wilkinson resigned in March. No one has been indicted in the case.

      Fontenot had a partnership with Katz to do insurance work for the Jefferson Parish clerk of court, his attorney, Tim Meche said Monday. Meche said any commissions sent to Lagniappe were Katz’s share.

      Fontenot and Rebowe & Co. owner Philip Rebowe are friends and associates, Meche said. Fontenot also rents office space from Rebowe, he said, but Rebowe has never financially benefited from Fontenot’s work with Jefferson Parish government. Rebowe didn’t return a message left at his office Monday.

      Rebowe has long been active in parish politics, giving thousands of dollars to candidates through the years. Most recently, his company has given more than $8,000 in campaign contributions to the council’s seven members since February 2009, records show.

      His company has made more than $600,000 between 2004 and 2009 under the contract to conduct Jefferson Parish’s annual audit, according to records provided by Finance Director Gwen Bolotte.

      Theriot said Kushner LaGraize and Vincent R. Protti, two accounting firms hired alongside Rebowe, will conduct the parish audit for this fiscal year. Postlethwaite & Netterville of Baton Rouge will be tapped to conduct the pump station audit, Bolotte said. That firm is one of three retained to handle smaller auditing jobs on a rotation as they are needed, Theriot said.

      The Theriot administration canceled its health insurance consulting contract with Fontenot in March at Fontenot’s request, according to a March 23 letter from Human Resources Director Junior Mendoza.

  11. To “Tom”: I hate to be monopolizing the “Comments” to SLABBED, but I have tried, unsuccessfully, to get the DEGENERATE SCUM in Lettenemgo’s office to prosecute people who have committed Federally actionable torts, and constitutionally actionable deprivations, against me and my Family, using 18 U.S.C. Section 1001, all to no avail. Prosecutions under 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 are very “selective”, like former Insurance Commissioner Jim Brown, or Martha Stewart. Let me give you another example: Before I was disbared (and my genitals cut off and shoved down my throat – by the Federal Government, among others), I was in Federal Court one morning on “Victims of KATRINA” issues. There was one criminal case on the docket, before the civil docket. A handsome Negro, @ 6-feet tall, nicely dressed in a navy blue suit, white shirt and tie, was at the podium. Sometime during the early 90’s he had pleaded GUILTY to a drug charge of some type, but had paid his debt to Society, and turned his life around. He was now married and had two school-age children. In order to attempt to improve his lot in life, not only for himself, but also for his wife and children, he had completed the academic courses (at a Marine School which he paid for)necessary to obtain a U.S. Coast Guard License which would allow him to operate tugs, pushboats, supply boats and crew boats, after serving the requisite time as an apprentice. However, when he completed the license application (a Federal Government form), he unwittingly ran afoul of federal law. Because his GUILTY plea had occurred more than 10 years previously, he answered “NO” to questions asking him about having violated any drug law, using drugs, or being convicted of any offense other than a minor traffic offense. Lettenemgo’s office threw the book at this poor bastard, who unfortunately will NEVER be able to operate a marine vessel in commerce in U.S. waters. God knows what happened to his wife and Family. The statute he was prosecuted under was “The False Statements Act”, 18 U.S.C. Section 1001. I was distressed by what I had witnessed in Open Court, because it struck me as unjust. However, I was emboldened at the same time. Many or the “squatters and trespassers” on my Family’s batture land had completed U.S. Government forms for the Corps of Engineers (construction of structures on the batture if regulated by the Corps pursuant to the Rivers and harbors Act). In those forms the squatters and trespassers misrepresented that they were the “sole owner of the property”, that they had “used all reasonable means to locate the property owner, but were unable to do so”, that they had “authority from the landowner to build on the property”, or that the property was “owned by the East Jefferson levee District”, ALL OF WHICH WERE LIES. And the lies told by the squatters and trespassers were not to obtain a better job, but to seize land belonging to others that they knew they did not legally own. All of these matters were brought to the attention of the Legal Department of the Corps of Engineers New Orleans District and to Assistant U.S. Attorney Glenn K. Schreiber (a colleague of Michael Magner, now “Of Counsel” at Jones Walker). These “Government lawyers”repeatedly PISSED ON ME and my Family, and steadfastly refused to prosecute anyone under 18 U.S.C. Section 1001, which reasonably leads me to conclude that such prosecutions are extremely “selective”. [But I’ll bet that those COCKSUCKING MOTHERFUCKERS are just “waiting” for ME to fuck up, and that a Federal Prosecution pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 will fall on my head, just like it fell on the head of that poor Negro who wanted to be a boat captain]. Ashton O’Dwyer.

    1. Ashton ,
      It’s all selective to what the prosecutor wants to pursue so is misprision of a felony a 3 year jail term . What you describe is no doubt true, in that, fair play or integrity seems to be vanishing from the courts . HUD routinely uses 18 USC 1001 particularly pertaining to property and services Federally funded and is on all closing HUD 1 Statement’s , You raise a good question as to why not now it’s a 5 year jail term and easier and less expensive to prove.

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