Comme le ph

For our newer readers who are scratching their heads at the post title, here at Slabbed we were very early innovators on the topic of Desiree Rogers, President Obama’s former social secretary. Before taking the job at the White House, Desiree worked at Allstate and the executives are always fodder for banter on a good finance board and Allstate’s board at Yahoo is no exception (and trust me when I say even them guys think Mr. Theriot is a pussy).

The old posts we’ve done through time from late 2008 to date can be found here, here, here and here. Here at Slabbed we stipulate the daughter of the late Roy Glapion is both highly intelligent and one heck of a hot babe. But Desiree also reportedly left no “lasting footprint” at Allstate where she evidently made a mid 6 figure salary working on the company’s Facebook page. So with that in place lets visit with a recent thread that tickled my funny bone as our own Steve pokes fun at another poster who may well be Ms Rogers and it is there we begin:

seems like allstate is not keen on non-white representation at senior levels. diversity is only for sales, not in practice. US and Canadian management hires mainly white senior leaders where markets are mainly ethinic. they believe ethnics are not profitable. This pauses growth significantly. Look for ALL to tank in coming years. Ethnic markets will gravitate to Statefarm given their ethnic focused hiring, management and advertising.

To which Steve replied:

Is that you Desiree?

Mr CLS as per usual then comes in and cleans house with links and sure enough Desiree is on the prowl for a new job after lying low for the past few months per this very recent Bruce Alpert and Jonathan Tilove story which recently ran in the T-P:

Bloomberg Businessweek caught up with New Orleans native Desiree Rogers last week at her first public speaking appearance since leaving her job earlier this year as White House Social Secretary. Rogers, who appeared at a fundraising luncheon sponsored by the Chicago Advertising Federation, said she is looking for a job in Chicago or New York. “I’d love both,” she said. “I think I’m going to blossom.” Of her year at the White House, she said, “the whole experience in many respects is going to make me feel more comfortable about who I am.” Her only regret, she said, was not doing more networking while in Washington. “The one thing that maybe I would have done differently is pushed myself to spend more time cultivating relationships. I just needed some sleep, and so that was the trade-off.” Of the criticism that she was too busy socializing to catch a much ballyhooed gate-crashing couple at the White House state dinner, she said, “If the worst thing that happened to me is, you know, someone said I was beautiful and I had on the wrong dress, and I should have had a clipboard, you know, OK. I’m comfortable with the work we did. … I will be fine. I’m not crying for me.”

Excellent sweetie because nobody else is crying either.  🙂

Never one to leave just one link, Mr CLS knew we would want to catch up on the doings of the local rich and famous:

The patron reception unfolded at the showplace home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Heebe, where the opulent romance of a bygone era was evoked. Lambent interior light created a glittering backdrop for the lawn, where guests mingled, sipping Taittinger Champagne and wines by Louis Jadot. Among the festive ranks, which included past SJ chairmen and sponsorial representatives, were LV board Chairwoman Julie George with Ted, Vice President Jon “Chip” Leyens Jr. and Jane, Treasurer Henry Lambert and Carey Bond, Rene Fransen and Eddie Bonin, Friends of Longue Vue board President Lydia Sneed with B.K., Peggy and Jack Laborde, Adrea Heebe and Dominick Russo, Denise and Bill Monteleone, Michael and Suzanne Brown, Karl and Lisa Hoefer, Mimi and Dr. John Bowen, Ken and Nina Friend, Bill and Jane Goldring, Dathel and Tommy Coleman, Leo and Leslie Marsh, Paul and Donna Flower, Fred and Sohelia Holley, and Penny Kelley. Joe Baker, as LV’s new executive director (and selected after a five-month national search), mastheads the staff. Praise for the partying was nonstop.


14 thoughts on “Comme le ph”

  1. Makes me want to puke! Tax money paying for useless landfills so the beautiful people can drink wine and champagne – off with their heads.

  2. Fred Heebe and opulent romance? I could be wrong but I think I know Nell Nolan as a boiler room pumper on a pink sheet pump and dump who went by the name Chuck from years back. Damn she lays it on thick.

    Opulent romance and Fred Heebe? The same guy who allegedly beat the tar out of a prior wife? I don’t think so.

    Bayrat has been doing some digging and once again hits gold. Two things: First Michael Lewis is a NOLA boy. 🙂 Second Lewis had an opinion or two about “opulent romance” because he evidenty lived there.


  3. OOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Great social networking and detective work Sop! For the good of the rainforest, back of the ever building Arts Center, myself,my parrot friend and my swinging uncle I hope the FEDS find the “opulent” Riverbirch dump to be the political dump of “a bygone era” and establish good government in JP— SOON—PLEASE ? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOwweeeeeeeeeeeeee

  4. The problem with most of these people (I have done work for many of those named here) is that they believe that Carnival is real life. They think that if you are Carnival royalty; you are entitled to do and act as you please in real life. You may think I’m joking, but I’m not. Read up on the meeting of the 40 thieves in Dallas after Katrina. Its scary stuff.

    Our buddy Ashton is also featured in this piece. I’m sure he could tell some stories now that his own have turned on him. Maybe thats why they’re out to prove he’s crazy.

  5. To SLABBED and its Readers: WSJ writer Chris Cooper, who is married to a New Orleanian, stayed at my house for a few days and nights, post-KATRINA. Unfortunately, Chris’ extensive interviews with me, on a large number of subjects, wound up on “the cutting room floor”. However, I DO hold the distinction of being THE FIRST AND ONLY SUBJECT of a color photograph ever to appear on the front page of the WSJ. That said, NONE of my Family has EVER been regarded as “Old Line”. To the contrary, I am a “gambler’s son” from Jefferson Parish and, more particularly, an area still known a “Southport”. When I can get to a scanner (I’m still on “home confinement” by the Feds, and wearing an ankle bracelet while awaiting trial for allegedly threating certain people with bodily harm. Read my lips, Federal Bureau of Constipation: IF I HAD INTENDED BODILY HARM TO ANYONE, THEY WOULD ALREADY HAVE BEEN DEAD BY THE TIME YOU CAME TO ARREST ME, OVER 9 HOURS AFTER THE ALLEGED THREAT!), I’ll send SOP a rather “colorful” piece from GAMBIT about my Dad, “Mickey” O’Dwyer, and the Family business(es), published some years ago. Bottom line: Although my Dad’s business was “illegit”, I was raised to follow the same Code subscribed to by Cadets at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, namely “The Honor Code” which holds: “I do not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do.” I respectfully submit that “The Honor Code” is a darn good code to follow in life. Now some “more” information: The palatial mansion currently occupied by Fred Heebe and his spouse, Jennifer Sneed Heebe, on the Lake Side of St.Charles Ave. at Arabella Street was once owned by “Bobby” Monroe, who was a “blue blood” and of “The Old Line”. His Dad (or GrandFather) was J. Edgar Monroe, who was a well-known philanthrophist, and benefactor of Loyola University. I’m not sure if it’s the entire house, or just the “ballroon”, that was constructed to replicate a “real” blue blood’s in Newport. Like the Heebes, the people named as having attended the “Patron Party” at the Heebe’s home recently have lots of “money” but no “blood line” to go with the money. Two of the attendees were Tommy and Dathel Coleman, who live on Audubon Place, courtesy of the money made by Tommy’s Father, recently deceased. Even this branch of the Coleman Family like to think that they have a “blood line”, but to me they’re just “squatters and trespassers” who are currently illegally occupying my Family’s batture property in Southport, along with a bunch of other SCUM-BAGS. Thats right, Tommy Coleman, YOU’RE A SCUM-BAG! Now let’s move back to Jefferson Parish for a moment. During the 1930’s, two of my paternal GrandFather’s (R.T. “Rudy” O’Dwyer, Sr.’s) closest friends were JP Sheriff Frank Clancey and JP Parish President Paul Cassagne. One day Rudy encountered Paul, saying, “Paul, I just got into the oil business.” Paul reportedly replied, “How much did it cost you?”, to which Rudy replied, “$100”. Paul then stuck a $50 bill into Rudy’s hand and said, “You’ve got a partner.” It didn’t occur to me until recently, while reading some of the SLABBED coverage of Jefferson Parish, and Comments from the readership, that in some ways NOTHING HAS CHANGED IN JEFFERSON PARISH POLITICS IN ALMOST 100 YEARS! I never knew my GrandFather, and my Dad NEVER had a bad word to say about Paul Cassagne, BUT RUDY HAD NO CHOICE ABOUT TAKING HIM IN AS A PARTNER IN THE OIL BUSINESS, that is if Rudy wanted to continue operating illegal gambling establishments in the Parish. The O’Dwyers and the Cassagnes STILL GET ROYALTY CHECKS FROM OIL COMPANIES. Now another “wrinkle”. Part of our holdings are at “Queen Bess Island” near Grand Isle, which is now a renowned bird sanctuary. During a recent telephone call to the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers about the property, and whether it has been oiled yet by the “Well-206, Macundo Field, Gulf of Mexico” discharge, I was told: “You no longer own that island, because it went underwater and reverted to the State.”, to which I replied, “Send me a copy of the formal Notice” to that effect, as well as copies of the survey that you or the State commissioned to prove what you just said, and to steal citizens’ land from them.” In reply to that I got, “We’re IMMUNE”, and the speaker hung up. Last point: When i “check out”, I want my obituary to reflect: “…and a number of carnival organizations”. I guarantee THAT will get them all “buzzing”, almost as much as referring to the Heebes and the Colemans as “Old Line blue-bloods”. Ashton O’Dwyer, Gambler’s son from Jefferson Parish, and I don’t lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do.

  6. Good job Sop. Does anyone know if Ms Rogers has found another sucker company to “Jesse Jackson”?

    Unfortunately, the president did not make just one misstake in judgement with appointments. Can we say Little Timmy, Janet Napolitano and Eric Holder? Secreatary Holder is out there criticizing the folks in AZ for taking action when the Feds won’t and then admits he has not even read the bill. Any bets he will be the first cabinet member to resign. Chucky from NY is not happy with him either.

  7. By the way Sup, Eric Holder it the Attorney General, not the Secretary of anything.

  8. Mr. O’Dwyer,
    I am aware of your family business. My grandfather’s stepfather was Henry “Dutch” Grebe, who worked for your family at Southport Hall. I am also know about the “camps” on the batture. I am aware that Heebe and the like are “nouveau riche” which is second class for sure in New Orleans society, but these social climbers rub elbows and do “business” with the powerful Old Line often.
    It was a poor choice of words when I described the entitled as your own. What I meant to convey was that you have been working, living, and presumably socializing some amidst many of these “bluebloods.” I am sure that you could tell a few stories that they would rather not be told.

  9. Cassagne? As in Nancy Cassagne the West Jeff unqualified CEO? As in disgraced former JP Parish Attorney Tom Wilkinson’s sister-in-law?
    Gee wiz it goes deep if she married someone from Paul Cassagne’s line. Southport. Ah the memories.
    So when the bluebloods went slumming some of them got pinched for their naughtiness and forever owed their low class ‘fixers’. Start with the Westbank No-tell Motels where some Uptown New Orleanians got their illicit thrills in the past. Seems certain low class types busted certain bluebloods for stuff and kept the ledger well hidden. Kinda like the Canal Street madame’s little black book. Oh my! Is that still going on. Michael Henry’s lawsuit to get it released is still out there. I never understood why it wasn’t released. Oops there I go again silly Pollyanna that I am: What juicy blackmail it must contain ! So who is blackmailing whom with it? Vitter? Letten? Vitter’s former handler? Did $50,000.00 in Vitter campaign funds pay for naughty days and nights for him to unwind? Interesting. Heebe is said to be an odd duck also. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil anyone? Lambent lighting ? Opulent romance? Bygone era? But Miz Scarlett ah doan know nuthin ’bout birthin no babies. That bygone era? Or the March to Selma? Or the Strange Fruit of Billy Holiday? Ok I get it. We’re just playing dress-up; it’s a re-enactment. Guns are not loaded with live ammo.

    1. 2 observations Unslabbed:

      1. I’ve never understood why men with perfectly good wives at home would pay for something they already paid for (wives are not free after all 😉 ), especially when most of the area whorehouses are rigged with cameras just in case someone important comes to get some (the same is also true here on the coast). Besides lurking here Chet is evidently specialized in writing books that make my internet comments look good.

      2. You pay a price for growing up in the corruption cesspool. What you see out of Heebe is the product of growing up in that environment IMHO.


  10. When I see or read the name Cassagne I go livid. To think that Nancy Cassagne, this Coulon knee-jerker, was hired by the board of WJGH at appromiately $400,000 thousands dollars a year is not only appalling but should be indictable. This woman had absolutely, and still does not, the requisite credentials to have been given this job except for: 1) Coulon wanted this done and Broussard agreed; 2) her brother-in-law, ex-Parish Attorney, Tom Wilkinson formulated the criteria for the job to custom fit her; 3) Peter Butler, Jr. approved; 4) Newell Norman approved; 4) Jim Ward approved; 4) Steve Theriot approved; 5) Elton Lagasse approved. It seems it was just one more let’s fuck the taxpayer’s again, why not, what are they going to do about it ? I’m thinking fraud, what about you ?

    And now I learn that Nancy Cassagne, CEO at the time, along with Broussard signed a check in the amount of $15,000,000 MILLION dollars to Hubbard in October of 2005, only 6 weeks after Katrina for mostly undocumented work. Then in February another check goes to Hubbard in the amount of 7,000,000 MILLION, again mostly undocumented work. In 6 months $25,000,000 MILLION ! Thank you Nancy, Broussard and particularly Timmy Whitmer and last but not least our former esteemed buffoon of a Parish Attorney, Tom Wilkinson.

    I’ll know Letten is serious about redressing the wrongs these political thugs have perpetrated against us, the taxpayers of JP, when any and all persons responsible for Nancy Cassagne being hired as Director of WJGH are indicted and prosecuted ! And the resignation of Cassagne and her restitution of salaries paid a prerequisite to any pleas for leniency.

    Hey Nancy, cela vous ennuyerait de me couper les ongles des orteils ?

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