All this Aaron Broussard nostalgia brings me the warm fuzzies

First Bill Hubbard returns to society and now Tim Whitmer is a completely free man per Andrea Shaw last night over at as we remember the Aaron Broussard implosion plus five.

A quick pointer for everyone that is new here, the calendar on the top of the left sidebar is an excellent tool for searching the Slabbed New Media archives.  Mousing over a particular date on the calendar will pop up of list of that days posts. Click on a particular date and every post on that day will be displayed.  As I moused over this day while waxing nostalgic, chills literally ran up my spine.  Slabbed has done some great things since but from looking back at 2010/2011 we’ve set a high bar for ourselves as an online community. As a result of those old posts Slabbed New Media has developed sourcing into Jefferson Parish Politics that rivals the very best of the NOLA media community to this day.

In any event over the next few months I’m likely to feature some of those old posts circa 2010, especially the ones that have aged well. Today I feature one that has nothing to do with Jefferson Parish at all but is a classic for obvious reasons. Enjoy.

Rope n throw n brand ’em: Tim Whitmer contradicts Aaron Broussard’s sworn testimony in the Broussard Flood suit.

Yes he did and that pesky ol’ Mount Hermon Louisiana keeps coming up time and again! Ol’ Aaron is making quite the convenient whipping boy there in his Granville County North Carolina prison cell.  Hows about some links folks:

Former top aide contradicts Broussard on pump operators’ evacuation ~ Chad Calder

Aaron Broussard knew of pump operator evacuations before Katrina, aide says ~ Paul Purpura

Editorially Slabbed believes that Broussard purposely ordered the pump operators away from their stations so as to be able to cash in on the resulting graft opportunities. We’ll see what the jury says soon enough.

Speaking of Broussard and his group of cronies, David Loeb, one of the gang that swore an affidavit for Trout Point Lodge in their Nova Scotia SLAPP suit against Louisiana Media Company has popped up again in the news like a bad penny this time wearing a wire on Ray Reggie, the former brother in law of the late Ted Kennedy: Continue reading “Rope n throw n brand ’em: Tim Whitmer contradicts Aaron Broussard’s sworn testimony in the Broussard Flood suit.”

BFF Forever: Whitmer sentencing letters give color to infamous JPAC Change Order 5

Other letters were written by Whitmer’s wife, their two daughters and the fiance of one daughter; his brother, Charles Whitmer, former deputy police chief in Gretna, and Charles Whitmer’s wife; Henry Trapani, the parish’s retired citizens services director; D.J. Mumphrey Jr., an executive assistant to Coulon; Feleciano “Junior” Mendoza, who was Jefferson Parish human resources director as well as Whitmer’s middle-school principal; Angela Pacaccio Darvin, who worked 30 years in the parish president’s office; Jimmy Frickey, who is married to a former subordinate of Whitmer; Randy Cousin, a longtime friend who runs an industrial supply company where Whitmer has worked the past 2½ years; Sarah Gibson, a friend; the architect Billy Sizeler; and tourism businessman Warren Reuther Jr.

Drew Broach did an excellent job detailing Tim Whitmer’s “firehouse” friends late last month, some of whom share common roots in the Jefferson Parish political cesspool. No doubt everyone noted that I emphasized Sarah Gibson and her letter above, whom Broach described as a Whitmer friend. True dat because she obviously is per her own words.  But Mrs Gibson’s letter is cleverly wordsmithed, for lack of a better term or perhaps “written to the inside”, a term folks like my internet BFF Russell over Reflexiones Finales has applied to Slabbed. Let’s start with her letter to Judge Mary Ann Vial Lemmon:

Gibson Letter USA v Whitmer Doc 35

So Sarah’s husband is very close to Tim Whitmer being the Godfather to Tim’s eldest daughter. Sarah’s husband is Jefferson Parish Parks and Recreation Director Clinton “C.J.” Gibson, who according to Parish salary records draws a $124,000 plus annual salary.  Parks and Recreation is also the cesspool from whence Tim Whitmer came so I guess it was only natural that when Parish Engineering Department refused to pay double what they thought was the proper amount for Change Order #5, he turned to his old friend C.J. Gibson in Parks and Recreation to handle the financial aspects of these specious transactions.  A step further, turning the financial aspects of a major construction project over to the people running the playground is nonsensical and the fact the employees whose normal job duties refused to have anything to do with a transaction that was essentially doubled tells the whole tale and it stinks worse than  a roadkill skunk in the July Pineville Louisiana summer heat. I highlighted the salient part of page 23 of the Louisiana Legislative Auditor’s compliance audit on the center, the entirety of which can be found clicking here: Continue reading “BFF Forever: Whitmer sentencing letters give color to infamous JPAC Change Order 5”

Jim Hudson: Iberia Bank supports its local crony felons

For true they do.  Allow me to present some documents in reverse order:

USA v Whitmer Doc 35 Page 9

Next up an exhibit of why the mutual affection from Tim Whitmer’s November 2009 email inbox as originally published on Slabbed back in January 2011: Continue reading “Jim Hudson: Iberia Bank supports its local crony felons”

Lagniappe Industries still going strong thanks to Jimbo the Clown….

So how can you can still sell insurance in Louisiana after admitting to a felony? Simple, you use the company that was collecting graft as a front that’s what. Click the pic to nab the 5 page pdf.

One naturally wonders if the Whitmers are still making money from the Shadow Lake aka River Birch account despite copping a plea deal, ostensibly to testify against Team River Birch. Stan Marsh well explains…..

Slabbed Exclusive: Self Admitted Felon Tim Whitmer goes for a Felony exemption to maintain insurance license

And with a clown from the Jefferson Parish Political Cesspool impersonating a state insurance commissioner it may just happen folks. Click the pic to get the entire 24 page PDF Slabbed obtained via PRR.

Aaron Broussard due in U.S. District court this morning

Drew Broach has the skinny on today’s festivities scheduled in Judge Head’s courtroom including new business with the newly flipped former Parish Attorney Tom Wilkinson.  Also on tap are change of venue and Broussard’s earlier motion to have the  bulk of his indictment tossed.

That said I want to talk 404 and not the internet variety, rather I’d like to take a second to address rule 404b, Federal Rules of Evidence and those recent motions made under that rule specifying evidence of other crimes involving Aaron Broussard including his use of his property in Nova Scotia Canada at the resort at Trout Point as a conduit for bribery.  Saturday, Drew Broach checked in with news Team Broussard had filed their reply to the government’s rule 404b notice, linking the salient Broussard pleading, which came to me via email with the following comment from an attorney not affiliated with the case:

As far as legal brief writing, this pleading is D, maybe D-, work. Poor grammar, syntax and typos abound. It’s also hard to understand the presentation of the case law that is supposed to be supportive of AB’s position.

What I thought was interesting was on page 2 of the brief Team Broussard summarized the “other criminal acts” mentioned in the US Attorney’s motion but spent the rest of the brief trying to debunk the campaign contribution and ethics board investigations without mentioning Broussard’s property in Nova Scotia again until the last paragraph of the brief. Continue reading “Aaron Broussard due in U.S. District court this morning”

Clear as mud: JPAC gets line of credit, an affidavit and a PR push. Cap’n Jay gets a reprieve while Chief Euris DuBois’ neighbor gets shot and burned out (Updated)

I’d happily report that my absence meant I’ve been up to something but such is not the case over the last few days as I took a break.  This does not mean I don’t have some dynamite things in store for the Slabbed Nation this week but today we do a bit of catching up.

First up is the taxpayer funded money pit also known as the Performing Arts Center.  Yesterday the T-P editorial board opined the project should be completed ASAP now that the state’s taxpayers are on the hook for another $9.9MM as the project’s costs has almost doubled since ground broke on the project years ago. Adding to the confusion is yesterday afternoon Bob Ross filed a post titled Affidavit clears up confusion on change order for Performing Arts Center in Metairie that frankly added to my confusion about change order #5 to the point where I gotta call bullshit.  A close read of said Legislative auditor’s report on the change order clearly indicates there was a management override involved in that particular change order, management being for CAO Tim Whitmer and current councilman at large Elton LaGasse.

To the extent Whitmer has copped a plea in the wide ranging JP Corruption investigation and reportedly knows where all the “bones are buried”, one would naturally assume he has been questioned closely about his knowledge about whether Councilman LaGasse took a kickback to ram rod that particular change order through, reportedly with no documentation, that included a massive delay claim.  I want to make clear this is only an allegation but given what has surfaced about Jiff Hingle and the new Plaquemines Parish Jail such is a fair question, especially as the taxpaying public tries to figure out how a $28MM project has morphed into a $52MM boondoggle.  I’ll have more on change order 5 ASAP because it is clear Mr Ross has lots of catching up to do.

Next up is the child molestation case and alleged official cover up involving Jerry “Cap’n Jay” Dantin as Paul Purpura filed a comprehensive update yesterday as justice for the little boy Dantin victimized has again been delayed, this time by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.  Dantin’s long time friend, Grand Isle Police Chief Euris Dubois is alleged to have intentionally botched the investigation which only adds to the cesspool that is this saga as Mayor David Carmadelle is also heavily involved. Continue reading “Clear as mud: JPAC gets line of credit, an affidavit and a PR push. Cap’n Jay gets a reprieve while Chief Euris DuBois’ neighbor gets shot and burned out (Updated)”