From the sewer in Jefferson Parish to the sewer at the Governors Mansion in Jackson its rotten to the core

Hat Tip RFP in comments who just left the mother of all links in Phil Bryant’s major campaign contributors in one Timothy P Bonura of All South Consulting Engineers. This is not the first time Phil or an organization very close to Phil Bryant surfaces in a corruption scandal in metro New Orleans lest we forget USA v St Pierre.

We have several items of interest floating about….

I’m literally going to be from one end of South Mississippi to the other today so I have little to no time for blogging but here is a post for everyone so moved to comment. Here are a couple of items I know are floating about:

Dominick Fazzio’s lawyer has a serious conflict of interest and all the BS about River Birch not paying for Fazzio’s legal team has been exposed as just that, bullshit.

Garlandfill Robinette being a payola fueled whore on Entercom Communications remains in the news as we receive word he gave Fred Heebe the lot he claims secured the nonexistent $250,000 loan he got from Heebe in exchange for shilling for River Birch after Katrina.  We know from the wiretap transcripts Fazzio never issued a 1099 to tax report the payments to Henry Mouton and I bet Garlandfill was both written off as an expense on the River Birch side and also not tax reported.  Predictably when it smells extra bad and there is publicity to be had, legal apologist Dane Ciolino will be about like a fly on shit pretending to be an ethics expert. The self serving rationalization he posits on Robinette’s role in the River Birch saga are stunningly dishonest folks as I’ll note Ciolino was one of Tim Whitmer’s early legal shills.  I think Dane and Garland must certainly get on well.

Jason over at American Zombie has rolled out an excellent post on the Camsoft suit in Baton Rouge.  Sometimes you have to travel to another state to find out what is going on in your own but Chip Reno over at the Jackson Mississippi based Talon Group has come up a time or two dating back to Mark St Pierre’s trial.  I’m going to have something on the same pleading with some luck but I’ll note for now that Reno and our own Gov elect Phildo Bryant are joined at the hip.  I understand Reno is a former Jackson City Councilman but what interest me the most is the cross-pollination he has going with Phildo.  Make no mistake the role Reno played in the techno fleecing of the City of New Orleans is major deal.  Here is a snippet from the Zombie:

How…for the love of Dambala…….the fuck… Ed Burns not in jail? How did Ciber completely skate out of this bullshit? They hired Reno and The Talon Group to pimp their private services but instead of paying for it…they bundled the cost of the Talon Group’s services into the City of New Orleans tab….the 56 million dollar tab. Continue reading “We have several items of interest floating about….”

Yes I agree Benetech needs a good probe. A 24 inch speculum should work nicely for the job.

What can I say but that I agree with today’s Op-Ed from the Times Picayune.  And while we are probing Benetech will someone please get a seeing eye dog to Jackson so the poor folks at the USless Attorney’s office can find their way to the Rosemary Barbour’s place. Folks the stench goes all the way to Washington DC. Maybe there i$ a rea$on Buddy Roemer’s message i$n’t playing well compared with other$ in the GOP pool of Pre$idential hopeful$.


Tuesday Music: Since we’re doing Alison Krauss

Maybe there is something else happening behind the scenes that is causing delays in wrapping things up. Is it possible the systemic corruption related to Katrina and the rebuilding process extends to the highest levels of the federal government? Did not someone tell me Ray Ray the Chocolate guy had someone running interefrence for him in DC for a solid year? The pieces of the puzzle are beginning to fit together folks.


BREAKING: More Mississippi lawyers added to the Louisiana Crime Camera Scandal. A Mark St Pierre-Chocolate guy NOLA fleecing update.

Hey Hammerman you keep the names coming dude. From this morning’s proceedings in USA v St Pierre:

Even before the prosecution got to cross-examine Drake, the Mississippi lawyer said he was advising St. Pierre and Meffert with the understanding that Meffert wasn’t using the credit card anymore.

But Nagin’s tech director was in fact still using it, and continued to until he left City Hall in July 2006.

In fact, in August 2006, Drake said he got into a debate with St. Pierre’s Louisiana counsel, Kent Lambert of the Baker Donelson firm, about whether St. Pierre ever told Lambert about the credit card. Continue reading “BREAKING: More Mississippi lawyers added to the Louisiana Crime Camera Scandal. A Mark St Pierre-Chocolate guy NOLA fleecing update.”

Jason at American Zombie covers the Mark St Pierre trial and highlights an interesting Mississippi connection to Chocolate Guy

Jason Berry aka Dambala at American Zombie has outdone himself with his account of Greg Meffert’s testimony in the trial of Mark St Pierre. For our upstate Mississippi readers Greg Meffert ran technology in NOLA for former Mayor Ray Nagin and the graft to which Meffert has now admitted is simply staggering.  This trial appears to be a prelude to the prosecution of Ray Ray himself as the revelations about St Pierre’s sex party boat pass into the realm of legend. I say all this because Jason’s post linked above is a must read for the entire Slabbed Nation as this snippet illustrates the stench with the Louisiana crime camera scandal extends to the Jackson Mississippi lobbying community:

The stripper sex on the boat act was hard to follow…unless Meff claimed he was fucking a mermaid or something.

Indeed the line of questioning then shifted to more mundane subjects like Lafayette CIO, Keith Thibadoux, and his wife. Meff set Thibadoux’s friends up with bullshit jobs in exchange for Netmethods’ contracts with the City of Lafayette. Some interesting facts were thrown out, including a name I didn’t quite catch that the prosecution referred to as a Mississippi lobbyist. That reference brought an immediate objection from the defense for leading the witness, the objection was sustained. I couldn’t tell if they were concerned about revealing the guy’s profession or if they were just trying to keep the prosecution in line.

I read Jason’s post this morning and after reading that I immediately called him. He later found out the name of the lobbyist and shared it with me.  The lobbyist is not a guy though. It is an organization, one which I have heard quite a lot about of late in fact: Continue reading “Jason at American Zombie covers the Mark St Pierre trial and highlights an interesting Mississippi connection to Chocolate Guy”