“And they were all lined up like birds on a wire……”

Six Mardi Gras krewes were fined from $100 to $2,500 for violating Jefferson Parish’s parade ordinance during Carnival 2013, according to public records released Tuesday. Most of the infractions involved unmasked riders and smoking on floats, although two krewes were cited for having too few marching bands.

The citations come in the second year of the latest crackdown on Carnival krewes as Jefferson Parish tries to enforce its parade standards and gradually raise them. The parish attorney’s office released reports on six of Jefferson’s 14 parades, in response to a public records request from NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune.

6 Mardi Gras krewes fined by Jefferson Parish for parade violations ~ Drew Broach

Jefferson Parish councilmen Chris "Mini-me" Roberts, Mark Spears and Rickey Templett along with Lafitte Mayor Tim Kerner on the politicians float, Krewe of Alla. Reader submitted photo
Jefferson Parish Councilmen Chris “Mini-me” Roberts, Mark Spears and Ricky Templet along with Lafitte Mayor Tim Kerner on the politicians float, Krewe of Alla. Reader submitted photo

Continue reading ““And they were all lined up like birds on a wire……””

The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and

Criminal Malfeasance, as defined by the Legislature and understood here in Jefferson Parish, has a dual definition:

FIRST THE LAW… apparently enacted to stay in a book and not be applied:


§134. Malfeasance in office

NOTE: §134 eff. until Aug. 15, 2011. See Acts 2010, No. 811, §1.

Malfeasance in office is committed when any public officer or public employee shall:

(1) Intentionally refuse or fail to perform any duty lawfully required of him, as such officer or employee; or

(2) Intentionally perform any such duty in an unlawful manner; or

(3) Knowingly permit any other public officer or public employee, under his authority, to intentionally refuse or fail to perform any duty lawfully required of him, or to perform any such duty in an unlawful manner.

Any duty lawfully required of a public officer or public employee when delegated by him to a public officer or public employee shall be deemed to be a lawful duty of such public officer or employee. The delegation of such lawful duty shall not relieve the public officer or employee of his lawful duty. Continue reading “The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and”

The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and

The ‘Little Man’ Uncle Carlos (as in Marcello) must be all a glee in his grave to think that the political elite of Jefferson Parish have chosen as their persona, wannabe wise guys, just like his ‘family’ of the past.

And what about this thing, this MAFIOSO thing, that attracts our Parish politicians: from Judge to Parish President, from Council member to Clerk of Court, from a Chief of Police to School Board member, from Mayor to State legislator? Jefferson Parish’s Political establishment’s shocking and disturbing characterization of themselves, both in public projection and by emulating the “Thug Mentality” associated with a mafia family does in fact identify these individuals with what the adopted analogy implies, ORGANIZED CRIME!

Simply stated another way, we have a entrenched, incestuous, arrogant, self-entitlement, retirement junkie Politico Class that do what they ‘wanna do…whatz youz going to do about it?’

Here are some examples of such abominable public exhibition: Continue reading “The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and”

DICTATOR KERNER…Pirating The Town of Lafitte’s political process. A special election update by Whitmergate

Mayor Tim Kerner, the de facto Dictator of Lafitte, along with his miscreants on the Town Council, were all “re-anointed” as a result of the total lack of CITIZEN/VOTER participation and the resignation of defeat by a populace whose apathy can best be described as an insult to all members of our military that have died in the past and are serving presently to instill the goals of a republican democratic process around the world, buttressed on the freedom to vote !

And I quote from the delusional Dictator himself:

“Kerner said he feels honored to be re-elected without opposition. “It’s really a wonderful thing. It makes me want to work even harder to do a good job for the people of Lafitte,” he said.

What election fool ? What tripe ! You and others hold office only as a result of the public’s default of their moral obligation and responsibility to honor and maintain the constitutional electoral system guaranteed by our Republican Democracy. God forbid that this should be the norm in Jefferson Parish and/or any of its parochial cities/towns within its political boundaries.

So of course the most arrogant High Porkness Roberts is deserving of the same…Kerner is only a Dictator of a small province within ‘my’ principality…I am entitled to my princely rule…why else would I have spent $190,000 thousand dollars in 2009 from my campaign fund to buy my new Mardi Gras Float, a tractor to pull the float, maintain an antique Fire Engine to put out the fire on the float caused from an electrical overload of the $40,000 Thousand PLUS Dollars of sound and video equipment bought to entertain my subjects along the parade route while I throw them the $10’s of Thousands of Dollars of Chinese beads and favors. Not to mention the $10’s of Thousands of Dollars spent on golf carts in Las Vegas for those special campaign contributors, and the Thousands of Dollars for ‘transportation’ for my private party during the Jefferson Parish Politico Whore Extravaganza known as the Tarpon Rodeo. Oh yea, the snowball stand…around $7,000 Thousand Dollars… Continue reading “DICTATOR KERNER…Pirating The Town of Lafitte’s political process. A special election update by Whitmergate”