Le’ Nouveau Construction debarred from Jefferson Parish Contracting

This story and Slabbed’s coverage of it go way back to late 2010. Chad Calder at the New Orleans Advocate has the latest:

Jefferson ethics panel urges company be banned from parish work

On the topic of whether Mississippi or Louisiana is the most corrupt state in the union my money would be on Louisiana and this saga involving the now convicted former Louisiana legislator Girod Jackson along with former councilman Byron Lee and his successor on the Jefferson Parish Council Mark Spears would be one of the reasons why. Only the DMR disaster approaches the scale of the annual looting of the “conprofits” in Louisiana.

Slabbed, of course, has broken major portions of this story and then some, going all the way back to late 2010. (Click here for a series of posts on this specific part of the larger controversy.) We’ll see if the Parish Council votes to affirm the Parish’s debarment recommendation for Le Nouveau.

Given the taxpayer funded looting this is really a slap on the wrist but it is all Parish government can do.


How Team Letten could f*ck up the Jefferson Parish investigation defies the imagination as it was literally shooting fish in a barrel with in your face corruption. That said Slabbed has been detailing former Parish Councilman Byron Lee’s double dealing since 2010 so nothing in Hammerman’s report detailing Fred Heebe and Dominick Fazzio stuffing his pocket’s full of illicit campaign ca$h surprises me:

Hammerman mentions the Concrete Busters lawsuit I do not see it going anywhere.  All eye on the Waste Management suit.


I am a man who likes to kill multiple birds with one stone so after Slabbed’s researcher and I left Muni court last month we headed over to Lafayette Square to see what was shaking on skid row. As per usual we were not disappointed as we immediately saw the Wino.

“Hey kid, my lady friend wants to have a few words with you.” said the Wino.  “I think you’ll like her.” She looked like she hadn’t eaten in days so we went to a local restaurant  known for having good turtle soup. Her name was Betty.

“No offense bubba but your work on Byron Lee bites.” she began.  “You always talk about following the money but I’ve been waiting for you to do that for months with Byron Lee.”  I protested that my work load was amazingly heavy but to no avail as she was having none of it.

“Lee is part of a crime family son, one that is pretty easy to find.” Knowing time was scarce that evening she handed me a dossier on Lee. “Don’t fuck it up!”, she exclaimed, ” I traded a case of mad dog for this.” With that she disappeared into the chilly evening. Continue reading “It”