D’Iberville forfeits a cool million. Sponsored by JaWa investments

The shoes are beginning to drop in Walkergate.

D’Iberville must forfeit $1.1 million of $3 million Ocean Expo grant ~ Mary Perez

Meantime the Byrd is still the word.  Margaret Baker uses Alabama changing its retirement statute to exclude certain felons as the example in her story on soon to be former Jackson County Sheriff Mike Byrd being able to collect his PERS retirement benefits despite copping to a felony.  Slabbed lifers well remember it was the former Dragon Queen Aaron BrousStar that caused Louisiana to pass such a statute back in 2011.

Finally the fog tells me Christmas season has arrived in South Mississippi. How about some lovely music: Continue reading “D’Iberville forfeits a cool million. Sponsored by JaWa investments”

Jackson County Sheriff Mike Byrd Cops to a Federal Felony

Kicking John Mark Stahl in the cojones after arresting him and then ordering the dashboard video of the incident destroyed is what finally did Sheriff Byrd in. Click the pic to score the 19 page plea agreement and factual basis. Sentencing for soon to be former Sheriff Byrd is scheduled for December 10th in Mobile.

USA v Byrd Doc 2

ICYMI: NFIP, Mississippi Gaming and the Byrd is the Word

The AP’s Jeff Amy tackled the subject of Mississippi’s declining gaming industry Saturday in a must read story. In a prior life Jeff was a business reporter and that prior experience shows in the piece he wrote. The worst of the problems are at the north Mississippi Delta casinos but also extend to the Coast to a lesser degree.

Next up is the impacts of rising flood insurance premiums on the real estate market in Florida, the Northeast and Louisiana:

Cost of Flood Insurance Rises, Along With Worries ~ Lizette Alverez and Campbell Robertson

It would be nice to see one of the mainstream media outlets covered the inherent conflicts of interest built into the flood program and the fact that the middlemen WYO insurers take a 30% slice off the top for writing the policies. Yeah, those facts add a degree of complexity to the topic but they are vital to understanding what is truly going on with the program as this is not entirely about the program underpricing risk. Unfortunately the story above, like most of them gloss over those facts, in the case of the New York Times likely in deference to their insurance advertisers.

Finally we have Jackson County Sheriff Mike Byrd back in the news cycle:

Jackson County Sheriff Mike Byrd due back in court today for continuation of bond revocation hearing ~ April Havens

Joe Sam Owen is one of the best criminal defense lawyers on the coast. It will be interesting to see how the opening round of the Jackson County political fist fight in Byrd prosecution turns out.

Mississippi Miscallany: The reason there is a website called Slabbed.Org

Minor family wins $1.56 million verdict against USAA in Jackson County court ~ Anita Lee

USAA attorney Greg Copeland did not return a telephone call to comment about the case.

Gee, seems like just yesterday Copeland was backslapping and celebrating……

No ruling on Jackson County Sheriff Mike Byrd’s bond revocation today ~ April Havens

Government rebuts Ladner’s collusion complaint ~ Dwayne Bremer

Rocks crush Sumrall, 55-0 ~ Joe Gex II

Drama, always much drama over Jackson County way……..

My own opinion is DA Tony Lawrence is hotter than a hornet at Sheriff Byrd starting with the “Pot Doc“, continuing with Tater Nuts and other problems far far beyond those.

Claiming Jackson County sheriff contacted witnesses, DA seeks to revoke Mike Byrd’s bond ~ April Havens