Poor Roy D’Aquila got butterflies on his tummy tum tum when he saw Val Bracy’s reports on the Trout Point Development

And I verily bet poor ol’ Roy crapped his pants when he saw the other media reports on the Broussard curatorships considering he was telling Charlie and Vaughn, on Broussard’s behalf, to put Riverbend on the Lodge’s main insurance policy. Of course you say that and they will sue. And this fixation they have with Anne Marie Vandenweghe is unhealthy IMHO.  … Continue reading “Poor Roy D’Aquila got butterflies on his tummy tum tum when he saw Val Bracy’s reports on the Trout Point Development”

Sop gets a cyber first: Behavioral finance/economics intersects with Slabbed. An Aaron Broussard/Trout Point Lodge Update.

Some of my better received work here on Slabbed deals with the topic of behavioral finance/economics.  That said when my curiosity compelled me to enter the laboratory I invariably would go to the Yahoo Finance Boards and issues like Allstate or the pump and dump de jour such as XING. Cerro Coyote has changed that folks and I want … Continue reading “Sop gets a cyber first: Behavioral finance/economics intersects with Slabbed. An Aaron Broussard/Trout Point Lodge Update.”

I’ve fielded several inquiries today concerning former congressman Gene Taylor. Updated

Today is the deadline to qualify here in Mississippi for the fall congressional elections.  As I understand it either you qualify by close of business today or you don’t get to run in the March party primaries or participate in the November general election. I’ve shook the tree multiple times. Gene has always had a close … Continue reading “I’ve fielded several inquiries today concerning former congressman Gene Taylor. Updated”

Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: Nick Sabin and Mitt Romney-Football and Politics!

Thursday, January 12th, 2012 Baton Rouge, Louisiana NICK SABIN AND MITT ROMNEY-FOOTBALL AND POLITICS! After his team soundly trounced arch rival LSU in the BCS Championship game this week, Alabama Coach Nick Sabin took the podium to comment on his team’s huge victory.  The press was no doubt looking for nuggets of quotes on the … Continue reading “Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: Nick Sabin and Mitt Romney-Football and Politics!”

The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and

You want public records you paid tax dollars to have produced ? Well the above picture pretty much sums up the attitude of the Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso…that’s right…FUCK YOUZ… WHAT YOUZ GONNA DUES ABOUT IT ! “…It was Deja Vu …and live on Cox TV too. Our backdrop is during one of the Council meetings … Continue reading “The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and”

The Times Picayune tackles a topic that has appeared here many times: A why Gwen Bollotte should have been fired years ago update.

In our coverage of Jefferson Parish Government we’ve run across the name of former Jefferson Parish CFO Gwen Bolotte a few times, normally with me expressing the opinion she needed to be fired for not doing her job as Parish Finance Director.  I termed her a doormat in fact and that is a good description of her job … Continue reading “The Times Picayune tackles a topic that has appeared here many times: A why Gwen Bollotte should have been fired years ago update.”

A man can not serve two masters: A pair of stories to illustrate the point.

Nowdy covered the civil cases related to the political prosecution of former Mississippi Supreme Court Justice Oliver Diaz back when she was active here on Slabbed and it pairs up well with a topic I’ve covered in Jefferson Parish in the suit filed by Anne Marie Vandenweghe against the Parish and former interim Parish President Steve TheRiot. I noted … Continue reading “A man can not serve two masters: A pair of stories to illustrate the point.”

The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and

And what is ‘quid pro quo’ corruption ? A regular commenter on Slabbed, ‘lockemuptight’ recently shared this rather pointed insight: “…Despite the fact that the parish is still on the hook for a $55 million loan from FEMA the Council will spend the very last penny of public taxpayers money to protect their political thief-doms … Continue reading “The Jefferson Parish Politico Mafioso: A reign of uninterrupted criminal malfeasance and”

Slabbed solves the mystery on the shores of the Tusket River in Nova Scotia as we reveal the Trout Point connection to the Jefferson Parish political Corruption Scandal

I’ve done more than a few posts on the topic of Trout Point Lodge since it first appeared on the pages of the Times Picayune back in January 2010.  I’ll be honest and say I still have no clue why the powers that be at the Times Picayune sold out their own reporter and retracted … Continue reading “Slabbed solves the mystery on the shores of the Tusket River in Nova Scotia as we reveal the Trout Point connection to the Jefferson Parish political Corruption Scandal”

A month of Slabbed and what a month August was…..

I used to do this type post way back when and last month was typical for Slabbed. Here is what you folks are reading in no particular order: Legal: While I’m on legal topics: Hark! Did I hear that legal ethicist and Slabbed fav Dane Ciolino was DQ’d as an ethics expert after a Daubert … Continue reading “A month of Slabbed and what a month August was…..”