Crash and Burn: Comfort station lawsuit dropped

Folks excuse me while I take a victory lap. Bay St. Louis residents drop case opposing comfort station ~ Leighanne Lockhart Now folks my litigation experience is still what I would term very limited, but it seems to me the first thing one should expect from their lawyer is a solid determination whether the case has … Continue reading “Crash and Burn: Comfort station lawsuit dropped”

Refuseniks or not a public comfort station is coming to the public beach near the intersection of Washington and Beach Boulevard

I personally thought the proposed bait shop / snowball stand would have gone well at the location but that idea was shot down as well. County extends lease and plans to buy land for comfort station ~ Mary Perez Meantime Dewayne Bremer lists the Plaintiffs in the property owner suit against the County for the … Continue reading “Refuseniks or not a public comfort station is coming to the public beach near the intersection of Washington and Beach Boulevard”

For those of you that haven’t figured this out……

Here in Mississippi each community is pretty much on its own: Reeves chooses ‘economics over public health’ in COVID-19 crisis, former MEMA head says ~ Anita Lee Elections have consequences. So do years of budget cuts. Last week’s talk of MDH taking the offense against COVID-19 was hot air as the agency is a shell … Continue reading “For those of you that haven’t figured this out……”

Goats on a rope: Jones Walker loses another media case

Here at Slabbed New Media we use winners only for the vital legal function as the Goatherders at Jones Walker’s Gulfport office lose yet again. Judge finds DMR unable to give newspaper records in state auditor’s possession ~ Anita Lee On deck for the Jones Walker gang, my prediction the Bay St Louis Comfort Station property … Continue reading “Goats on a rope: Jones Walker loses another media case”

Monday Links

I was floored to the response to my vague post on DMR’s Phil Bass and I’m gratified I have so many readers here in Mississippi that took time to introduce themselves over the weekend.  Time is short for me so here are a boatload of links: Expert: State Farm failed to follow fair claims practices … Continue reading “Monday Links”

Because they just do things a bit different in Hancock County

This post has a little something for everyone from the Goatherders to Good Government peeps plus we get to do a  bit of compare and contrast: Lawsuit filed over Bay beach ‘comfort station’ ~ Dwayne Bremer Bay St. Louis residents file suit, want comfort station demolished ~ Donna Harris The first story is still in … Continue reading “Because they just do things a bit different in Hancock County”

Even “without a pot to pee in”, we “know how do things up right”

Some say even the Great Depression was barely noticeable here – one of the perks of poverty, I suppose, is being so poor that having less is impossible. But, never let it be said that Mississippi mamas didn’t teach their kids how to do things up right – particularly for the comfort of guests. So, … Continue reading “Even “without a pot to pee in”, we “know how do things up right””

Let’s analyze the proposed SRHS settlement: The Trustee

Do we have a true settlement or a glorified cramdown on the SRHS pension crisis? Before I get to a few numbers and highlight the court case that I think ultimately controls the proper resolution of this disaster, we need to take a look at the person that Special Master Britt Singletary tasked about a … Continue reading “Let’s analyze the proposed SRHS settlement: The Trustee”

SPEECH Act in the news as word spreads of my historic victory over Broussard’s boys (Updated)

For those of you not following Slabbed on twitter I have a couple of links. First up is the story from LexisNexis’ (subscription required) that I think told it best. Here is a snippet: “The Nova Scotia Court’s oral decision does not contain specific findings of fact with respect to the falsity of Handshoe’s … Continue reading “SPEECH Act in the news as word spreads of my historic victory over Broussard’s boys (Updated)”