Holiday Season Special: Easy as Exhibits A, B & C

The following has very profound implications: Exhibit A ~ The official word on a few of former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard’s many other criminal acts: Broussard’s receipt of a major ownership interest in a company holding Canadian resort property for little or no capital contribution, which was instead supplied by various Parish vendors Beginning in … Continue reading “Holiday Season Special: Easy as Exhibits A, B & C”

I thought Halloween was last week…..

Just when you thought the news cycle had gotten too quiet: Perricone turns the page, pens New Orleans novel ~ WDSU via Editilla Nowdy sends the following with a note that ol’ Doug knew something very few other folks in MIssissippi did but I’m invoking Rule 301. 😉 School Board member: Hank Bounds can ‘sell … Continue reading “I thought Halloween was last week…..”

The investigators were very clear that only Judge Engelhardt would see the report……..

Former Mayor Ray Nagin appears unlikely to get Danziger Bridge records detailing government misconduct ~ Juliet Linderman “Frankly, Mr. Jenkins,” U.S. Magistrate Judge Alma Chasez said to Nagin’s attorney Robert Jenkins, “you’re not citing anything to suggest that there’s case law to give what you’re asking for. It’s not obvious to me why you need … Continue reading “The investigators were very clear that only Judge Engelhardt would see the report……..”

The Engelhardt pummeling in the media continues: Who wudda thunk….

That Slabbed would be the one to go easy on him? I mean heck, back during the thick of the insurance war playing out in the Federal courts a few years back we levied a criticism or two at the man including when Slabbed went under the covers with Gidget but not here on the Danziger case. … Continue reading “The Engelhardt pummeling in the media continues: Who wudda thunk….”

“The worst may be yet to come”: A playing on the internet disaster update

Nowdy sends the following link: Plenty of Misconduct, and 129 Pages of One Judge’s Disbelief ~ Joe Sexton, Part of ProPublica’s continuing Law & Disorder series on the post Katrina NOPD And a portion of her comment that struck a chord with me: Very close to your story What she is talking about is how … Continue reading ““The worst may be yet to come”: A playing on the internet disaster update”

BREAKING: 7 more years bad luck for the former Team Letten(mego)

Thanks to multiple readers for the heads up.  I scanned Judge Engelhardt’s 129 page order and have concluded: Neither I nor Slabbed was mentioned. (Whew) Judge Engelhardt indicated he knows the identity of NOLACat60, a former Slabbed commenter that I believe is now deceased, along with the several other identities contained in the subpoena sent … Continue reading “BREAKING: 7 more years bad luck for the former Team Letten(mego)”

Sal under the bus? The reasons come into much sharper focus.

Yup folks, Slabbed has been very consistent in predicting that Sal Perricone will end up under the bus when this whole US Attorney internet commenting scandal is said and done. I’ve never shared my reasons for the Perricone Postulate but I’ll add it is derived via process of elimination.  Even better, Mark Moseley hits a … Continue reading “Sal under the bus? The reasons come into much sharper focus.”

Me Too! Because she obviously does not love Sal as much as Slabbed loves Sal

The she being well known local publicity hound Sandy Rosenthal whom evidently still has a case of hurt fee fees after government employees dared to disagree with her assertion Hurricane Katrina was somehow a “man made disaster”.  I don’t even try to figure out the logic because there is none but while Hammerman was chasing … Continue reading “Me Too! Because she obviously does not love Sal as much as Slabbed loves Sal”

BFF Forever: Whitmer sentencing letters give color to infamous JPAC Change Order 5

Other letters were written by Whitmer’s wife, their two daughters and the fiance of one daughter; his brother, Charles Whitmer, former deputy police chief in Gretna, and Charles Whitmer’s wife; Henry Trapani, the parish’s retired citizens services director; D.J. Mumphrey Jr., an executive assistant to Coulon; Feleciano “Junior” Mendoza, who was Jefferson Parish human resources … Continue reading “BFF Forever: Whitmer sentencing letters give color to infamous JPAC Change Order 5”

Saturday Slabbed: Let’s toot the Horn

Evidently the Slabbed Nation is many things and one of those things is a very small subset of us that can say they spoke with the OIG folks making the rounds for the John Horn DOJ misconduct investigation into the NOLA US Attorney’s office. I mention this because last week Gordon Russell and his team … Continue reading “Saturday Slabbed: Let’s toot the Horn”