Jamie Perdiago??? Have we heard that name before on Slabbed?????

Of course we have folks and the reporting this blog has done on the Perdigao saga has well withstood the test of time.  I mention all this because of a recent story on former AUSA Sal Perricone by Gordon Russell over at the Times Picayune that included some of the most insightful commentary seen on … Continue reading “Jamie Perdiago??? Have we heard that name before on Slabbed?????”

Broussard sleazery on my mind as Aaron’s drama queen tendencies enter the corrption lexicon.

Boy this past week has been like the old days with an Aaron Broussard story a minute as the Times Picayune has done a bang up job examining the latest Broussard era turds to surface lately. We’ve done so much on Broussard lets do some semi-free association in a change of pace: Politicians recall Aaron Broussard’s … Continue reading “Broussard sleazery on my mind as Aaron’s drama queen tendencies enter the corrption lexicon.”

Mayor Half Moon causes a ruckus endorsing Cynthia Willard Lewis over Stacy Head for NOLA Councilperson at large

I’ll be honest folks and disclose I’ve known about Mayor Mitch favoring Cynthia Willard Lewis for the council at large seat for about 2 weeks now and I expressed what I heard yesterday in comments after the angry recriminations hit these pages with the public announcement of the news.  I mention all this because  Willard-Lewis is one of … Continue reading “Mayor Half Moon causes a ruckus endorsing Cynthia Willard Lewis over Stacy Head for NOLA Councilperson at large”

Is Big D now cooperating with Team Letten? Time to shake the tree.

On a completely related note the recent postponement of Dominick Fazzio’s brother in law’s sentencing to October is raising speculation that Dominick Fazzio has decided to cooperate with the DOJ. Let the speculation begin. If Dominick Fazzio has indeed seen the light it puts that recent Mark Moseley column at the Lens in a whole new light … Continue reading “Is Big D now cooperating with Team Letten? Time to shake the tree.”

OK who squealed Part Deux: Channel 6 picks up coverage of the report on the turmoil in the senior ranks of the Young Administration

You guys may remember that Slabbed broke the story about former Jefferson Parish Deputy COO Richard Hart causing a ruckus  in the senior ranks of the Young Administration with his boorish behavior towards women.  Then we covered who squealed to the media in Councilman at large Chris Roberts, a man with a purported need to see himself … Continue reading “OK who squealed Part Deux: Channel 6 picks up coverage of the report on the turmoil in the senior ranks of the Young Administration”

Is Shelburne Nova Scotia mayor Alan Delaney a racist? IMHO the Slabbed Nation is uniquely equipped to answer this question.

Folks there is a story I’ve been holding onto for several days now that is of the compelling variety even though it is someone elses small town news. Simply put, one doesn’t hear much about the doings in a small town in southern Nova Scotia anywhere in the States and since the Canadian people are rumored to … Continue reading “Is Shelburne Nova Scotia mayor Alan Delaney a racist? IMHO the Slabbed Nation is uniquely equipped to answer this question.”

Lets catch up with some of the latest news

The news cycle does not honor busy season but I must in order to pay the bills. That said I’ve kept up with the recent developments in the Broussard and Heebe investigations and we need to explore those a bit more. First up are the seemingly contradictory articles yesterday by T-P Jefferson Parish beat reporters Paul Rioux and Rich … Continue reading “Lets catch up with some of the latest news”

Thursday Links: Topics we’ve previously covered.

Grand Isle police chief faces 3 challengers in Saturday election ~ Paul Rioux Slabbed’s coverage of Chief Dubois and the Captain Jay Dantin molestation scandal looks to be figuring into the politics of this election folks. Former Jefferson Parish exec Tim Whitmer, Aaron Broussard’s former aide, due in federal court ~ Rich Rainey Does the … Continue reading “Thursday Links: Topics we’ve previously covered.”

Must read: What planet am I on? American Zombie

I watched 75 minutes of Fox 8’s late news last night and am in lockstep with Jason on how he is calling this. Simply put dredging up Cedric Richmond to talk about anyone’s integrity or lack thereof, is about as bad as Tommy Tucker at Payola radio lowering the boom on Perricone. Maybe instead of  yammering about suing Perricone on … Continue reading “Must read: What planet am I on? American Zombie”

Must Read: Yeah, what Jeffrey said!

To begin with, it’s disconcerting to see professional media persons who the public supposes to be sophisticated about such things, badly botch their internet taxonomy by labeling Perricone a “blogger” in their reporting. Do they not fact check these terms? I’m told Wikipedia is a popular TV journalist’s research tool. Let’s see what we find … Continue reading “Must Read: Yeah, what Jeffrey said!”