Yes Dick did it. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals gets Turner v Pleasant right on their second try. A Porteous the pig update.

We’re not holding our breath for the ODC to do anything about the rest of the crooked lawyers associated with the now impeached of Judge Tom pOrteous given their treatment of morally bankrupt lawyer Claude Lightfoot but the 5th Circuit finally did the right thing in Turner v Pleasant, a case involving periodic Slabbed fav Dick Chopin that … Continue reading “Yes Dick did it. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals gets Turner v Pleasant right on their second try. A Porteous the pig update.”

Its Official! Thomas Porteous has resigned from the practice of law

He brought dishonor on himself, those that associated with him and his family name by not resigning from the bench, preferring instead impeachment and conviction by Congress. With the handwriting on the wall, he saves the do-little Chuck Plattsmeier and his band of blind mice at the Louisiana ODC the work of booting him from the legal … Continue reading “Its Official! Thomas Porteous has resigned from the practice of law”

BREAKING: Porteous the pig is impeached and convicted (Updated and corrected)

The vote is going on as we speak.  All articles approved. Here is the breaking story from the Times Picayune. Folks we are all fixing to find out if Chuck Plattsmier and his ODC are really limp wristed nutless wonders or if they are serious about the judicial and legal misconduct revealed in this case … Continue reading “BREAKING: Porteous the pig is impeached and convicted (Updated and corrected)”

Lipstick on a pig: The Porteous impeachment back in the news.

Folks we have arrived at the end game with soon to be impeached (and convicted) Judge G. Thomas pOrteous. Bruce Alpert has a report for the Times Picayune on this matter and the always self promoting lawyer Jonathan Turley tries to slather some last minute lipstick on the hog that is Porteous. All that said I’m partial … Continue reading “Lipstick on a pig: The Porteous impeachment back in the news.”

Since we’ve become pOrteous central, how about a Tommy update.

Our readers may recall the comment here on Slabbed which disclosed Tommy Porteous was let go by Baldwin Haspel just before Dad’s impeachment trial.  We are pleased to report the Porteous has landed at Brown Sims as some sort of suped up associate along side Federal Judge Lance Africk’s suped up Brown Sims associate/wifey. Like they say … Continue reading “Since we’ve become pOrteous central, how about a Tommy update.”

Mister Mumblelides can you spell your name for the record? A Porteous impeachment update.

I had several emails yesterday inquiring if I was going to do another Porteous post, especially in light of the evidently illuminating testimony of former Jefferson Parish DA John Mamoulides.  I did not find time to fit any blogging in yesterday but do have a bit of time today for this endeavor called Slabbed. Before I put … Continue reading “Mister Mumblelides can you spell your name for the record? A Porteous impeachment update.”

Guest Opinion: Law & Grace calls for Judicial Reform in response to the Impeachment of Judge Thomas Porteous

“I am the President / Founder of Law & Grace, Inc, a social justice, 501 (c) (3) corporation. I am hoping that two particular statements that I posted in response to the September 11, 2010 article entitled: “Judge Thomas Porteous the crook on trial: An editorial”  might become the beginnings for judicial changes.  In … Continue reading “Guest Opinion: Law & Grace calls for Judicial Reform in response to the Impeachment of Judge Thomas Porteous”