Let’s talk methane recovery and Peter Butler Jr. as we tie a few more things together: A River Birch Landfill / Jefferson Parish Corruption Update

Folks there is one document that my gabby cousin Slabb O’Leak laid on me that merits special attention because it relates to this ridiculously good post Whitmergate authored for Slabbed back in December 2010, which I have made sticky today for everyone’s use and reference.  You see when the politicos divided up their turf with respect to the River … Continue reading “Let’s talk methane recovery and Peter Butler Jr. as we tie a few more things together: A River Birch Landfill / Jefferson Parish Corruption Update”

Slabbed takes the “Ignatius challenge” and writes one wayyyyy to the inside.

Comment from V, an US citizen whose privacy was invaded by Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret of Trout Point Lodge in their SLAPP suit against Fox 8.  This comment certainly earned the ire of Team Goatherder and it is apparent from V’s tone he was well aware of the threats that were being passed about regarding … Continue reading “Slabbed takes the “Ignatius challenge” and writes one wayyyyy to the inside.”

Slabbed examines the harassment of private citizens expressing their opinion on Jefferson Parish Corruption: Part 2

The post was insanely good except for one part but before we get to the post and part to which I refer, let’s visit with this New York Times story from 5 days ago: The question is no longer who has been hacked. It’s who hasn’t? The Washington Post can be added to the growing … Continue reading “Slabbed examines the harassment of private citizens expressing their opinion on Jefferson Parish Corruption: Part 2”

The problem with the media coverage of Tourism Libelists Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret in Canada is it is built upon a foundation of straw.

Folks I warned Toronto Star reporter Richard J. Brennan this story was far more complicated and nuanced than he was lead to believe and I encouraged him to contact media outlets and the local authorities before wielding the hatchet to us.  Unfortunately he had his mind made up when he called me how he was … Continue reading “The problem with the media coverage of Tourism Libelists Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret in Canada is it is built upon a foundation of straw.”

Slabbed explores former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard’s business activities in Nova Scotia Part 2: You own 100% of 2% of nothing.

In part 1 of this series I covered the genesis of Trout Point development and the associated fleecing of the ACOA by our three amigos Danny Abel, Vaughn Perret and Charles Leary. The fallout was slow in developing though as certain employees at the ACOA that were involved with the La Farme D’Acadie disaster actually died in the interim and the ACOA was not … Continue reading “Slabbed explores former Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard’s business activities in Nova Scotia Part 2: You own 100% of 2% of nothing.”

Lee Zurik again tackles favoritism in Jefferson Parish Government getting reaction from Chris “Mini-me” Roberts on John Young’s former secretary.

Ok folks two reporters go to a house to research a tip the house has a leaky faucet that wastes some water.  When they arrive they find the house engulfed in flames.  One reporter immediately files a report there is a major house fire in town.  The other writes a story about the leaky faucet…… This is … Continue reading “Lee Zurik again tackles favoritism in Jefferson Parish Government getting reaction from Chris “Mini-me” Roberts on John Young’s former secretary.”

Here’s something for the scrapbook: Fazzio co-conspirator Mark Titus in plea talks with US Attorney Letten.

Paul Rioux gave us the latest on the defrauding of construction management firm Garner Services to the tune of $1 million and change yesterday evening (bad news Friday) and the long and short of it is that one of the co-conspirators aka the inside guy, Mark Titus is interested in cutting a deal with Jim Letten to rat-out … Continue reading “Here’s something for the scrapbook: Fazzio co-conspirator Mark Titus in plea talks with US Attorney Letten.”

Slabbed solves the mystery on the shores of the Tusket River in Nova Scotia as we reveal the Trout Point connection to the Jefferson Parish political Corruption Scandal

I’ve done more than a few posts on the topic of Trout Point Lodge since it first appeared on the pages of the Times Picayune back in January 2010.  I’ll be honest and say I still have no clue why the powers that be at the Times Picayune sold out their own reporter and retracted … Continue reading “Slabbed solves the mystery on the shores of the Tusket River in Nova Scotia as we reveal the Trout Point connection to the Jefferson Parish political Corruption Scandal”

From the if you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the problem files…….

 I look for three qualities in hiring people. Integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don’t have the first then the last two will kill you, because if they don’t have integrity you want them dumb and lazy.~ Warren Buffett The Times Picayune endorsed Roberts and Capella today in an editorial the paper’s recently retired consigliere … Continue reading “From the if you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the problem files…….”

Roll the dice for another round of CLUE – the River Birch version

Although some are still playing CLUE – the River Birch Version,  we need to roll the dice and start another round to make room for all the new clues filed today. Let’s start with why the Government brought a “clean team” along when the FBI searched the third floor offices of River Birch: (Government’s Response) … Continue reading “Roll the dice for another round of CLUE – the River Birch version”