Me Too! Because she obviously does not love Sal as much as Slabbed loves Sal

The she being well known local publicity hound Sandy Rosenthal whom evidently still has a case of hurt fee fees after government employees dared to disagree with her assertion Hurricane Katrina was somehow a “man made disaster”.  I don’t even try to figure out the logic because there is none but while Hammerman was chasing Buddy Caldwell, Lee Zurik was publishing an email sent to Sandy by Sal Perricone. Such is the sad state of the investigative department at Fox 8 these days.

It appears has morphed into a crusade against Silence Dogood instead of its former equally silly mission of trying to hornswoggle journalists into saying Hurricane Katrina was somehow made by man. Should she and her dangerous ilk have their way community sourced topics that appear on Slabbed like the DMR Scandal would not occur and as such she is dangerous to the first amendment.

Now Slabbed is at a disadvantage here because our man love for Sal Perricone is largely unrequited due to certain, unfortunate circumstances but I get the faintest of bat signals that Sal has not destroyed his membership card in the greater Slabbed Nation so there is hope. Sal just know we love you dude despite the fact it looks as if you are soon to be run over by a freight train.

With that off my chest check out Jason Berry’s post on the same topic as he was so moved by the inanity of it all that he unloaded shortly after last night’s 10:00 pm news.

20 thoughts on “Me Too! Because she obviously does not love Sal as much as Slabbed loves Sal”

  1. Damn! sure you got sandy pegged! can’t be a “trophy wife” ’cause uglier than home-made sin; so took the mistake of doubling-down on alleged “personality”. just doesn’t realize no one gives rat-scat for her opinions! Ambulance chaser mentality.

  2. Ms. Rosenthal and her organization could do a public service by doing a comparison and expose’ of the recently “rejuvenated” Levee Board Settlement, which looks to me like a simple “repeat” of what the Federal Fifth Circus slapped down a couple of years ago, because the only beneficiaries of the settlement were plaintiffs’ lawyers. The only “difference” I can see is the interest the Levee Boards’ insurers have earned during the past few years that the paltry sums remained in their pockets. If Ms. Rosenthal says “No”, so she can continue to trade barbs with Periconne, I might ask Doug for permission to do a Guest Post on this subject, since it is so CROOKED and ROTTEN. Ashton O’Dwyer.

    1. I just e mailed John Litchfield, Sal Perricone’s atty, to notice Sal that Jan Mann’s November 2011 comment, “Copeland, Fazzio and Heebe are birds of a feather….” as filed by Heebe atty’s in defamation complaint IS HEEBE CONTINUED former Butler, Heebe, Hirsch law firm by law NO time limit fabrication fraud on the court PROVING JAN MANN is correct: “Copeland, Fazzio, Heebe” are birds of a feather as proved in my Jan. 3rd N.O. division FBI meeting. Heebe defamation filing continued NO time LIMIT LAED court fraud on the court for Copeland, which by law passed to Copeland Estate. Jan Mann was mailed all records, proving Heebe continued fraud on the court. Gordon, Manuel, Hammer and Lee Zurik have been e mailed info.

  3. Sandy’s problem is that she gives a pass to the state and local kleptocrats who thoroughly neglected their duty under law, while going full-flap dive mode into the Corpse of Engineers. This has been noted to her but it seems there’s a reason for attacking one of the various gangs involved in the sad story of deficient levee protection in this area pre Katrina.

  4. While Katrina was a natural disaster on the Mississippi coast, the fact is the walls along the 17th Street canal and the London Avenue canal failed as much as 4 feet below their design heights.

    1. I’m down with that Matt. As I understand it some of the problems dealt with bad design, others where the systems were simply overwhelmed. A good bit of the blame goes to the CoE. Like Empire I think a good bit blame goes in the mirror.

      Regardless the PC language according to Sandy Rosenthal typecasts us all and Katrina was way bigger than the City of NOLA, which was a human disaster whose misery was multiplied due to sheer ineptitude.

      A step further someone needs to point out that levees are bad for the environment. I accept the NOLA hurricane protection system. What I do not is further filling in wetlands and building more levees.

      The CoE has become a mighty convenient whipping boy since Slabbed began back in late 2007. And I watched politicians like Chris Roberts and Billy Nungesser scapegoat the CoE to the cheers of the local populace while their snakes friends like Jack Stevens and pals robbed entities like the Mereaux Foundation like a transvestite prostitute did a certain race car driving John.

      Something smells Matt and it smells bad.

      1. Contact Dr. George Flowers at Tulane University – he’ll give you the real deal on why the levees failed and why they will fail again. He can also give you a good tutorial and why the southern half of the state is sinking. It is the truth no one wants to hear because it means everyone has to take responsibility.

      2. Doug has you on a “qui bono” moment. Keep in mind the gameplan has been to use the feds as a transmission belt to extort money nationally and distribute through local recipients who in turn fund their friends & family plans. Everyone in the looting process is quite happy with the results – except for those looted, of course.

  5. So Slabbed nation…do me a favor, please. Go back and watch this segment again on the Fox 8 website. Then please report back on how you think Fred Heebe was “portrayed” in this piece. Sandy is obviously playing the victim card, as she does so well, but is it just me or did Heebe somehow get lumped into the victim category in this piece?

    I’d really like to hear you guys perspective on just that item.

    1. I agree Jason Heebe was indirectly shown to be a victim. Does Sandy know Heebe. Somebody needs to check on whether River Birch had a clay pit which was used for levee soil. I seem to remember a clay pit on the west bank which the jefferson council by resolution filled with water and converted to a parish fishing lake so pit owner didn’t have to backfill.

    2. I watched Fox 8 live without the filtered benefit of the full email/letter. Per request, I again watched at the Fox 8 website with an intentional focus on just how Fred Heebe was “portrayed”. Fred was mentioned only once in the email:”Perricone resigned last year after businessman Fred Heebe uncovered evidence Perricone was posting anonymously on, sometimes mentioning people his office was investigating.” Live. A consumer of the media is given a visual portrayal. Fred’s picture is juxtaposed with Sal against the U.S.Court House in the background. Businessman Heebe was directly shown to be a good citizen. Team Sandy Rosenthal ( exposed the U.S.Corps of Engineers; Heebe exposed Sal Perricone. The message of ad hominem anonymous commenting was drummed home with Sal on the defensive. Fred Heebe “stood up for the public good.” In full disclosure, I ralphed in Aug.2009 when Jacques Morial accepted the Ashley Morris Award for an anonymous blogger. Today, I feel fine at American Zombie but Sal (aka Jack?) know that I do stay vigilant.

      1. Correction: Fred was mentioned only once in Lee Zurick’s investigative report. Again, always proof read your brief before filing with the court.

        1. I e mailed Lee Zurik LAED court “archived” crossed records investigated Jan. 3, 2013 at my meeting with N. O. division FBI. Fred Heebe defamation Jan Mann filing outed eweman for Nov. 2011 comment three weeks after I met Oct. 12, 2011 with Jan Mann on same “archived” crossed records proving Fred Heebe (Butler,Heebe,Hirsch law firm)LAED 2004-11 NO time limit by law fraud on the court, for Al Copeland, et. al. with “opposition” fraud on the court denials.

          1. Jan Mann blogged after my meeting: “Copeland,Fazzio and Heebe are birds of a feather…..” and in Jan. 2012,”Reinstatement of Copeland CEO federal felon Bryan White as an attorney is disgusting…”

      2. I hate to burst the conspiracy bubble but I have no ties to Jacques Morial. That was done at the last second as a joke because I was being stalked in the conference by a former city attorney and a couple of his goon friends.

        I’m not sure I’m reading your comment correctly but did you just say “Fred Heebe stood up for the public good” as a personal sentiment or were you suggesting that’s how it came off in the story?

        Surely to Buddha, you’re not suggesting Heebe’s efforts to unmask Perricone and Man were motivated by his desire to serve the “public good”.

        1. My comment was descriptive of the crafted story. To be blunt: the media message was that Fred Heebe’s shit don’t stink as a subtle aside. Again, your feedback focus was on a one-time viewing either live or on the Fox 8 website. There already was media saturation on Heebe’s efforts to unmask Perricone & Mann, the resignation of Jim Letten and the fact that Heebe would not be charged over River Birch. To describe how Heebe was “portrayed”, flip the question. How was Sandy Rosenthal “portrayed”? Sal defends and continues to defend against being hurtful, attacking & personal (Sandy was never personal on It’s the behavior. When powerful people (Sal & the Army Corps of Engineers) betray the public trust by posting anonymously on the internet, pretending to be disinterested third-party observers and then to attack a person or group, it frightens people. It’s scary. It was not a nice letter. Like, good citizen Fred Heebe “stood up for the public good” by outing nasty Sal Perricone. Sounds like jury selection in Waste Management v. River Birch has begun. Let’s probe deeper into Lee Zurick’s ‘Fox 8 Investigates’. I found six times where Sandy made mention of Sal by name on exposed the Corps without the IP addresses of the commentators. They were spoon fed both Perricone & Mann. “Rosenthal and have been monitoring and speaking out against people of power who they believe anontmously post on the Internet.” Beyond plausible speculation, what other “people of power” have thet unmasked? Lee Zurick did not quote from Sal’s email/letter:…”there are comments attributed to me that I did not author. Now ask yourself this question: how could that have happened?” This echoes a JRchiper comment: “There is also a likely hood if you have the ability to obtain the IP addresses (and password) without a subpoena you may also have the ability to plant statements which Perricone has lamented.” Add hacking to the festering gumbo and I’m beyond horny to know who! True, I am into conspiracy theory. Good to hear that you were not gamed by Jacques Morial; you don’t want to end up in the belly of the tiger. Mark Moseley at the Lens (‘Rante under yet another alias sounds a lot like Perricone’) suppplements Lee Zurick’s “unfiltered look at the mindset of former federal prosecutor Sal Perricone” with a “martyfed” quote: “Letten has another enemy…Marc Morial. I am sure Mary will allow him to get to Obama (and Eric Holder), thus terminating the only thing that works in this city.” Tagged with Jim Brown’s Weekly Column: Will Jindal and Landrieu face off in Senate race?

  6. Churchill Farms….they absolutely used dirt from Churchill.

    I don’t want to go off on the conspiracy train with a Sandy/Heebe connection but I will go off on Fox 8 crafting that story the way they did.

    Don’t think for a second that Heebe isn’t putting a lot of cash into “reputation restoration”. In his case, it’s the subtle things you have to watch for. That piece stuck out like a turd in punchbowl to me, glad to hear I’m not the only one who noticed it.

    1. DOJ, Deputy Attorney General is NOW aware of Heebe, et. al. LAED proved “archived” 2004-11 FBI Jan. 3, 2013 investigated crossed records proving Heebe and LAED court Judge’s corruption for Al Copeland, et. al. as confessed by Al’s two partners to retired LAED prosecutor Albert Winter’s, Jr. and I. and proved beyond doubt just in “archived records.”

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