Despite doing Slabbed for almost 5 years…..

There are still times someone shows up as a tweep and I feel like I gotta pinch myself to make sure its real. It happened today for instance and I reckon no matter how long I do this little project I’ll never get used to it, so I guess I’ll keep pinching.

Consider this today’s open thread.


5 thoughts on “Despite doing Slabbed for almost 5 years…..”

  1. So all I had to do was click on Walt Handleman’s ‘Following ‘ and there it was: he follows Slabbed. Yay Doug

  2. Obviously he misses New Orleans. If he married a woman from New Orleans than he is
    in big trouble—they never do good outside the creole culture. He will probably be back one

    Hope Walt find this and cause I’m sure he will enjoy:

    This one is for you Walt. Come on back. The party is never over, trust me.

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