7 thoughts on “Slabbed calls on Interim Jefferson Parish President Steve Theriot to resign”

  1. oowee Call me a chicken but my uncle and I are still not coming out of our rainforest bunker until Ms.Barton, Mr.Giangrosso and the council gang of 7 resign also! oowee

  2. Sock: I am gonna rent the movie to see what happens to Redford. Seems like my kind of guy. Or gal. Proud to be a member of Slabbednation.

  3. My opinion of the appointment of TheRiot as JP interim parish president was that the council felt they had someone who would come in and eliminate suspicion of any Parish wrongoings. Here comes Mr. Good Government to the rescue.

    One of the first items sent to the State Board of Ethics after TheRiot’s appointment was an Ethics Board request about the propriety of his daughter Wanda and her involvement with bond underwriter Coastal Securities who had previously done underwriting work for WJ Hospital and JP Finace Authority.

    Dad Steve was once an employee for Coastal and not to mention once Chairman of the Board for WJ Hoptital and the JP Finance Authority.

    The Ethics Board ruling can be found here

    Not to mention TheRiot served concurrently on the WJ hospital board as chairman with fellow board members Fred Heebe and then Jim Ward who was appointed to replace Heebe when Heebe was under consideration for US Attorney of the Eastern District of LA. This is the position currently held by Jim Letten. Thank the Lord.

    Fred Heebe and Jim Ward are co-owners of the River Birch landfill. The parish has awarded a study to legitimize the contract with River Birch. River Birch was also connected with the Tim Whitmer insurance scandal.

    TheRiot’s ethics had been called into question by the TP’s James Gill during his stint as Legislative Auditor.

    Lately the most pressing concern to TheRiot has been the suppression of any public critism of the JP administration and council.

    His appointment was suspect from the beginning.

    Considering his treatment of AMV and the subsequent lawsuit against “Cyberspace” I think it is high time for his resignation.

    Why would the interim parish president push forward with such important matters to the Parish? This is much like the Nagin administration trying to award contracts that will tie up funds long after they have been sent to pasture.

  4. This could be a partial transcript of a future deposition(s) of Herr Theriot during any one of the many lawsuits he will be answering to in the near future:

    Placide duBrus, my very French cousain from Bayou Lafouche, Golden Meadow in fact (who, as I’ve described before, studied in France and has a bit more radical attitude, particularly when it comes to politics) has an inexorable talent when questioning people about their conduct and memory. It’s like he pulled a wild hair out his French ass, then uses it like a dart when confronted with the likes of such an ignominious character as Theriot.

    Questioning relative to Mr. Theriot’s appointment as Parish President:

    duBRUS: Mr. Theriot, when were you first contacted about being appointed interim Parish
    President? And by whom ?

    THERIOT: I have no recollection, one way or the other. And, I have no recollection, one way or
    the other.

    duBRUS: You have previously stated that you were called on a Friday night, 3 days prior to the
    announcement, by 6 of the 7 Council members who had decided to tell the world on the
    following Monday, that you were their unanimous choice…Is that a true statement ?

    THERIOT: I have no recollection, one way or the other.

    duBRUS: Mr. Theriot are you familiar with the Public Meetings Law of Louisiana ? I see that it
    is hi-lighted in the Legislative Auditor’s web site, along with the Public Records Law.

    THERIOT: Computers?…web site…bloggers…What ?…I have no recollection, one way or the other

    duBRUS: Do you know JP Councilman John Young ?

    THERIOT: You mean Connick’s…wait…uh…I have no recollection, one way or the other.

    duBRUS: Was it Larry Sisung, Jr. who brokered your appointment as interim Parish President ?

    THERIOT: No…Yes…wait… you know…I have no recollection, one way or the other.

    duBRUS: Did you retire as Legislative Auditor in late November knowing that Mr. Broussard
    would be resigning in the first week of January ?

    THERIOT: Aaron …who?…I have no recollection, one way or the other.

    duBRUS: As Louisiana State Auditor for almost 6 years, did you ever conduct any investigation
    relating to corruption in Jefferson Parish ?

    THERIOT: Jefferson Parish ?..,investigate who ?…I have no recollection, one way or the other.

    duBRUS: Do you recollect anything………

    Theriot’s lawyers huddle, and I immediately recognize the infamous Mr. Leonard Cline, whose testimony at the Congressional Hearing during the impeachment proceedings of Tom Porteous, is legendary for it’s oblique connotation: ” I have no recollection, one way or the other ”

    In the background I can hear Mathilde singing, “one way or the other, I’m gonna get ya, get ya,
    get ya, get ya, get ya now….” Pelican seems aggravated at the very least. Yep it’s symptomatic, not enough Rebel Yell to be relaxed.

    duBrus moves the court to have Theriot held in contempt for non responsive answers; in fact he requests the court to have Theriot put in jail for contempt. I’m thinking, not here…no way… in the 24th JDC ! These people take care of their own. But as fate would have it, we’re in Judge Steib’s court, a level playing field, so Placide begins his argument: “In order to have no ‘recollection’, one must presuppose having no memory, period. So the added phrase ‘one way or the other’ becomes negated ipso facto, resulting in a positive assertion. You either remember or you don’t; to not remember one way or another is to remember. ” Next thing I see is Theriot being escorted out, by the deputy, and Mr. Cline hurriedly leaving the courtroom. Ca alors, what a Frenchman !

    So Pelican what do you think Theriot’s thinking about ?…’Gate that a a contradiction in terms…Matilde, hey baby…do we have any Rebel Yell left ?

    THERIOT: I have no recollection, one way or the other.

  5. oowee Its pretty hard reading “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” by moonlight with a gas mask on but from what I have read Jefferson Parish is definitely under the beginning control of a maniac Furheur and Nazi council! Pretty soon all bloggers will be asked by parish leaders to bring their computers to a central location to receive free wi-fi connectivity. Don’t go, even if they throw in a free can of inhalant DustOff, free turborized hard drives or one year home free service from The Geek Squad. Beware of all and any free governmental offers which may cause the assembly of bloggers.Learn how to blog from electronic variable anonomyus(EVAs) sites whenever possible. Maintain the lowest illumination setting of your screens.
    BLOGGERS —– Remember, we are under all out MEDIA ATTACK !!!!!!!!!!!!! oowee

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