6 thoughts on “The good word is that Mr Letten is interested in Public Belt……”

  1. Well that makes a very interesting coincidence- Sometime in the last week the Nola.Com website Deleted the user id of Gretna Mentality- In addition all of Gretna Mentality’s posts have been deleted.

    I really loved the post that you commented on here about Letten and Investigations.

    You have to wonder who called in a favor to get rid of Gretna?

    1. We have no such prohibition here at Slabbed. In fact I think we have a comment or two here by someone using that handle.

      On the other just trying to drive home a point. 🙂


  2. JIm Letten was recently honored at a local Boys Scouts of America celebration. I sure hope Jim will BE PREPARED not only to immediately remove and incarcerate those that have replaced HONOR with self greed in Jefferson, but speedily replace them with federal administrative agents to manage government honestly until a special election can be held. Allowing corruption to continue to c0exist in government unpunished for years is not an example to set before the Scouts. The longer the toxic political waste remains the more Scouts will see that corruption is tolerated, i.e. as in the 8 years it took to remove Judge Porteous.

  3. I just want to make a few points about Jim (SPIT!) Letten (SPIT!) and some of the people in his office. I am being “persecuted” for allegedly “threatening” unnamed and unidentifiable people (If I had intended bodily harm to anyone, THEY WOULD ALREADY BE DEAD!), while ACTUAL SERIOUS BODILY INJURIES which were inflicted on me on 9/20/05 at Camp Amtrak, in violation of my civil rights with the complicity of a fairly large number of Federal employees, go un-investigated and un-prosecuted by Letten. The Assistant U.S. Attorneys who I aver were complicit in my criminal abduction, brutalization, torture and false imprisonment on 9/20/05, include Michael Magner, Stephen Higginson and Brian Marcelle, at a bare minimum. All of these people work for Letten. And in addition to Letten himself, I aver that Jan Maselli Mann and Sandra Guiterrez of Letten’s office, plus the previously-identified miscreants, (at a bare minimum) have obstructed justice and been guilty of misprison of a felony by protecting and providing “cover” to “the GUILTY” in my case, who include their own colleagues, among others. Voltaire wrote: “It is dangerous to be right when the Government is wrong.” No truer words could ever have been written. I have been “living” these words for the past 5-plus years, thanks to Letten, the CRIMINALS who work for him, and a few “crooked as snakes” Federal Judges, who Letten can’t “see”, either, even though they work in the same building. Ashton O’Dwyer a/k/a “The WHITE Henry Glover”.

  4. I formerly was also deceived — and I applauded U.S. Jim Letten. However, rather than now praise him, an alarm needs to sounded to expose Letten’s DANGEROUS, DECEPTIVE, SELECTIVE prosecution –probably for purposes of indulging preferred cronies.

    Even a Texas federal judge made note of Letten’s underhandedness when discussing Letten’s “secret deal.” -http://www.chron.com/CDA/archives/archive.mpl?id=2005_3902313.

    Incredibly, people are already posting praise on nola.com for Letten even though WHATEVER he is supposedly taking HIS BOW ON HIS STAGE, a/k/a “news conference” has not been made public.

    However, overwhelming facts and evidence shows that the U.S. DOJ, headed by Jim Letten ENABLES people like U.S. Senator David Vitter, and corrupt FEDERAL as well as STATE JUDICIARIES in Louisiana.

    Apparently, it the time has come around again for gathering facts and evidence for the usual WHITEWASHING and use of LEVERAGE for coercing certain people (who want to avoid embarrassment or indictment) to cooperate with the good-ole-boys institution. Gathering ‘Intelligence’ worked REALLY well for the Gretna courthouse SELECTIVE prosecution (pay back time) of some, and the sacrificial offering of others.

    AFTER ALL that time that glaring improprieties were occurring at Public Belt, the “federal subpoena” crowd disregarded Public Belt until news stories surfaced that made cover-ups no longer an option. Plausibly, “federal subpoena” people need to acquire and scrub evidence that might become viewed by the ‘Inspector General’ for New Orleans.







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