Today is Grand Jury day for the Jefferson Parish Council…

Actually Grand Jury day 2. Rich Rainey filed a short report for the T-P where he includes a nuance previously missing from the earlier reporting concerning the exact type of subpoena that was issued as all subpoenas are evidently not created equal.


8 thoughts on “Today is Grand Jury day for the Jefferson Parish Council…”

  1. Roberts and Congemi are in already this morning. Yes, Roberts.

    They’re still awaiting B. Lee and LaGasse, and maybe Cafella.

  2. TOP 10 things overheard at the U.S. District Courthouse today :

    10. Where’s the bathroom?
    9. How do you spell 5th?
    8. Look! Debbie Villio’s selling Lacky Dogs!
    7. I have Tim Baudier’s campaign flier on my refrigerator door too!
    6. Do NOT go in the bathroom. Chris Roberts was here last week.
    5. They won’t LET me talk in my commercials! (Tom Capella only)
    4. I wasn’t properly weaned. (Elton Lagasse only)
    3. I had a dream that one of the Sopranos was BLACK. (Byron Lee only)
    2. Quit coughing on me Louis!

    & the NUMBER 1 Thing overheard at The U.S. District Courthouse today…

    1. So THAT’S why they call it FAT CITY!

  3. James Gil, on “Informed Sources,” this evening, said that Jennifer Sneed plead the 5th at her GJ appearance.

  4. Thanks, “bre”. Now THAT’s news. I like that show, but could not view it last evening due to a “weak signal”. COX Orleans, won’t you help me? You take my money (what little i have). Ashton O’Dwyer.

  5. This LIAR, LIAR… ROBERTS…may be the most shameless politician that even opened his BIGGGGGGGG mouth.

    mini-me ROBERTS was a prime instigator in sounding the charge to set the stage of getting rid of Waste Management…complaining 3 days after Katrina

  6. Kudos go out to Rich Rainey for his coverage of the garbage contract awarded to IESI. And all this while he was developing the sister story that has taken front page, River Birch.

    After reading the following excerpt from Rainey

  7. Speaking of IESI, did anyone see this report on WVUE?

    It seems that IESI basically did a lil’ end around with the St. Tammany Parish administration on the normal rules of procedure to create a waste transfer station by means of a zoning change in a quiet and powerless neighborhood. No notice to the public was provided AT ALL. The district rep claims he cannot even get a hearing on it. “”””St. Tammany Parish Councilman Al Hamauei, who represents the Lacombe area, believes a permit to IESI was based on a loose interpretation of the current zone restrictions for that area. He’s been battling to hold a public hearing for months on the zoning of this area. “I just think we need a public hearing. I tried for a moratorium emergency moratorium. The council didn’t agree. I tried for zoning and we’re still working on zoning. In this case, we should have had one in place and this would not have happened,” Hamauei said by phone.””

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