10 thoughts on “”

  1. This is an easy one. The furniture was paid for with a DMR check. I will take it one step further and tell you it was a dining room set of the previous homeowner. Do you want the check number also?

  2. Just kidding about the check number. I do not have it but the FBI does. This information is being broadcast from the Home Depot free wifi.

  3. I was told by a very, very reliable mole that Bill Walker paid for it with a DMR check under the disguise of using it in his, Walkers, conference room at the Bolton Building. They must have found out after they bought it that the legs were glued down to the floor at Scott Walkers Mansion because it never got moved to the DMR office. This will have the Walkers shaking in their boots because they know this is a blatant example of how they rolled. No matter how they paid it still spells trouble for them. Maybe this is were they will have their Last Supper before departing for different locations.

  4. They are probably interchangeable. I am sure the fact that Scott Walker bought this house from any government agent raises a few eyebrows. No telling what the seller has had to explain. You are correct you could not possibly make this stuff up. The twist and turns are just too crazy.

  5. They are probably interchangeable. I am sure the fact that Scott Walker bought this house from any government agent raises a few eyebrows. No telling what the seller has had to explain. You are correct you could not possibly make this stuff up. The twist and turns are just too crazy.

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