4 thoughts on “Slabbed legal minute: “Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus””

  1. “Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus”

    Doug, havin’ been around da’ seduction block a few times me tinks I done translated yo’ political correctal tarts which me did agree wit’.

    But really, yo’ can’t expect paralegal gals only to depose one falsy ” in bus”(sic) – ” bust ” ?

    Gotta’ done get all dem’ falsies pointed in same direction for legit acceptance, balance or done bees laughed out da’ court room.

    Dat’s why yo’ join da” leathernecks’ 4F courtroom club . Feel dem’, Finger dem’ and Forward dem’ to da’ Falsy po- po and let dem’ do dere ting.

    Its like ” scootin’ birds on da’ wire”.

  2. Well, Doug has hi-jacked one of my favorite Latin maxims (although using it hasn’t gotten me anywhere). When a Judge is in someone’s pocket, Clarence Darrow quoting the Holy Bible wouldn’t get you anywhere. But I will be putting together a “HE’S A PATHOOLGICAL LIAR” package (a la Charles Laughton) featuring none other than our illustrious “Chief Disciplinary Counsel” (in Louseyanna), Charles Bennet Plattsmier, Jr. The package should be ready before noon tomorrow, Tuesday, the 9th, and it is guaranteed to “entertain”. That degenerate criminal scum and vermin BELONGS IN PRISON! In the meantime, I have another Latin maxim for “The SLABBED Nation”, namely, “Quis custodiet ipsos custodies” which, translated, means: “Who watches the watchmen?” Ashton O’Dwyer.

  3. FALSUS IN UNO; FALSUS IN OMNIBUS. It means, false in one thing, false in everything. Meaning that if a son-of-a-bitch LIED about one thing, then he should not be viewed as credible about anything. Think about this: I grew up subscribing to “The Honor Code” in effect at the United States Military Academy at West Point: “I don’t lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do.” It’s a good way to live one’s life. The individual who I will talk about today has never heard of “The Honor Code”, and if he did, then he rejected it. Unfortunately, this SERIAL LIAR (lying has become a habit for him) is a State Bureaucrat who wields great power over Members of the Bar in this State, but as I alluded to last night,
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodies, which means “Who watches the watchmen?” People are AFRAID of him and the PIMPS he has surrounded himself with, which is why he’s not IN JAIL. Let me tell you “more”. I encountered him for the first time during the week of September 11, 2005, in the aftermath of KATRINA. I later learned that he, Charles Bennet Plattsmier, Jr., and the __(intentionally left blank)__ he worked for, Catherine Dick Kimball, then a Louisiana Supreme Court Justice and later Chief Justice (recently retired), had orchestrated my abduction, brutalization, torture and false imprisonment on September 20, 2005, and immediately began covering up their crimes through LIES. I had a number of telephone conversations with Plattsmier during the latter part of 2005 and early 2006 (Kimball never would speak with me). Plattsmier and I also exchanged correspondence with me. It wasn’t until December 2006 that I learned that Plattsmier had been an active Member of the criminal conspiracy unleashed against me in September 2005. Some of the LIES he told me during the interim follow: (1) Plattsmier claimed that the ONLY knowledge he had about Ashton O’Dwyer came from a Wall Street Journal article published on Friday, September 9, 2005. Plattsmier knew that was a LIE, because he had discussed O’Dwyer with Kimball, and with at least two other co-conspirators, the then-Attorney General Charles Foti, Jr. and with the then-Louisiana State Bar Association President Frank Neuner, as well as with a number of Lemle & Kelleher partners (I was a 35-“plus” year Lemle & Kelleher partner at the time), including Ernest L. Edwards, Charles R. Talley and Joseph “Larry” Shea, among others, all of whom were co-conspirators. Plattsmier LIED about what he had known about O’Dwyer, post-KATRINA, because he was “covering his tracks”. He knew that O’Dwyer had resigned from Lemle & Kelleher (who could continue practicing law with a bunch of treacherous LIARS?) on Friday, September16, 2005, following false “intimidation” from Lemle & Kelleher, which Plattsmier himself had directed (the scheme required a particular type of diabolical mind), but had required that Lemle & Kelleher to execute by contacting O’Dwyer repeatedly by telephone a “Hand Delivery” and communicating repeated THREATS. However, when Plattsmier first spoke with O’Dwyer after things had settled down (O’Dwyer initiated the calls), Plattsmier did not want his name associated with the “rift” between O’Dwyer and Lemle & Kelleher, and certainly not with an “interference with contractual relations” lawsuit, so he LIED to O’Dwyer, but his LIES were later discovered and exposed. (2) During a series of telephone calls during the early and late Fall, 2005, Plattsmier LIED repeatedly to O’Dwyer when he denied any knowledge of a meeting in Baton Rouge on or about September 11, 2005, during which “Justice Kimball” had said to those in attendance: “Somebody’s got to shut that guy up (referring to O’Dwyer), he’s giving us all a bad name.” O’Dwyer later learned that, in point of fact, not only did Plattsmier KNOW about the meeting, HE HAD BEEN AN ATTENDEE AT THE MEETING, which was the beginning of all of O’Dwyer’s post-KATRINA “troubles”, which continue to this day. Plattsmier LIED to O’Dwyer about the meeting, which Plattsmier himself had attended as a participant, because he did not want O’Dwyer to learn anything about the “Reign of Terror” which Kimball and Plattsmier had unleashed against O’Dwyer during the meeting, which continues to this day, almost 8-years later. The Reign of Terror included O’Dwyer’s abduction from his home in the middle of the night, and his brutalization, torture and false imprisonment at Camp Amtrak on September 20, 2005 by State-employed “law enforcement GOONS”, who received their orders from Kimball, Plattsmier and Foti. The physical injuries inflicted on O’Dwyer by the GOONS persist to this day. Plattsmier LIED to O’Dwyer in order to try to distance himself from these events, notwithstanding the fact that he knew well that he had attended the meeting in Baton Rouge on September 11, 2005, knew who else had participated in the meeting, knew what had been said and by whom, including what diabolical plans had been hatched, and knew full well that he had LIED to O’Dwyer about the meeting on multiple occasions. (3) Because Plattsmier was “open-copied” on correspondence sent to O’Dwyer by Lemle & Kelleher during the week of September 11, 2005 (purely an “intimidation tactic” by Plattsmier and Lemle & Kelleher), and because a Lemle & Kelleher partner had invoked Plattsmier’s name and Office several times in telephone conversations during that week (ie. “You have been suspended from the practice of law by Plattsmier…”; “But we have ‘influence’ with Plattsmier…”; “Plattsmier REQUIRED that we send you that letter…”, etc.), O’Dwyer specifically asked Plattsmier how it was that Lemle & Kelleher had seen fit to use Plattsmier’s name and to invoke the power of his office. Plattsmier professed to have no such knowledge, which was a BOLD-FACED LIE, because Plattsmier had personally communicated with several Lemle & Kelleher partners, including the current Louisiana State Bar Association President-Elect, Joseph “Larry” Shea (who belongs in PRISON, not leading the Louisiana Bar), and Plattsmier personally granted Lemle & Kelleher specific authority to use his name and Office as part of the conspiracy to silence O’Dwyer. So this was another LIE, or series of LIES, told by Plattsmier to O’Dwyer. PART (4) AND THE CONCLUSION WILL FOLLOW IN A SEPARATE COMMENT. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  4. PART (4) TO THE ABOVE COMMENT FOLLOWS: (4) Plattsmier LIED and abused the power of his Office, again, in August 2006, when he “persecuted” O’Dwyer on “trumped up” disciplinary charges (Case No. 021534), ultimately backing down and dismissing the charges when he realized that his and Kimball’s criminal activity towards O’Dwyer might come to light if he persisted with the frivolous disciplinary charges against O’Dwyer. I have “more” on Plattsmier for anyone who might be interested, but I’ll close with 3 additional points: (a) None of my allegations against Plattsmier, the DEGENERATE CRIMINAL SCUM AND VERMIN, have been refuted by him or by his Attorney in any of the litigation in which I have been involved with him; (b) Kimball (who recently retired as Chief Justice, but who still wields great power) and Plattsmier, through the Louisiana Supreme Court and the Office of Disciplinary counsel, continue to “come at” me, to attempt to destroy me, almost 8n years after the events of September 2005. The currently open Disciplinary Case against me bears Case No. 10-DB-006. Of all of the conspirators who caused me harm, NOT ONE of them has been punished. Indeed, only Ashton O’Dwyer has “punished” in any way, and the punishment was severe: disbarment (I won’t even attempt to get into the CORRUPTION of the “Victims of KATRINA” litigation, which is an entirely separate story, of my criminal persecution, for “nothing”); (c) Although I have asked Kimball and Plattsmier, repeatedly, in my pleadings, “If YOU didn’t orchestrate ‘the hit’ against Ashton O’Dwyer, then WHO DID? You had the DESIRE, the OPPORTUNITY, and the POWER to do so. If not YOU, then WHO?” I have not received any answer, because they KNOW that they’re GUILTY. If they were innocent, think how easy it would be for them to pick up the telephone and say to he, “Have you considered “so-and-so?” And this brings to mind another Latin maxim, namely RES IPSA LOQUITOR. Ashton O’Dwyer. P.S. The arguments against “Catherine Dick Kimball” can be addressed separately. AROD.

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