4 thoughts on “Trouble on the playground: Jefferson Parish Parents looking for help on MIA playground administrator”

  1. From running a neighborhood sandlot, to running the rec dept to running the biggest government playground in La, to running out the back door with others and balls of $$$$$$$. TOUCHDOWN.Wait I see some yellow flags- too bad so sad TeamUSA says they have been called back due to illegal procedure violations. Go 15 years back to the friendly federal sandlot.

  2. Jesus Christ! The only response the parents get is that the guy is on “approved personal leave” for a month! That is fraud unless the guy has time off accumulated, and I doubt someone, this late in the year, has that much time banked. It never ceases to amaze me what is deemed “acceptable” in Jefferson Parish. Good job, JY.

  3. Same old crap eh Deano, Barry’s there with both of you like Tony said “damn pesky do-gooder’s what the hell they expect for parish wages Carl Rove”. Tony’s been busy working with Alerio on that new special play ground for disabled kids , you know the one being built in the high crime area ? We need to hide them little suckers some where’s keep them away from the normal kids eh ? And who cares about the school board discrimination suits with the Southern Poverty Law Center anyway ? ( God bless George RIP miss your sanity the world will never be same without you !)

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