Time to take a day or two off……

And that’s OK since Slabbed has exactly 5,064 posts counting the 11 on the front page so there is lots of material for those so interested. I mention this because over the course of the last week just over 25,000 peeps visited our little corner of cyberspace viewing over 45,000 posts/pages so some of y’all are bound to be brand new or fairly new to Slabbed New Media. Here is an archival post from 2010 that covers a hometown blast from the past circa mid 1980s regarding arming the contra rebels and the drug trade.

Speaking of 2010, the year Slabbed began tackling the topic of Jefferson Parish Corruption, I did a top 10 list of 2010 posts in terms of page views. It an appropriate link after the week we’ve had here, which supplanted the #1 post from 2010 in terms of site traffic. Back in those days the site was hosted at wordpress.com.

So the weather doesn’t get much better so I’m gonna spilt for a couple of days. Next up Slabbed will be rolling out more Broussard era public documents as we become BrousStar’s December before we join the former Goatherder in Chief in Hollywood. Stay tuned.

One thought on “Time to take a day or two off……”

  1. Wow. Two years in which public corruption in Louisiana has been impacted more than any other event
    event except the passage of—-RICO in 1970. Of course by connecting the social, legal and other dots
    of public corruption it has used RICO to its advantage in the pursuit of creating a society run by public sector transparency. Trading public corruption for public transparency should be an easy sell but alas the story is not so easy to tell. For self interest and the familiar tendency toward tribalism run strong in south Louisiana.
    So RICO minus slabbed is only half the solution. With the addition of slabbed to the RICO mix society has a more robust and effective model to eliminate and prevent the forces of socially bonded collusion. Slabbed pierces the social matrix and shines the light for RICO to view the world more clearly.

    Sort of like when I first saw the movie Rocky Horror Picture Show. Rocky Horror redefined the experience of movie watching into participatory theater. Slabbed has redefined the experience of representative government into participatory government. “This isn’t the Junior Chamber of Commerce Brad…”.


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