As luck would have it: Former FBI Agent Hal Neilson’s defamation suit against Alan Lange dismissed

I spoke with Mr Lange last week as I was working on a comprehensive post examining the issues in Neilson v Lange and Dawson, a defamation case that arose from their book King of Torts. We’re hip to this topic for obvious reasons and while I was not much on the book itself, as a matter of editorial policy I’d defend Lange and Dawson’s right to publish it without much of a second thought. The ruling turned on a major procedural flaw with Neilson’s suit but the legal issue at hand, whether the assertion that 3 Department of Justice assistant US Attorneys viewed Neilson as “untrustworthy” constitutioned defamation, was equally clear to me as nondefamatory.

Click the pic to get Judge Elliot’s order dismissing the suit. (H/T to a reader from the greater Oxpatch area)

2 thoughts on “As luck would have it: Former FBI Agent Hal Neilson’s defamation suit against Alan Lange dismissed”

    1. SLAPP suits generally are accompanied by legal jackassery. Neilsen’s lawyer is better than that…..

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