Paul Purpura covers the Kershenstine arrest warrant saga

And folks he added a good bit of detail to the Pappy Kershenstine arrest warrant saga in a story that is a must read. This snippet confirms who did the dropping of the charges against Kershenstine:

Sheriff’s Office spokesman Col. John Fortunato said the warrant was recalled at the request of the district attorney’s office.

That said I am hearing rumblings certain contractors are receiving a fresh looksie from certain interested parties. We’ll see.


12 thoughts on “Paul Purpura covers the Kershenstine arrest warrant saga”

  1. This is the same guy that misused parish credit cards , paid traffic tickets out of camapingn contrabutions then left the St Benard parish residents (after they ousted him) holding the bag for a Federal lawsuit relating to his non-compliance of CDBG funding certification regarding adhearance to Federal Civil Rights Laws that he had no intention of following? Is this the same Craig Taffaro who is now appointed director of Louisiana’s hazard mitigation program ? Yes we can count on changes for the good there Jindal so could Pappy.

  2. Department of Justice?
    Where, oh where, are you tonight?
    Why did you leave us here all alone?
    We searched the world over and I thought we’ed found true love.
    But you met another(with deep pockets) and PTHHP! you was gone.

    Connect the dots people.
    The fact that JPSO has 1 person investigating fraud in a Federally Funded Grant Program is a ‘tell’.
    Where is the calvary?
    What does this shyster, Regan, have on Taffaro that would elicit his blind cooperation without ALL of the facts.

    1. Pres wrote it here once already and the background chatter matches the sentiment. Evidently Letten’s office is in complete disarray after the Perricone revelations and I’ve heard that has reverberated throughout the investigative community.

      If you are an FBI agent who in that office can you trust? Heck, if you are in that office who can you trust? There is lots of social incest between the prosecutor and prosecuted. In reality NOLA is a small universe and the legal community is a subset of that.

      If these funds are through FEMA then the Dept of Homeland Security Inspector General may be the best short term option to kick start things and I say that not knowing if it is a hollow office like Minerals Management was before the blowout. If I had to guess I suspect its likely hollow.


    2. Hey Fedup,
      Don’t worry the cavalry is coming James Perry is making a nice living following behind these smucks non compliance to Federal law in filing discrimination suits. He sued Road Home for discrimination and won ( only group that won out of many suits). He tied Taffaro up in Federal Court putting him in contempt now he is suing St. Bernard out the that stupidity and will win. Then he has the ongoing investigation by HUD that is leading to his suit being filed against Jefferson Parish to terminate the CDBG funding (he will win). I’m sure he’ll work his way around the mitigation program since they make so easy . He uses a law firm out of Washington DC which is the largest and most powerful Civil Rights attorney’s in the nation .

  3. Shucks, and I thought we would be eating some blackened, heavily charred, Bar-B-Qued Kershenstine rump roast along about now.

    People die ,others get defrauded but your rumps somehow get taken out of the mesquite smoker and its declared just an ” administrative problem”, I see.

    Pappy sure knows how to Bar-B-Que in JP.

  4. Thanks for the assurances Tom.

    It is becoming clear that outside intervention is our only hope.

    I mean really, after experiencing all that we have since Katrina, I have come to expect less and less.
    It is no wonder that the corruption here spans generations.
    Look what the children of these crooks learn from their elders.
    Not hard work and honesty but the under the table handoff or the wink wink, I got your back.
    I may throw-up.

    1. I just followed the link to NOLA.COM and was surprised to see that I was being slammed by someone under the name CFR4413 accusing me of fraud and stating that I had signed contracts with at least two other companies. If anyone is interested, I responded to those unfounded allegations. CFR4413 sure seems like someone from Coastal. We’ll see if they tell me who they are.

      1. That poster shows up on about every HMGP story on nola.

        It gets entertaining when they all start trying to guess each others real names by naming names.

        The “easy money” has lots of people doing crazy things and I’m not talking about Saint Elvis, who IMHO, is crazy like a fox.


  5. Ms Montgomery,
    I have followed the article and comments you refer to.
    I will contact you at your office this week with your permission.
    Please either allow me to contact you or contact SOP for my contact info.
    You are not alone in this struggle.

    1. I will be happy to talk to you. It really became crazy after the lists were sold. I was getting calls out of the blue wanting my business. I would tell them I did not have the $30,000.00 to enter into a contract with anybody. Only one company said it would let me supply a promissory note and I told him that it was not allowed. I think he truely believed it was okay. I gave Det. Rivere all of the names of people I had spoken with and will be glad to share that with you. You may send an email to me at [email protected] and we’ll see about getting together.

  6. So the $30,000 was just put on someone’s desk for a while? What was the contractor doing all that time if they just gave it back after a while? Sounds a little fishy on both ends.

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