One thought on “Is this Tin Foil Hat day?”

  1. For those of us who lived through the aftermath of KATRINA in our homes, in neighborhoods which were high and dry, largely undameged (except for some roof damage), and well-provisioned (we didn’t ASK for “governmental” assistance, and we certainly didn’t want any “governmental” assistance – When “government says after an emergency, “We’re here to help you”, RUN LIKE HELL!) other people simply don’t know what it was like to have the entire City overrun by marauding bands of armed Negro males, for weeks after the storm. It was like the prelude to armed combat in places like Tanzania, Uganda or Zaire (Congo). And we KNEW we could stop it, even if “law enforcement” wouldn’t stop it (just where the fuck WAS “law enforcement”?) simply by hanging a few from the oak trees on St. Charles Avenue. But reasonable minds knew that if that was done, then it would only be a matter of time before WE were hanging from the same oak trees, BY THE BALLS. So cooler heads prevailed, and we made ourselves visible enough so that if the maurauding Negro males targeted a house which might be occupied by a crazy fucking white man, then the brains of that maurading Negro might wind up splattered on the walls and floors of the house being targeted. Nonetheless, guns were loaded and at the ready 24-7. So when we heard about what was going on in Algiers (which, like uptown New Orleans was largely untouched by the storm) we all KNEW that someone was going to wind up in serious trouble, which has now happened. Two things surprise me about this, though: (1) Bourgeois didn’t do this on his own. Other people set up “Fort Apache” with him, assembled weapons. egged him on, and probably took a few shots at Negro males (who were probebly all armed, but were able to ditch their weapons before the issue of whethet they were armed became a legal issue). (2) Habans Elementary, the school where Henry Glover was driven after the shootout at the strip mall, WAS AWASH WITH FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL “LAW ENFORCEMENT”. If ANY of these COCKSUCKERS had wanted to do, they could have stopped Bourgeois from any more shooting after he (or his friends) took their first shot, day or night. And there’s an interesting additional “twist” to this argument: There was an ATF&E Agent at Habans Elementary, who had been present at WACO (I wonder how many kids that cocksucker killed there? As many as the number of Negros he killed here?). He knows his name, and I know his name. He took photographs of Henry Glover in the back seat of his friend’s automobile before the vehicle was driven to the levee to be burned. A few questions: Where are the photographs? Was Glover still alive when the photographs were taken? If so, what were his wounds, and who inflicted them? If he was dead, what were his wounds, and what did the available physical evidence indicate about how the wounds were inflicted, particularly head wounds, if any? What did “the Feds” who were present, and particularly this ATF&E Agent, who I aver was a co-conspirator in obstruction of justice in the Glover case, think was going to happen after the vehicle with Glover in it left Habans Elementary? I’ve shared this information with defense counsel. Only they can tell us whether they shared it with their clients, and why they do not appear to have done anything with it. Ashton O’Dwyer.

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