Will the children on the Jefferson Parish Council ever learn? Waste Management sues to block IESI deal.

It should be noted the Young Administration tried to do the right thing before being overruled by the Parish Council.

Waste Management sues Jefferson Parish to block IESI contract to run parish dump. ~ Paul Rioux, The Times Picayune


Why our constitutional rights are precious.

The bloodlust faced by the ‘blaspheming’ Saudi journalist ~ The Guaradian

His supposed offence was to have tweeted part of an imaginary conversation with the prophet Muhammad. “I have loved things about you and I have hated things about you and there is a lot I don’t understand about you,” he wrote; and: “I will not pray for you.”

After six hours, he apologised for this, and then fled to Malaysia, en route to New Zealand, where he would have been safe. But after three days in Malaysia, he was arrested and shipped back to Saudi, where he faces the death penalty.

Hat tip a reader and the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

“It is well established that the loss of First Amendment freedoms, for even minimal periods of time, unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury.” Hohe v. Casey, 868 F.2d 69 at 72,73 (3d Cir. 1989).


Life would be no fun without a daily document. There must be no shield law for journalists in that libel tourism haven Nova Scotia.

Maybe this is why Jacqueline Patterson Edwards took to the courthouse instead of the local media to air her complaints about systemic corruption in this region.  She is in fact a very smart woman IMHO.

Yo Karen, welcome to the Slabb.

Folks I can only shine that light with your help. Donations as low as $10 can make a difference though we’ll happily accept larger amounts too.


Getting SLAPPED by low life scuddabeans is nothing new around these parts (Updated)

Vital background via the Times Picayune here.

A disturbance in the force ~ American Zombie


In hot water my arse is dark yoda ~ American Zombie

Yo Bob Continue reading “Getting SLAPPED by low life scuddabeans is nothing new around these parts (Updated)”

Links (Updated)

Back up ~ American Zombie

Red Headed Step Child ~ Ignatius Jeff Reilly

Slabbed Returns ~ NOLA Defender

www.slabbed.org has a message ~ Central Louisiana Briar Patch

Our Bro Editilla is always good to us on the NOLA Ladder

Guess Who’s Back ~ The Hayride

Canadian Judge Forces American Blog Exposing Louisiana Corruption to go Dark ~ Opinionated Catholic

A quick note from your first amendment refugee moderator, Sop at Slabbed New Media ~ We Saw That

I’m proud the New Media coverage cuts across the political spectrum.  To borrow a pharse from our friend Anita Lee, we’re equal opportunity muckrakers. I’m sincerely appreciative for the bipartisan show of support.

If I missed anyone please email me.


Was Doug Handshoe Telling the Truth about Charles Leary of Trout Point? I am guessing so, and Will investigate the Charles Leary of Trout Point, Coming Soon ~ Investigative Blogger
