Anne Marie Vandenweghe wins again in her quest to gain access to public records: A Judge Ross LaDart is so fucked update.

Old ways die hard folks but Friday I received word that the Louisiana Supreme Court denied writs in the matter of the Parish’s appeal of the bitch slap given crooked 24th JDC Judge in Ross LaDart in the matter involving whistleblower Anne Marie Vandenweghe’s public records request for her own emails.  This means the case comes back to LaDart, who was pretty much mandated on exactly how to rule in it by the Louisiana 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. The denial of writs was a loss for the Parish’s law firm Phelps Dunbar who simply can seem to win a public records case unless it is fixed in advance.  Also losers are the taxpayers of Jefferson parish who see their hard earned tax dollars squandered in legal fees fighting an open and shut case.

Stay tuned folks.


Worth Repeating Take Note: Repeat adds some valuable insight.

I’m having an email problem evidently as this comment from Repeat on the post about the latest Waste Management lawsuit did not come up on my smart phone.  Dominick Fazzio gets around folks.


Da Root suit guy is still at it. A Jefferson Parish School Board Corruption Update

Folks I’m actually developing some sources here in response to some inquiries. For now this Op-Ed is a decent starting point.

Crooked to the core: Kevin Costner blows Nunny.

That’s right folks, last year during the oil spill when the media was fawning all over Kevin Costner and his scam centrifuges, Slabbed was telling the real story of a shakedown that used our own Magnum JD as both front and promoter.

Today, Costner genuflects before Nunny’s campaign for Lite Gov and accepts the full load, going on camera for Nunny with his chin literally still glistening.  We’ll see in a few weeks how many weak minds fall for the fat asses propaganda.  Simply put a vote for Nunny is a vote for a lying sack of shit crook and it is just that simple.


Real Treme: James Gill does AROD

Anyone inclined to root for the underdog will have to rejoice that Ashton O’Dwyer has finally won a round. Dogs don’t get much more under than O’Dwyer, who before Katrina was a well regarded maritime lawyer with a leading New Orleans firm. Now he is on his own, bankrupt and banned from both state and federal courts. He has, though never convicted, been jailed twice. He is entirely responsible for his own downfall, but it would have been a punishment too far had the feds succeeded in their attempt to convict him of a crime that carries a maximum sentence of five years.

Read more.