Chris Roberts has received another endorsement……

Its true folks, from the folks at 1732 Stumpf Blvd., a business location with many a Marcello based business listed there. In this particular case it is from one Renee Templet Apostol, aka Renee Apostol-Diaz aka Renee Diaz, wife of Milton “Mickey” Diaz of Progressive Home Health. In fact Renee is listed as the owner of Progressive Home Health at Manta.

Telemachus covered this endorsement in detail here and here.  Click on the first link to a PDF of Mini-me’s Facebook page to view the endorsement.


7 thoughts on “Chris Roberts has received another endorsement……”

  1. Nobody has mentioned the “Sign Trailer” noted on the Facebook page among the toys that Councilman Roberts has accumulated with his campaign funds; let’s see, a weiner mobile, a float, a fire engine, a Gator with a hot air ballon attached. What the fuck else can he aggrandize himself with? Where is Jim Letten?

  2. Honorable Chris Roberts I wholeheartedly endorse your arrogance, your campaign funded extravaganza parade and your slanderous pamphlet against Tim Baudier and now please proceed directly into the bosom of my finest federal cells. P. S .- Mr. Roberts I suggest you bring a carton or two of Boudreaux’s Butt paste son. It’s so healing and soothing on such young, vulnerable meat like yourself but not sold in the canteen.

  3. Oh, before I forget Mr.Roberts if your supply of Boudreux’s Butt Paste is ever exhausted we offer an ongoing inmate class for YOUNG boys like yourself teaching a technique to lockem butt muscles uptight to WARD off penetration of the biggies. Seeya soon Pillsbury Dough Boy.

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