Slabbed’s greatest hits of 2010….

Here is the list of our top 10 posts in terms of page views for 2010:

  1. Katrina’s “who dat Judge Martin Feldman” now dabbling in oil!
  2. “Who Dat” Judge Martin Feldman – the 5th Circuit’s Opinion in Versai v Clarendon
  3. Jefferson Parish Corruption the way Daddy still does it. Dumpster dived Jimmy Lawson and the ‘Heebe’-Jeebies. A look back at Steimle & Associates v Camp Dresser McKee.
  4. Not what you see but what you don’t…the post-Katrina coast (2008)
  5. BREAKING: Steve Theriot and Jefferson Parish sue bloggers. Subpoenas information on Times Picayune commenters. Slabbed mentioned in suit not subpoeaned.
  6. Significant inland wind damage from Gustav and Ike. (2008)
  7. As the Magnum turns…..Slabbed finds Louisiana AG Buddy Caldwell!
  8. Hubada hubada hubada. Stormy Daniels Welcome to Slabbed (2009)
  9. Mass resignations at the once storied firm of legendary litigator Wendell Gauthier? The answer my friend is blowin’ on the Slab, the answer is blowing on the Slab….
  10. There is a Broussard in the woodpile: The politics of drunk driving and the Jefferson Parish criminal justice system.

After today is put into the book, the following, currently at #12,  may replace #10:

In this episode of Magnum J.D., Bull Durham sells his machines to BP and creates a conflict of interest for Magnum’s firm Gauthier Houghtaling and Williams

Somehow all is right in the world as the ethically challeneged Martin Feldman show up in our top 2 posts for the year.  For the record, Nowdy’s post on Feldman’s dabbling in oil is our #1 post of all time.


5 thoughts on “Slabbed’s greatest hits of 2010….”

  1. agreed imaangry…thanks to sop and all of the contributors to Slabbed over the past year..this has been an interesting one to say the least…

    the best to all in 2011 and ,hopefully, we’ll see some indictments w/ some of the Jefferson Parish crowd next year…

  2. Many kudos to you & yours Slabbed nation.
    And to sop and Nowdy for their perseverance.
    Looking forward to 2011

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