The Glover Verdict: Victim’s family reacts to verdict plus media coverage

WWL-TV was kind enough to put the interview held with Henry Glover’s aunt on their website so it is there we begin.

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.979763&w=425&h=350&fv=]

Also I gotta give props to the NOLA area TV media for running their newscasts late (7:30 last night in the case of WWL) covering the verdicts.

US Attorney Jim Letten was very complimentary towards investigative journalists in general and AC Johnson with Propublica in particular as crucial in breaking the Glover case wide open.  The media can make a huge difference in such matter and facts posted to investigative blogs like Slabbed make a difference folks.

Speaking of media there are over 500 stories and counting on this subject per google.  The Times Picayune, which has teamed with Propublica doing investigative work on the various post Katrina NOPD beatings and shootings has an extensive story on the verdicts.  For those involved that are now convicted felons, I’ll add the US Attorney’s office seems to be giving no quarter as this snippet from Laura Maggi’s story illustrates:

Immediately after the verdicts were read, prosecutor Jared Fishman, an attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice, asked that McRae and McCabe, who have been free on bond, be taken into custody. U.S. District Judge Lance Africk declined to rule on the request right away, scheduling a bond hearing for this morning.

Next up from Team Letten??????
