We Also Have a New Filing in Perdigao v Adams & Reese

Adams and Reese has replied to Perdigao’s Memo aganst dismissing his Racketeering Complaint. Belle tells me that in the filing Adamas & Reese mentioned seeing the RICO fact statement. If they have seen it we’re not finding it on PACER. Then again the A&R reply uses a different case number so who knows?

NAAS and Sally, enjoy!


19 thoughts on “We Also Have a New Filing in Perdigao v Adams & Reese”

  1. Sop, you can put up Perdigao’s memo in oppo to dismiss, too. I don’t think we’ve seen that, yet. I think I was wrong about the RICO fact statement. It’s not due til July 9, I believe.

  2. If I were the law clerk reading this, I would recommend denying the motion because of the over use of the word “fantasy.” I know it’s a serious issue, but really, this memo has a severe “whine” factor.

  3. Oh, I just noticed something really interesting – John Villa of counsel. I’ve heard of him before in another “law-firm-in-trouble” matter. Go to the firm website and check out his biography.

  4. There is so much smoke NAAS I can’t see how the judge can dismiss this complaint.

    A&R’s lawyers are the main group Allstate uses in NOLA. My sources tell me they answer only to the top legal dogs in Chicago.

    Interesting in light of the allegations against Robert Wooley.


  5. Yeah, it’s kind of like they doth protesteth too much kinda thing.

    Sop, you are right. Luckily, I am the only one behind on this.

  6. We’re one step ahead of you. h/t to Nowdy. She’ll be on after a while and maybe she’ll have time to share what she found out.


  7. Adams and Reese opened the door on ethics problems when they allowed Robert Vosbein to partner with Robert Guidry in the gaming industry.

  8. Trace back to the silent partners in the original partnership. Who were those silent partners.

  9. Sorry, guys, this business of switching computers during the day threw me a curve. Hope my comment is relevant. I just took a look at the two law firms representing A&R in all of this. Think Sop has touched on the connections of the one in NOLA to Allstate. hmm. The other is a DC powerhouse on malpractice issues. With all that legal power, I was expecting more in the document. Instead it reminded me of driving my kids on the scenic route through the mountains when they were three and four – “We’ve seen that…we’ve seen that…wake us up when there’s something different.”

  10. NAAS – really interesting. Didn’t pick up on a link to law firm in trouble but did find one to USAT that linked to offshore investment.

  11. A couple of observations.

    It was June 6 when Judge Fallon dismissed the motion to recuse the US Attorney in the criminal case. He has not issued a judgment; only a minute entry. I’m not an attorney, but I don’t think Perdigao can take writs or an appeal on a minute entry.

    The motion to recuse was scheduled for a hearing when the judge dismissed it, saying, based upon the briefs, no hearing was necessary.

    I’m wondering if the RICO statement due on July 9 may not suffer the same fate.

  12. If Judge Fallon joins the local fed “deaf ears,” the Fifth Circuit will overrule his decisions. Summarily dismissing the motion to recuse without a considered written order won’t cut the mustard with the whole country watching. Keeping the parties waiting won’t cut the mustard either. Who will play Judge Fallon in the movie.

  13. It will not surprise me to see this complaint dismissed, regardless of how much evidence Perdigao can produce. Considering the kinds of things he alleges, and considering the character, propensities, wealth, and power of the people he’s accusing, I would expect that “the fix is in.”

  14. Sally and Not Surprised:

    Eldon Fallon is a good judge, I would say he’s one of the better judges in that court. I’m not sure why he ruled the way he did. He’s not corruptable in my experience and opinion.

    There are 2 editorials in the T.P. today about a different judge.

  15. Just to be clear – the comments by “Not Surprised” should not be atributed to me, “Not At All Surprised.”

  16. Thanks NAAS, I had to read twice to get it. I tend to disagree with NS – I don’t see how all of this will be dismissed; but, I don’t know La politics well enough to predict where it’s going.

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