New Developments in USA v Perdigao v Adams & Reese (Updated 2X)

There are two new filings in the case of Perdigao v Adams & Reese, one reassiging the case to another judge and one that contains some standing procedures for RICO case progression.  We also have the Order Granting Perdigao permission to amend witness list and a supplemental Government response against the holding the hearing. It contains a transcript of Perdigao’s Edward’s trial testimony. All of these filings are on our Perdigao legal page.

Per Mr NAAS (and thanks for the heads up) there was a hearing on the criminal side with Judge Fallon taking a dim view of Mr Perdigao’s requests for hearing and recusal. Portfolio magazine has the story:

Implicit in the bribery accusations was Perdigao’s own hope that the U.S. attorney’s Office of the Eastern District of Louisiana would be forced to recuse itself from trying the criminal case now staring him down.

But that now will not happen, with the judge in the case ruling on Friday against Perdigao’s motion.

“This was a clear and unambiguous ruling, so the interruption in the criminal case is over, says U.S. Attorney Jim Letten, who in filings to the court characterized Perdigao’s claims as “unsupported vitriol,” “perfidy,” “vacillations,” “lies,” and “hearsay malice” unfairly leveled against Perdigao’s accusers and victims.

Letten notes in these filings that “in an abundance of caution” Perdigao’s allegations against his office were “promptly referred” to an independent prosecutor from the Justice Department, adding with obvious annoyance that “Perdigao’s mendacity with the facts is as disprovable as his mendacity with the law.”


45 thoughts on “New Developments in USA v Perdigao v Adams & Reese (Updated 2X)”

  1. Judge Fallon had a status conference on Friday in which he advised the parties that he was denying Perdigao’s motion for an evidentiary hearing, and was dismissing Perdigao’s motion to recuse.

  2. Letten has a big conflict of interest in this case. If he thinks that Louisiana citizens are going to disbelieve that a bribe went from Guidry to Jefferson to Jordan, he is mistaken. Another office needs to handle this case — an office without local interests. Letten can’t move in this case because it is a big local can of worms. Maybe it is messing up his retirement plans.

  3. Welcome, Sally, glad to see you here! I’ve never “heard” such “quiet” – and point out that Sop’s email address is at the top of the right sidebar. What’s the deal on Fallon? You’d think he’d want a hearing – the other judge had one set. Is that the reason for the transfer?

  4. The Transfer states that they are similar matters. So the Civil Action was transferred to Fallon who has the Criminal Action.

  5. I am still waiting for someone to reply to Perdigao’s allegations against Robert Wooley and Allstate. If I were the former Commissioner of Insurance or the second largest homeowners carrier in Louisiana, I sure would want to respond to such “mendacity with the facts.” Or, maybe neither thinks they owe any response to the consumer.

  6. Everyone is afraid to make comments because they don’t want to be made out to be liars. It is too much of a risk to comment. They would rather see how things develop. They have a risk of not getting away with lying so they are quiet. The attorneys not involved don’t know what they are facing.

  7. The recent turn of events don’t bode well for Mr Perdigao or EWE. I suspect USA Letten’s office will now attempt to move in for the kill.

    Judge Berrigan was likely happy to rid herself of this suit.

    I surmise a bad outcome on the criminal side would seal the civil side’s fate?

  8. I agree, Mr. Trahant, There’s almost a dead end after A&R made comment – it’s like we said he’s a liar and that’s the end of it. Guess situations like this are the reason for wikileaks and sites like that.

    You would think Allstate would object for sure – not a peep. I can see why individuals would be frightened, Sally, just not a big company.

  9. Letten knows that there was a $300,000 loan from Guidry to Mose Jefferson. Letten needs to get his office out of this case. Letten is protecting A&R attorneys and his own office. Let there be an evidentiary hearing. Mose Jefferson is probably giving Guidry and A&R up but Letten doesn’t want to hear it. Letten you can’t juggle the whole big fat can of worms at once. You can’t play favorites either. Give it up. Let it go.

  10. Maybe New Orleans has a new fed without local ambitions. —

    “The FBI appointed David Welker on Monday as the new top agent in its New Orleans division.

    A 21-year veteran of the bureau, Welker succeeds James Bernazzani, who retired last month rather than accept a transfer after he publicly flirted with seeking political office.”

  11. Sounds promising, Sally, At this point, anything that isn’t bad news is good news.

  12. Something that is running amuck in New Orleans is attorneys going into business with their clients. Like Robert Vosbein and Robert Guidry were partners in the Treasure Chest. This violates ethics rules but nobody seems to care enough to hide these business arrangements. Edwards’ relationship with another person in the firm is the connection to Robert Vosbein and Robert Guidry. All of that has gone yet undisclosed in this Grisham novel.

  13. Bernazzani has flirted with running for Mayor Nowdy. Since he quit the FBI I bet he sticks around.

    We’re going to stay on this Sally. Too many things seem to intersect at A&R and their $30 million dollar mystery.


  14. CLS sent a message – or rather left one on the ALL board – noting that the grandson of EWE was attorney at A & R (past tense).

    Incredible story unfolding!

  15. Explain what you mean by “connection” – please – and if such lagniappe has been common. I don’t “speak” Louisiana fluently but I’m learning. : ) Thanks.

  16. BTW – the RICO defendants have been served and/or waived service between May 28 and May 31.

  17. SUMMONS Returned Executed; Adams & Reese LLP served on 5/28/2008, answer due 6/17/2008.

    SUMMONS Returned Executed; Paul J. Lassalle served on 5/28/2008, answer due 6/17/2008.

    WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed; waiver sent to Edwin C. Laizer on 5/31/2008, answer due 7/30/2008.

    WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed; waiver sent to Robert A. Vosbein on 5/31/2008, answer due 7/30/2008.

    So, let’s see. Everybody will file motions for extension of time to file responsive pleadings. After the extension, they’ll file motions to dismiss for failure to plead fraud with specificity or, in the alternative, a motion for a more definite statement. They’ll seek a stay of discovery and Rule 26 disclosures until the court decides the motions, etc.

    It could be the Fall before we see any real fireworks.

  18. Well, call me “not at all surprised” myself. Now, would “fall” be before or after the November elections or just after the September deadline to vote on proposed changes in insurance law?

    btw, any thoughts on the idea that the new LA governor is too honest to kick out; so, the only option is to move him up? Heard that suggestion and just wondered.

  19. IMHO it won’t be until after the election, with one possible caveat – that is if one of the defendants doesn’t decide to roll on the rest.

    Jindal is an absent governor. He doesn’t speak with (or to) the media for any reason. Although it’s too complicated for a message board, suffice it to say that there hasn’t been any REAL change in Louisiana politics, yet.

    My impression of him is he is like the dog chasing the car – once he caught it, he’s no longer interested and is looking for another one to chase.

  20. Fantastic comments on timing of the criminal case and Bobby Jindal. I’ve heard informed specualtion that puts him as VP come January. I’ve also heard names of people that are planning to run for Gov should all that happen the most interesting being the Parish President of St Tammany Parish.

    At this point I don’t think McCain has a chance so I view those rumors as interesting chatter but not much more.

  21. I might have challenged you on McCain’s chances had I not picked up an article on the Articles of Impeachment introduced in the House yesterday.

    I’ll go back and pick up the link and post the connection here Note this is not expected to move forward.

  22. The VP chatter is being met with mixed emotions. Many conservatives are extremely concerned about Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu being governor for ANY length of time – even if it’s only until a special election can be held.

    They’re also concerned about the impression it will leave on voters if Jindal remotely considers another political position so soon after being elected governor. His “constant” job changing and lack of real experience was a big issue in the governor’s race.

    But, some are excited about the possibility of having a Louisianian as VP, including this yellow dog Democrat.

  23. That’s right NAAS Mitch Landrieu was mentioned as the boogie man in this speculation by my republican source. I remember Moon from my childhood and personally have fond feelings for the family (I do not know them) Mitch included.

    I don’t see how Jindal could turn McCain down if he was asked but stranger things have happened.

    I’d be excited if Jindal ended up on the ticket. Regaredless I was told he is being groomed for bigger and better things even if he doesn’t end up on the ticket.


  24. What about my guesses that it’s Bubba or Sam that’s EWE’s connections in A&R?

    Also, sometime back, Letten said there appeared to be co-conspirators who helped James Perdigao rathole the $30 million. Any thoughts on that?

  25. Letten knows what was going on. It seems so crazy for Letten to accuse Perdigao (the fall guy) of accusing the victims. Who are the victims? Can Letten identify them? It is the victims’ own scheme. So how crazy does Letten not mind getting.

    I saw on another post that there was never anything going on at A&R that Sam didn’t know about.

  26. Sally, you’re welcome to post links to related posts on other sites. We don’t consider that sort of thing promoting anything but justice – if you don’t know html to create link in comment, just cut/paste in the url. Just making certain you know and giving you option but your choice.

  27. btw – same option open to all including Adams & Reese as our commitment is to justice for all.

  28. Sorry. Didn’t mean to make you look for it. I saw that in the comments on the TP when the complaint was filed.

  29. Sally:

    What about Bernis Alsobrook. Surely, he wouldn’t condone these shenanigans!

  30. Thanks for the validation in case anybody thought I made that up. I hope whoever writes the novel will really round out the characters. That’s where the story will really get unbelievable — but true.

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