Jefferson Parish News Miscellany: Trouble in paradise, Judge Head tells Broussard no extension while Mark Titus grasps at straws

Let’s take these news stories from the PACER beat in reverse order.  First up is Gordon Russell’s story about the latest defense filing in USA v Titus, which included remarks from Slabbed favorite Dane Ciolino of the Loyola Law School.  Essentially Titus is claiming there was a verbal sidecar to his plea deal with regards to the forfeiture … Continue reading “Jefferson Parish News Miscellany: Trouble in paradise, Judge Head tells Broussard no extension while Mark Titus grasps at straws”

Let’s chat about the media and Aaron Broussard’s relationship with First Bank and Trust and tie a few things together. Part 1

OK folks it is time to come clean, sort of anyway.  Since late July I have been publishing documents courtesy of my fictional “gabby cousin Slabb O’Leak” that really did not come from him.  😉  Actually some of y’all may have noticed some redactions that are beyond my control but suffice it to say that I have … Continue reading “Let’s chat about the media and Aaron Broussard’s relationship with First Bank and Trust and tie a few things together. Part 1”

Bad News Friday: Team USA puts Mark Titus’ balls in a vice. Team Letten opposes Broussard’s request for a trial delay

The latest development in the Mark Titus saga could greatly hinder the prosecution of his brother-in-law Dominick “Big D” Fazzio, whom Titus supposedly dropped the dime on.  Per the T-P’s Gordon Russell, Titus continued breaking the law, which in turn violated his plea deal.  One wonders if Titus has simply fallen on his sword but … Continue reading “Bad News Friday: Team USA puts Mark Titus’ balls in a vice. Team Letten opposes Broussard’s request for a trial delay”

If not for a conflict of interest Aaron Broussard would’ve had no interest at all: My Gabby cousin Slabb O’Leak sends these documents for the consideration of the Slabbed Nation

Well whadda you know folks Aaron Broussard the Parish Prez and Aaron Broussard Inc are in fact a “difference without a distinction”. Let’s examine the following documents to illustrate why: First up Aaron is a concerned director at First Bank and Trust: As per my previous discussion with you, I will not accept any compensation from the Bank … Continue reading “If not for a conflict of interest Aaron Broussard would’ve had no interest at all: My Gabby cousin Slabb O’Leak sends these documents for the consideration of the Slabbed Nation”

Jefferson Parish Corruption Omnibus: Broussard conspirator to cop plea while the T-P goes on the record supporting the CFGG’s efforts

Folks I have a couple of things going on that will prevent me from posting anything substantive for the next couple of days but there has been lots of news rolled out of late that needs to be examined here. First off is Bill Mack has scheduled a date with Judge Brown to plead guilty to … Continue reading “Jefferson Parish Corruption Omnibus: Broussard conspirator to cop plea while the T-P goes on the record supporting the CFGG’s efforts”

Aaron Broussard and Tom Wilkinson due in Federal Court today for another arraignment

I’m thinking that October trial date is likely to be moved back again so the defense will have time to prepare on the new bribery charges that flow from USA v Mack. Meantime the investigation continues as the legal drama unfolds while a segment of the Slabbed political observer team wonders if US Attorney Jim … Continue reading “Aaron Broussard and Tom Wilkinson due in Federal Court today for another arraignment”

Let’s talk more about Broussard’s grand jury leak “fishing expedition”

Drew Broach wrote a story earlier this afternoon on Judge Head’s latest ruling in USA v Broussard / USA v Wilkinson that included Judge Head’s memorandum ruling detailing his reasons for turning Broussard lawyer Robert Jenkins down.  The order generated an interesting response from a reader, which I am publishing here as it ties into todays commentary on … Continue reading “Let’s talk more about Broussard’s grand jury leak “fishing expedition””

Remember that buzz I spoke of a few weeks ago? A superseding Indictment was unsealed today against Aaron Broussard and Tom Wilkinson

Here and here are a couple of places I alluded to what was coming in fact aside from the comment I left about the buzz. Aaron Broussard took $66,000 in bribes from a Kenner communication company, feds say I love the news media personalities that are involved with the company that allegedly paid Broussard those … Continue reading “Remember that buzz I spoke of a few weeks ago? A superseding Indictment was unsealed today against Aaron Broussard and Tom Wilkinson”

Team Letten says Aaron Broussard’s recusal motions are all wet

In fact Rich Rainey at the T-P wrote that Team Letten”picked apart” Robert Jenkin’s arguments in favor of recusal. I suspect Team Letten is still smarting from the recusal involving the River Birch prosecution and this does not bode well for the bald headed Goatherder or his former Parish Attorney. Stay tuned. sop

Citizens for a Better Kenner busts Mayor Yenni and his shit house executive pay plan. Aaron Broussard’s ghost is alive and well at Kenner City Hall

Kenner is a special kind of political cesspool and frankly it makes the folks in Jefferson Parish’s other major political cesspool aka the City of Gretna look like bush leaguers. I mention this because yesterday the T-P’s Mary Sparacello highlighted a clash between the Citizens for a Better Kenner and the city on whether “car … Continue reading “Citizens for a Better Kenner busts Mayor Yenni and his shit house executive pay plan. Aaron Broussard’s ghost is alive and well at Kenner City Hall”