Help wanted in Jefferson Parish: Position Paralegal. No experience or training required.

Folks as the details of yet more dead weight on the Parish’s payroll come to light, this time courtesy of Fox 8 news reporter Val Bracy, (Fox 8 and the T-P’s coverage of this political corruption scandal clearly stands above the rest to this point) I am reminded of that old Yogi Berra quote, it’s “deja vu … Continue reading “Help wanted in Jefferson Parish: Position Paralegal. No experience or training required.”

Is there an auditor in the house? “There is nothing new under the sun but there are lots of old things we don’t know.” A Jefferson Parish political corruption scandal update.

Actually there is an auditor in the house and we have a report that illustrates why governments should have strong internal and external audit functions. Lets start with Jefferson Parish’s unfolding political corruption scandal as the Times Picayune’s Mark Walter reveals that Aaron Broussard showed the parish’s internal audit staff the door not long after he took office: A month … Continue reading “Is there an auditor in the house? “There is nothing new under the sun but there are lots of old things we don’t know.” A Jefferson Parish political corruption scandal update.”

How about some Friday morning Jefferson Parish political corruption

This is our Friday morning twofer in the target rich environment that is Jefferson Parish political corruption scandal. First up lets backtrack to December to highlight what has become the current MO of the rats on top of the public purse scattering like cockroaches when the light is shine upon them, in this case former Parish … Continue reading “How about some Friday morning Jefferson Parish political corruption”

How about a bit more Jefferson Parish Lagniappe? DA Paul Connick’s office tied to the ongoing corruption scandal

Now folks does anyone seriously think these type shenanigans could happen if the local DA wasn’t alseep at the switch or perhaps even profiting from mutually beneficial business relationships? Our sources are telling us we’ll be hearing more about Paul Connick. Meantime lets check in with Richard Raineyat the Times Picayune for the latest: Lagniappe Industries, the private insurance … Continue reading “How about a bit more Jefferson Parish Lagniappe? DA Paul Connick’s office tied to the ongoing corruption scandal”

Like everyone else we’ve got one eye peeled on the happenings in Jefferson Parish

We’ve been hearing some interesting things offline. Is it possible the investigation into Hubbard is related to Whitmer’s problems and now Parish President Broussard’s sudden resignation. Jefferon Parish political circles are buzzing with rumors indictments are forthcoming. Such reasoning is not a stretch IMO. I don’t know how much we’ll cover on this but we’re … Continue reading “Like everyone else we’ve got one eye peeled on the happenings in Jefferson Parish”

BREAKING NEWS – Bossier moves for Judgment as a Matter of Law or New Trial

Pursuant to Rule 50, Fed. R. Civ. P., Plaintiff moves for judgment as a matter of law on all issues concerning contract damages on the grounds that the jury did not have a legally sufficient evidentiary basis to find in favor of Defendant…. The law is clear that when considering a Rule 50 motion, “the … Continue reading “BREAKING NEWS – Bossier moves for Judgment as a Matter of Law or New Trial”

Judge Senter applies Corban, issues trio of Orders in Bossier v State Farm

Attention now turns to several dispositive motions filed by Plaintiff concerning [77] the issue of the anti-concurrent cause clause in the subject insurance policy; [79] the issue of windstorm; [82] the dwelling extension coverage; and [83] “accidental direct physical loss” suffered by Plaintiff. At the time these motions were filed, some of the issues were … Continue reading “Judge Senter applies Corban, issues trio of Orders in Bossier v State Farm”

Reaction to Corban Ripple Across the Media

Anita Lee’s story on Corban is here with commentary from head III shill Robert Hartwig himself (picture found here). The bottom line per Judy Guice: “To me, this was always much more than just a business issue. This was a personal issue to me. Getting the law straight was really one of the critical parts of … Continue reading “Reaction to Corban Ripple Across the Media”

In limine in limerick – Bossier v State Farm

A  lawyer by the name of Guice has tried to play fair and be nice but when State Farm raised her ire she grabbed their personal voir dire and asked the Court for ice. If you recall State Farm puts the Court to the test in Bossier – files nine motions in limine UPDATED and the … Continue reading “In limine in limerick – Bossier v State Farm”

What’s the score? Bossier up by 1 – State Farm out on Motion for Partial Summary Judgment

…While Defendant offers the explanation that it was unsuccessful in its attempts to reach this purported eyewitness to obtain information concerning Plaintiff’s claims, it fails to acknowledge the fact that this individual was one of its policyholders for whom it had contact information and knew his whereabouts. In addition, an initial payment for covered losses … Continue reading “What’s the score? Bossier up by 1 – State Farm out on Motion for Partial Summary Judgment”