DMR Scandal Day 136: “In God we trust, all others we audit.” Not…..

In God we trust, all others we audit. ~ Former State Auditor Phil Bryant. It was massive accounting frauds at ENRON and WorldCom that led to government regulation of large swaths of the CPA profession and deservedly so I’ll add.  For instance at ENRON there was an ossified, ineffectual Board of Directors stacked with politically connected … Continue reading “DMR Scandal Day 136: “In God we trust, all others we audit.” Not…..”

A couple of thoughts on yesterday’s River Birch bombshell

I’ve been pretty speechless since I heard about this because I have NEVER seen anything like this in 17 years with the federal government. NEVER saw the government let someone off the hook by publicly announcing that they are NOT going to indict him OR publicly stating that they were ending an investigation. Of course, … Continue reading “A couple of thoughts on yesterday’s River Birch bombshell”

Sunday links plus docs for this is how we roll…..

Redflex!!!!!!! Red light camera firm admits it likely bribed Chicago official ~ David Kidwell On Friday the company announced the resignations of its president, its chief financial officer and its top lawyer. The head of Redflex’s Australian parent company conducted town hall meetings at the headquarters of its Phoenix-based subsidiary to tell employees there was … Continue reading “Sunday links plus docs for this is how we roll…..”

A case study in infantilization? Most call it basic professionalism. A Guest post from Mr Timeline.

If Abel was not Broussard’s partner, he should have taken steps to have his name listed separately in the 5th Circuit’s records so that his name would appear separately on the attached documents. See highlighted parts. Abel is responsible for the confusion. He wanted his cake and to eat it too. When it suited and … Continue reading “A case study in infantilization? Most call it basic professionalism. A Guest post from Mr Timeline.”

Must Read: 4 years in prison for New Orleans corruption figure with Nova Scotia ties

Racketeering claims reach into wilds of Kemptville Aaron Broussard arrived in a New Orleans court Monday morning, where his 35-year political career ended with a 46-month prison sentence for fraud committed while he was president of Jefferson Parish, the most populous New Orleans suburb. Broussard, who must also repay $280,000, apologized “for bringing dishonor to … Continue reading “Must Read: 4 years in prison for New Orleans corruption figure with Nova Scotia ties”

RICO Part 1: The beginnings of a comprehensive timeline, from a Slabbed contributor

I recently introduced the contributor here. I’ll further generally describe this contributor as a former (pre Katrina) mid level employee of one of the various local governments in the metro New Orleans area that is now a private citizen. In other words way outta the game that unfolds before us today. This person, with the … Continue reading “RICO Part 1: The beginnings of a comprehensive timeline, from a Slabbed contributor”

Coming Monday on Camp Street: The former Goatherder in Chief gets his just deserts

And folks I couldn’t have explained the nuances to this any better than Drew Broach did for NOLA Media Group.  This part echos a theory I’ve had since last fall: And were the government to promote Broussard’s cooperation to Head before sentencing, it ordinarily would do it by writing what is known as a 5K … Continue reading “Coming Monday on Camp Street: The former Goatherder in Chief gets his just deserts”

Slabbed sends an open letter to Nova Scotia Supreme Court Justice Leon “Pierre” Muise

Via facsimile (902) 742-0678 February 6, 2013 Justice Leon Muise Supreme Court of Nova Scotia 164 Main Street Yarmouth, NS B5A 1C2 RE: Yarmouth Action #328248 Trout Point Lodge et al v Louisiana Media Company LLC Dear Justice Muise: On Friday January 18, 2013 I was contacted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding a … Continue reading “Slabbed sends an open letter to Nova Scotia Supreme Court Justice Leon “Pierre” Muise”

The taxpayer funded leeches at Jefferson Performing Arts Society in the news……

Brought to you by Dennis Assaf and his family as underwritten by the taxpayers of Jefferson Parish and the State of Louisiana. Behold the politically connected pests that brought the state taxpayers the Performing Arts Center boondoggle as Mini-me Roberts leaked a copy of a preliminary audit report on the Jefferson Performing Arts Society to … Continue reading “The taxpayer funded leeches at Jefferson Performing Arts Society in the news……”