Deadbeat Judgment Debtors: They still owe me for the first try.

I hear Team Goatherder is trying, via listserv, to solicit representation for a redo of the SPEECH Act case Trout Point Lodge, Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret recently lost to me in a precedent setting decision.  I guess it is time I solve a mystery for all the national law bloggers that wrote about the … Continue reading “Deadbeat Judgment Debtors: They still owe me for the first try.”

Slabbed New Media Intervenes in Bay Tech Civil Suit

Today, Slabbed New Media filed a Motion to Quash and/or for Protective Order in the civil suit styled Magnolia Group v O’Dwyer Realty et al in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi. In the Motion and Memorandum of law in support, Sole Owner/Publisher of Slabbed New Media, Douglas Handshoe argued … Continue reading “Slabbed New Media Intervenes in Bay Tech Civil Suit”

Nova Scotia Supreme Court: Ignorant and damn proud of it.

Nova Scotia Supreme Court continues to lend aid and comfort to the disgraced Aaron Broussard’s unindicted co conspirators. Folks this judgment is as worthless as the first as the Nova Scotia Courts double down on their ignorance as well as reinforce the province’s reputation for being Canada’s most backward. My quick math indicates I tied … Continue reading “Nova Scotia Supreme Court: Ignorant and damn proud of it.”

Family matters part 1: “AROD must be jacking his meat”

Since we’re USA only right now I think it’s a good time to clear the air some. First off is the post title in quotes, which means it is a reader comment to the link I am about to drop but first. There is no one commenter that has caused me more problems than our … Continue reading “Family matters part 1: “AROD must be jacking his meat””

Where’s Brother Aaron? (Updated)

Originally published 2-11-14 | 8:56AM CST But first a lovely video: Andrea Shaw reported last week that Aaron Broussard was on the move from Butner North Carolina to Atlanta Georgia for NOLA Media Group.  Shaw used the BOP Inmate Locator database for her story (Broussard’s Inmate Register Number is 32234-034) and she concluded it was unclear whether he was in … Continue reading “Where’s Brother Aaron? (Updated)”

It’s that fundraising time again…..

About 4 months ago I asked for the readers to support this project albeit in a understated way. That page, “Slabbed at the crossroads”, which replaced the blog for a few hours, did stimulate substantial reader commentary, which I was happy to host. Those that have followed this project since its inception over 6 years … Continue reading “It’s that fundraising time again…..”

Slabbed updates Louisiana v Gates as the day of reckoning draws near

Anyone that has kept up with the saga of vexatious litigant Shane Gates and his crusade against the St Tammany Parish legal system to avoid standing trial for his DWI arrest understand the multitude of lawsuits Gates has filed against the Judges in St Tammany Parish as well as the Sheriff, DA and State Attorney … Continue reading “Slabbed updates Louisiana v Gates as the day of reckoning draws near”

Tuesday Miscellany

I have lots of irons in the fire but today is my best opportunity to post some new content. Here are some links of interest: ‘Enemy for life’: Mayor Mitch Landrieu accused of steamrolling those who disagree with him ~ Tyler Bridges I heard about this article before it was written and one of the … Continue reading “Tuesday Miscellany”

Echos from the old days on finance: The Depth Charge

And it carries pretty much the standard definition in the world of financial message board communications as it does in the Navy. Wanna know a bit more about your fellow “anonymous” message boarders. Get a fix via sonar and then: After the explosion information always bubbles up and that was certainly the case with the … Continue reading “Echos from the old days on finance: The Depth Charge”

OP Criminal District Clerk’s race drilldown: Old line political hack v newcomer

Over the past several weeks I’ve taken an interest in the Orleans Parish Criminal District Court election which pits old line political hack Arthur Morrell against Robbie Keen, an Alabama transplant that ran the National Institute of Justice’s Orleans Parish Post-Conviction DNA Testing and Evidence Project which was tasked of organizing the disaster otherwise known … Continue reading “OP Criminal District Clerk’s race drilldown: Old line political hack v newcomer”