BREAKING: Jimbo the Clown’s legacy to Louisiana policyholder revealed. Louisiana Citizens Insurance has assets seized to satisfy court judgment

And folks this is what happens when a clown is elected as Insurance Commish. Heckuva job Jimbo!

Tueday Music: Special dedication to Jimbo the Clown and the lit and hallucinating buffoons on the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board

Folks while we celebrate 4 years of Slabbed please join me in re visiting one of my more timeless insurance post, Around the GO Zone in 60 Seconds: Drinking ‘Shroom juice at the Wall Street Journal, Cottages, Community, Warr and Wind Pool whereby I opined the Wall Street journal Editorial Board were a bunch of  “lit … Continue reading “Tueday Music: Special dedication to Jimbo the Clown and the lit and hallucinating buffoons on the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board”

Here is what happens when a clown is reelected: State Farm sticks it to Louisiana Policyholders

Courtesy of Angela @ The State Farm Sucks Network And there is also a rumor going around State Farm will be opening a new claims center in Metairie someplace between the Lowes and the I-10 Service Road over by Causeway. Lest I digress… For our newer readers we cut our teeth here in the local … Continue reading “Here is what happens when a clown is reelected: State Farm sticks it to Louisiana Policyholders”

Yes I can verify…..

A picture is indeed worth a thousand words.  Unfortunately for the Slabbed Nation, Anthony Weiner’s cock shot has been removed from Yfrog so the link on yesterday’s Weinergate post no longer works. ‘Nuff said about that folks. There indeed may be nothing new under the sun but the new media certainly trail blazes old paths. I mention … Continue reading “Yes I can verify…..”

Jimbo the Clown never got the memo that Louisiana Citizens Insurance is insolvent. A Captured Regulator Update.

A dimmer bulb has never flickered in the Louisiana DOI folks. Donelon said he took off another 2.3 percent because it was excessive and served to build the company’s capital and reserves. “They don’t need to be building reserves” with rates, Donelon said. He said other fees help Citizens remain solvent. Reserves????  Didn’t you mean the … Continue reading “Jimbo the Clown never got the memo that Louisiana Citizens Insurance is insolvent. A Captured Regulator Update.”

Not long ago on Slabbed, Longshanks said the American people were in reality slaves…

And when you read the Rolling Stones article on Wall Street being completely above the law you’ll understand why you see names like Brooksley Born, Judge Jed Rakoff, AIG and crooked CEO John Mack in our archives. And sadly, I’ve concluded Longshanks is probably right, we are becoming economic slaves to financial interests and that the sheeple are too self-absorbed and ignorant to understand … Continue reading “Not long ago on Slabbed, Longshanks said the American people were in reality slaves…”

What a “good neighbor” – State Farm sticks another knife in coastal economy!

Rebecca Mowbray reports State Farm will raise rates for mom-and-pop landlords, drop their wind coverage in today’s Times Picayune: State Farm Fire and Casualty Co., the state’s largest residential insurer, is asking for an average 9.9 percent rate increase for homeowners coverage in Louisiana. The filing with the Department of Insurance comes just over a … Continue reading “What a “good neighbor” – State Farm sticks another knife in coastal economy!”

Market manipulation and price fixing explained to the point even a clown can understand. Paige St John exposes the State Farm shuffle in Florida for the Herald Tribune.

Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon Folks rarely does a business writer nail and explain a very complex subject in the interplay between our fragmented insurance markets here in the US  and the world of high finance but Paige St John over at the Herald Tribune explains how State Farm really didn’t pull out of Florida’s … Continue reading “Market manipulation and price fixing explained to the point even a clown can understand. Paige St John exposes the State Farm shuffle in Florida for the Herald Tribune.”

Before we covered political corruption in Jefferson Parish we cut our teeth on AIG.

“There would be nobody there to protect consumers except the lobbyists for the insurance companies,” Louisiana Insurance Commissioner James Donelon said. “That’s how federal regulation works.  He and others pointed to the financial collapse of AIG Inc. under federal regulation. AIG insurance companies under state regulation remained solvent.  It was never a question in my … Continue reading “Before we covered political corruption in Jefferson Parish we cut our teeth on AIG.”

From the Slabbed mail bag: Stop it Sop! You're making Mikey the Cook Cry!!

Folks the Slabbed mailbag is the gift that keeps on giving today (besides Poldawg) as my last post on Jim Donelon and Mike Chaney aka Jimbo the Clown and Mikey the Cook has evidently hit close to home.  I’ll freely admit the New Media is a concept that is mostly lost on career politicians and their entourage … Continue reading “From the Slabbed mail bag: Stop it Sop! You're making Mikey the Cook Cry!!”