Scott Walker plea: Additional Indictments possible

I’ll believe it when I see it Ladies and Gents. Meantime I could not make it to Hattiesburg yesterday so I have no analysis to offer beyond that already in the media so here are the salient links: Plea accepted: Scott Walker pleads guilty to conspiracy, fraud ~ Anita Lee Anita solves the Matt mystery … Continue reading “Scott Walker plea: Additional Indictments possible”

Inside the investigation: Who tattooed Scott Walker’s mortgage on the lot that DMR purchased via the Land Trust

Vital background via Anita Lee can be found here. The land deal closed 12 days before Scott Walker’s final, lump-sum payment was due on a loan at Merchants & Marine Bank, Jackson County land records show. Walker had used the property in July 2008 as collateral on a $310,590 loan, which called for monthly payments … Continue reading “Inside the investigation: Who tattooed Scott Walker’s mortgage on the lot that DMR purchased via the Land Trust”

Today’s multiple choice question? Who paid for certain of the furniture in Scott Walker’s beachfront house in Ocean Springs

A. The Mississippi Marine Resources Foundation B. The MIssissippi Department of Marine Resources C. The Estate of Michael Jackson D. Trick Question, Only schmucks pay for their own furniture As those of you reading certain of Slabbed’s recent DMR posts know, it seems as though all the dirty laundry is coming out. In fact it truly … Continue reading “Today’s multiple choice question? Who paid for certain of the furniture in Scott Walker’s beachfront house in Ocean Springs”

It’s official: Now there are two buttheads by the name of Scott Walker…..

Here is the local version on the right, a GOP wannabe in waiting from Jackson County and good buddy to Steven Palazzo. Here is the Wisconsin version.  At least our guy is a happy drunk. Naturally Jon Stewart had a take on this entire Scott Walker is an idiot saga and this is what he … Continue reading “It’s official: Now there are two buttheads by the name of Scott Walker…..”

From the putting in the fix files Scott Walker skates on his DUI trial via a bullshit technicality

Alright folks, who else is wondering how much Judge Cecil Byrd was paid to let the obviously drunk Scott Walker off the hook on a bullshit technicality? The Sun Herald has the breaking news story: The DUI trial of Scott Walker has been dismissed because of a “faulty affadavit” after it was pointed out in … Continue reading “From the putting in the fix files Scott Walker skates on his DUI trial via a bullshit technicality”

The Sun Herald updates the Scott Walker saga: Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

Given the recent google searches on Scott Walker that landed here on Slabbed I was very happy to see that Sun Herald reporter Margaret Baker updated this continuing story with the latest details today. Here is a snippet:  Municipal Court Judge Matthew Mestayer said Wednesday he and the city’s prosecuting attorney are recusing themselves from the … Continue reading “The Sun Herald updates the Scott Walker saga: Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”

Slabbed catches up with Scott Walker. His trial in DC rescheduled to August.

  Margaret Baker at the Sun Herald had the latest skinny on Mississippi east coast’s most famous drunk in former Ocean Springs mayoral candidate Scott Walker for yesterday’s paper.  Before I share the news on the outcome of today’s hearing, let’s visit with that story to catch up as we fast forward from April and Walker’s arrests on DUI … Continue reading “Slabbed catches up with Scott Walker. His trial in DC rescheduled to August.”

Not another dern Tee Vee lawyer: Slabbed takes a second peek at Scott Walker lawyer Bernie Grimm

I noticed we sent several outclicks up to Bernie Grimm, Scott Walker’s Washington DC based attorney from my last post on Scott Walker’s recent meltdown. After I hit “publish” it occurred to me I already knew Bernie (well kinda anyway) from his time as a talking head on Greta Van Susteren’s Fox news show. Since we … Continue reading “Not another dern Tee Vee lawyer: Slabbed takes a second peek at Scott Walker lawyer Bernie Grimm”