I’ve just been informed…..

That the newest chapter of the Slabbed Nation has been formed in Nova Scotia and those good folks are wanting to see a conclusion of some kind to our earlier posts on Trout Point Lodge and its connections to the Jefferson Parish Political Corruption Scandal.  How can I deny our newest fans such a request? … Continue reading “I’ve just been informed…..”

From the reader mailbag: Nova Scotia, Paulsen v State Farm and Redflex

Question: What is going on in Nova Scotia? Answer: Much of nothing good as business fell off drastically at chez girlz in 2010 when Aaron Br0ussard was forced from office in disgrace. In fact our friends over at The Jefferson Report recently profiled Aaron Broussard’s last financial disclosure and it appears he is selling out of the Canadian … Continue reading “From the reader mailbag: Nova Scotia, Paulsen v State Farm and Redflex”

Slabbed takes a look at the Trout Point business venture: Let's start at the end and work back.

I think by now even our most casual readers know our successor website, slabbed.org was knocked offline courtesy of the Times Picayune’s corporate parent Advance Publications and this started a chain of events that resulted in Slabbed temporarily being moved back to WordPress. I’d submit this was a miscalculation of gargantuan proportions for several reasons, which will … Continue reading “Slabbed takes a look at the Trout Point business venture: Let's start at the end and work back.”

In this episode of Magnum JD: Bull Durham comes to town and appears on the Toolman.

(Reader Warning: Please put your hip boots on as the bullshit gets deep.) So there I was watching the morning show on WWL early one morning last week with my trusty canine companion when the poor pooch had the misfortune of being on the receiving end of my coffee spew that roughly coincided with airing of … Continue reading “In this episode of Magnum JD: Bull Durham comes to town and appears on the Toolman.”

Yes, I can verify that Trout Point Lodge's Charles Leary and the soon to be indicted Aaron Broussard were "thick as thieves" up in Nova Scotia.

Former Wendell Gauthier partner Danny Abel was likely the early catalyst for Charles Leary of Trout Point Lodge and Aaron Broussard’s relationship on the Billy Hill Trails Society. Our readers may recall the gang up in Nova Scotia broke the link I posted documenting such relationship quicker than you can say Brokeback Mountain fast three times. Luckily for … Continue reading “Yes, I can verify that Trout Point Lodge's Charles Leary and the soon to be indicted Aaron Broussard were "thick as thieves" up in Nova Scotia.”

And to think Eric Paulsen had an insurance case against State Farm we somehow missed….

This pleading came to me captioned Gates – Best Pleading Ever and in a strange slabbed sort of way it is as we find an example of a plaintiffs lawyer doing some of the sleazy things we’ve come to expect from State Farm lawyers like our old friend Scot Spragins of Kuehn infamy. Best of all it allows … Continue reading “And to think Eric Paulsen had an insurance case against State Farm we somehow missed….”

Requiem for the Super 8 Motel Legal Department

Last week I received a heads up that Slabbed’s mortal enemy Daniel “Danny” Abel had died after being struck by a car in a hit and run just before Christmas last year. One would have to imagine the range of emotions that one experiences under such circumstances. I was on someone else’s dime however and … Continue reading “Requiem for the Super 8 Motel Legal Department”

Contempt of Court at the Super 8 Motel Legal Department……

As the contempt citations and Rule 11 sanctions mount on the author of the Trout Point Lodge Cookbook Daniel G. “Danny” Abel…… Finally, as demonstrated in the procedural history of this case and the court records, plaintiffs and plaintiffs’ counsel have demonstrated a clear pattern of frivolous and vexatious claims. Mr. Abel has also repeatedly … Continue reading “Contempt of Court at the Super 8 Motel Legal Department……”