Echos from the old days on finance: The Depth Charge

And it carries pretty much the standard definition in the world of financial message board communications as it does in the Navy. Wanna know a bit more about your fellow “anonymous” message boarders. Get a fix via sonar and then: After the explosion information always bubbles up and that was certainly the case with the … Continue reading “Echos from the old days on finance: The Depth Charge”

Sunday Links: The dangerous people of the internet strike again!

I start this morning with a three pack from the Sea Coast Echo: Fillingame wants loan to cover Bay’s bills ~ Cassandra Favre “I’m still not certain that we are okay on collecting people’s waste water and garbage fees and using them for something else,” Ward Five Councilman Joey Boudin said. “We go out and … Continue reading “Sunday Links: The dangerous people of the internet strike again!”

Wash, rinse, repeat: Aaron Broussard’s former property managers in Canada again sue Slabbed for defamation in Nova Scotia

Alternate Post Title: When the FBI comes knocking you know Slabbed’s House be rockin’!! Last month I attended a settlement conference in Magistrate Roper’s chambers at the US District Courthouse in Gulfport. Typically all the parties to the litigation must attend settlement conferences but the court excused Charles Leary and Vaughn Perret from attending due … Continue reading “Wash, rinse, repeat: Aaron Broussard’s former property managers in Canada again sue Slabbed for defamation in Nova Scotia”

Oh Si can you see Part Deux: Errol and the noisemakers.

Well folks I’m not quite sure where to start as Slabbed chips in another 2 cents worth on the remaking of the Times Picayune. By now I hope you guys have “Sometimes Picayune” fatigue but I know that is not the case with some of ya so here goes for those of you that want to … Continue reading “Oh Si can you see Part Deux: Errol and the noisemakers.”

Meet copywrite troll/porn lawyer Evan Stone of Texas: “That ain’t doughnut glaze….”

Folks in respects the disgraced Evan Stone is last year’s news but seeing as how the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals just bitch slapped his sorry ass with sanctions for conduct befitting a Goatherder I thought I’d highlight Stone and the legal shithouse from which he slithered beginning with this AP story from yesterday: It’s a common … Continue reading “Meet copywrite troll/porn lawyer Evan Stone of Texas: “That ain’t doughnut glaze….””